Package org.aspectj.weaver.bcel
package org.aspectj.weaver.bcel
ClassDescriptionRepresents access to an annotation on an element, relating to some kinded pointcut.Used to represent a variable reference to an aspect instance.Annotation defined aspect reader.LazyResolvedPointcutDefinition lazyly resolve the pointcut so that we have time to register all pointcut referenced before pointcut resolution happensLooks for all access to method or field that are not public within the body of the around advices and replace the invocations to a wrapper call so that the around advice can further be inlined.Wraps a Bcel Annotation object and uses it to answer AnnotationAJ method calls.XXX Erik and I need to discuss this hierarchy.This type munger will modify a given class (see the munge() method) to include a field representing a CflowCounter object.An implementation of the constant pool reader that speaks Bcel.XXX Erik and I need to discuss this hierarchy.A utility class that assists in unpacking constituent parts of generic signature attributes and returning their equivalents in UnresolvedType world.Adds aspectOf(), hasAspect() etc to the annotation defined aspectsWraps a reference to a classloader inside a WeakReference.Bcel implementation of the weaving support required in a BcelWorld which will actually modify bytecode.exceptionRanges are set initially to be low priority.For implementing declare @type interacting with declare @parents during compilation - we need to be able to add an annotation to 'binary type binding' (this is how types are seen during incremental compilation).Lazy lazy lazy.A LazyMethodGen should be treated as a MethodGen.Used for @this() @target() @args() - represents accessing an annotated 'thing'.A type delegate resolver is able to create type delegates for a named reference type.