Key Reference

All functions assigned to shortcut keys can be executed from menus.

Browser Control 1 (File Menu)

Control + O
Open new page. A dialog will be shown to input the URL for the new page.
Control + Alt + I
Open the current page in the system default browser.
Control + W
Close current tab.
Control + I
Import new Fennec metadata file. aiBrowser copies the Fennec file file into aiBrowser's working directory and rebuild the metadata index to enable the new Fennec file.
Control + E
Export annotations of current page. If there is no annotation, export will be cancelled.
Control + Alt + E
Export all your annotations. aiBrowser creates a compressed file including all your annotations.

Navigate functions (Navigate Menu)

Down Arrow
Select next item and read it.
Up Arrow
Select previout item and read it.
Alt + Down Arrow
Read all items from current selected item to last item.
Return key or Space key
Click on the selected item, select a checkbox or radio button , open a dialog to edit text input, or select a combobox.
Stop speech.
Control + F
Open a search dialog box. The enter key will search forward for the target string.
Control + R
Open a search dialog box. The enter key will search backwards for the target string.
Control + Alt + K
Open an accesskey list dialog box. Pressing the Enter key in the dialog box will jump to the appropriate position. Or Alt + Shift + access key will directly jump to the position.
Apply the Fennec and user annotation manually if they were not applied automatically.
Control + Alt + N
Fennec metadata on/off.
Control + Alt + A
Toggle the audio description function on or off.

Jumping functions (Jump Menu)

Home or Control + Home
Jump to the top of a page.
End or Control + End
Jump to the bottom of a page.

H or Right Arrow
Go to the next heading.
Go to the next link.
Go to the next object (Flash, Windows Media Player, etc.)
Go to the next form item (input).
Go to the next list item.
Go to the next object item including multimedia.
Go to the next non-link text item.
Go to the next item for describing alternative text with a user annotation.
Shift + H or Left Arrow
Go to the previous heading.
Shift + Tab
Go to the previous link.
Shift + O
Go to the previous object.
Shift + F
Go to the previous form item.
Shift + I
Go to the previous list item.
Shift + M
Go to the previous object item including multimedia.
Shift + N
Go to the previous non-link text item.
Shift + A
Go to the previous item for describing alternative text with a user annotation.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Go to the next heading at level (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.)
Shift + 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Go to the previous heading at level (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.)

Multimedia Control (Multimedia Menu)

Control + P
Play video and audio.
Control + S
Stop video and audio.
Pause video and audio.
Control + M
Mute volume.
Control + J
Decrease volume.
Control + K
Increase volume.
Control + Shift + J
Decrease volume in small step.
Control + Shift + K
Increase volume in small step.
Control + Alt + PgUp
Increase speaking speed of speech engine.
Control + Alt + PgDn
Decrease speaking speed of speech engine.
Ctrl + R
Try to repair Flash automatically. This function makes a Flash content more accessible automatically by analyzing the Flash content. If the Flash content is not accessible then please try this function.

User Annotation (Annotation Menu)

Control + A
Open an input dialog box for alternative text as a user annotation. This is only applicable at a location that can be reached with the "A" command. To remove the added alternative text, press "Control + A" again and delete the text that has been entered.
Control + H
Set or Unset a landmark (level 1 heading) for the current item.
Control + Alt + S
Save the user annotations manually. (When the autosave option is checked, user annotations are saved automatically.)
Control + Alt + R
Remove all user annotations in the current page. (Warning: No undo for this function.)

Browser Control 2 (Window Menu)

Reload the page.
Alt + Right Arrow
Move forward in the browser history.
Alt + Left Arrow
Move backward in the browser history.
Alt + D
Focus on the address input field.
Ctrl + Tab
Change the focus to the next tab.
Ctrl + Shift + Tab
Change the focus to the previous tab.
Announce the current status.
Announce the current media status.
Control + Alt + T
Toggle the display of left views.