Package org.aspectj.apache.bcel.generic

package org.aspectj.apache.bcel.generic
  • Class
    Denotes array type, such as int[][]
    Denotes basic type such as int.
    BranchHandle is returned by specialized InstructionList.append() whenever a BranchInstruction is appended.
    Template class for building up a java class.
    Thrown on internal errors.
    This class represents an exception handler, i.e., specifies the region where a handler is active and an instruction where the actual handling is done.
    Template class for building up a field.
    Super class for FieldGen and MethodGen objects, since they have some methods in common!
    Super class for the GET/PUTxxx family of instructions.
    Super class for InvokeInstruction and FieldInstruction, since they have some methods in common!
    IINC - Increment local variable by constant
    Abstract super class for all Java byte codes.
    Abstract super class for branching instructions like GOTO, IFEQ, etc..
    Instruction that needs one byte
    A small subclass of the local variable accessing instruction class InstructionLV - this subclass does not allow the index to be altered.
    This interface contains shareable instruction objects.
    Class for instructions that use an index into the constant pool such as LDC, INVOKEVIRTUAL, etc.
    Instances of this class may be used, e.g., to generate typed versions of instructions.
    Instances of this class give users a handle to the instructions contained in an InstructionList.
    This class is a container for a list of Instruction objects.
    Abstract super class for instructions dealing with local variables.
    Select - Abstract super class for LOOKUPSWITCH and TABLESWITCH instructions.
    Instruction that needs one short
    Denote that a class targets InstructionHandles within an InstructionList.
    Interface implementing the Visitor pattern programming style.
    Super class for the INVOKExxx family of instructions.
    INVOKEINTERFACE - Invoke interface method
    This class represents a line number within a method, i.e., give an instruction a line number corresponding to the source code line.
    we don't actually target instructions, but instructions target us.
    This class represents a local variable within a method.
    LOOKUPSWITCH - Switch with unordered set of values
    Template class for building up a method.
    MULTIANEWARRAY - Create new mutidimensional array of references
    Denotes reference such as java.lang.String.
    Super class for object and array types.
    RET - Return from subroutine
    Returnaddress, the type JSR or JSR_W instructions push upon the stack.
    SWITCH - Branch depending on int value, generates either LOOKUPSWITCH or TABLESWITCH instruction, depending on whether the match values (int[]) can be sorted with no gaps between the numbers.
    TABLESWITCH - Switch within given range of values, i.e., low..high
    A tag is an instruction-targeter that does not remember its target.
    Thrown by InstructionList.remove() when one or multiple disposed instruction are still being referenced by a InstructionTargeter object.
    Abstract super class for all possible java types, namely basic types such as int, object types like String and array types, e.g.