This project contains the UML2OWL scenario. This ATL scenario presents an implementation of the OMG's ODM specification. This transformation is used to produce an OWL ontology + OWL Individuals from a UML Model + UML Instances. -- Important -- -- To use this transformation scenario, you need to install the UML 2.0 plugin v2.0 or above available at in order to reference the UML Metamodel used by transformations. -- -- -- -- Transformation files: - UML2OWL.atl: The core transformation of the scenario. It is the implementation in ATL of the QVT mapping UML2OWL from ODM specification. It produces an OWL Model from a UML 2.0 Model. - OWL/XmlSyntax/OWL2XML.atl: ATL transformation that transforms an OWL Model into an XML models with OWL/XML syntax elements. - build.xml: An ANT script that automatically executes the 2 ATL transformations and the XML extractor to produce from a uml model an owl document that contains the ontology. It can be executed by right-clicking on it, then clicking on "Run As->Ant Build". To execute this transformation on other uml examples, place your uml models in Samples/UMLModels and change property -- model -- value in ANT script with your uml model name. Metamodel files: - AMMACore/XML.ecore: XML metamodel in EMF XMI 2.0 format. This metamodel is part of standard metamodels used with ATL. It is used when models are tranformed into XML documents or vice versa. - OWL/OWL.km3: OWL Metamodel in km3 textual syntax. This Metamodel has been designed by following the ODM specification. - OWL/OWL.ecore: OWL Metamodel in Ecore EMF XMI 2.0 format. Sample files: - Samples/UMLModels/Museum.uml: This UML model represents a Museum. This example that is a well known in the RQL (RDF Query language) communty. This Model also contains some Instances. These latters are used to demonstrate the feasability to create a knowledge base (OWL Individuals) from UML Instances. This Model is conform to the UML 2.0 Metamodel available at - Samples/OWLModels/Museum-OWL.ecore: The Museum Model conforms to the OWL Metamodel. This Model is obtained after executing the UML2OWL.atl transformation. - Samples/UMLFiles/Museum.owl: This file is the Museum ontology in OWL/XML format after executing the OWL2XML transformation and the XML extractor. This file can be used in an ontology editor like Protégé.