This transformation implements the case study used in the Workshop Model Transformations in Practice collocated with the MoDELS Conference, October, 2005. The description of the case study can be found at the workshop web site: Two versions of the SimpleClass2SimpleRDBMS transformation have been developed: - The first one, which is presented in [1], uses some ATL features that are not implemented in the engine yet. Its purpose is to illustrate the planned features of the language. - The second one, coming with this README.txt, is another version that works with the ATL engine available on as of November 2005. This second version uses roughly the same helpers as the first version. Example files: SimpleClass.km3 - the source metamodel expressed in KM3. SimpleRDBMS.km3 - the target metamodel expressed in KM3. KM32SimpleClass.atl - ATL transformation that creates a model conforming to the source metamodel from a KM3 model: SimpleClass is really close to KM3 and we do not want to type a sample in XMI. Sample.km3 - this is a sample source model expressed in KM3. It must be transformed to a SimpleClass model by using the KM32SimpleClass transformation. Sample-KM3.ecore - this is an XMI version of Sample.km3: a sample KM3 model. Sample-SimpleClass.ecore - a sample source model obtained by applying KM32SimpleClass to Sample.km3. SimpleClass2SimpleRDBMS.atl - the implementation of the case study in ATL. Sample-SimpleRDBMS.ecore - the resulting model derived from Sample_SimpleClass.ecore after applying the SimpleClass2SimpleRDBMS transformation. References: [1] Jouault, F., and Kurtev, I., Transforming Models with ATL, in proceedings of Model Transformations in Practice Workshop, October 3rd 2005, part of the MoDELS 2005 Conference This paper may be obtained from