******************************************************** ** Description: UML Class Diagram to UML Profile ATL transformation scenario ** Author: Freddy Allilaire ** Date: Novembre 19, 2007 ******************************************************** This ATL scenario transforms a UML2 Class Diagram into a UML2 Profile. Transformation files: --------------------- - UML2Copy.atl: ATL transformation (generated by Dennis Wagelaar) made a copy a UML model. This transformation is used by the UMLCD2UMLProfile transformation thanks to superimposition mechanism. - UMLCD2UMLProfile: This ATL file transforms a UML Class Diagram into a UML Profile. Metamodel: ---------- All the models conform to UML2 metamodel. The UML2 metamodel version is: http://www.eclipse.org/uml2/2.1.0/UML. Sample file: ------------- - InputModel/Book.uml: This file is simple UML Class Diagram file and is used as input example by this transformation scenario. RM: This scenario can be executed with the Ant file "Transformations/build.xml" or with the ATL launch configuration "Transformations/UMLCD2UMLProfile.launch".