KM3 metamodel to ATL comparison transformation Bas Graaf SERG - Software Engineering Research Group Delft University of Technology INTRO This package include a higher-order transformation (HOT) that takes a KM3 metamodel as source model and generates a model of an ATL transformation. This transformation takes two source models (an implementation and an architecture model) that conform to that metamodel and generates a target model that is the union of the two source models with each of the model elements labelled convergent, divergent or absent depending on their occurrence in one or both of the architecture and implementation models. The HOT makes it possible to generically compare models conforming to metamodels that describe architectural module views. The HOT accepts source models that are injected KM3 models. They should define four abstract elements, namely ViewElement, and its specialisations: ViewEntity, ViewRelation, and ViewRoot. The rest of the metamodel should extend these generic elements, for instance, a Module element would extend a ViewEntity, while a Uses element would extend a ViewRelation. The HOT generates appropriate transformation rules and helpers for all elements in the KM3 source model. The generated helpers for determining whether an element in the implementation model correspond to an element in the architecture model (isMapping) do this based on naming for ViewEntity elements. For ViewRelation elements correspondence is determined by checking whether the source and the target of the ViewRelation are mappings of each other. REQUIREMENTS This package requires a correct installation of ATL and AM3 plugins (2.0RC2 via Eclipse update). Furthermore, for visualisation of generated models Graphviz is required. EXECUTION For a complete execution of all involved steps, simply execute the ANT build script. CONTENTS This package contains an eclipse ATL project that includes the following files and directories: metamodels: MADL.KM3 - an example metamodel for simple module-uses views KM3.ecore - metamodel for KM3 models (source metamodel of HOT) ATL-0.2.ecore - metamodel for ATL models (target metamodel of HOT) ATL-0.2-TCS.ecore, TCS.ecore - metamodels needed for extraction of ATL models into ATL file models: architectureModel.ecore - sample source model (for generated transformation) implementationModel.ecore - sample source model (for generated transformation) transformations KM32CONFATL.atl - HOT for generation of comparison transformation model MADL2DOT.atl - Transformation to generate DOT model from MADL model for visualisation purpose DOT2Text.atl - Query to generate DOT code from DOT model KM32EMF.atl - Transform KM3 model into EMF model, such that it can serve as source or target metamodel for ATL transformations build.xml - ANT build script that does the following: 1) inject MADL.KM3 into a KM3 model 2) apply KM32CONF.atl to injected KM3 model to generate ATL model 3) extract ATL model in conf4MADL.atl file 4) apply conf4MADL.atl to implementationModel.ecore and architectureModel.ecore to evaluate conformance 5) Apply MADL2DOT to all source and target MADL models 6) Extract all generated DOT models into .dot files 7) Process generated .dot files with dotty to generate PostScript files All generated files are placed in the target directory (might require refresh of workspace). target_example - contains example copies of the files that should be generated automatically in the target directory by the ANT build script