UML Sequence Diagrams to UML Statechart Diagrams Bas Graaf SWERL - SoftWare Evolution Research Lab Delft University of Technology These transformations transform a set of UML sequence diagrams into a (hierarchical) UML statechart. The transformations are based on the algorithm described by [1]. The complete generation of a statechart from a set of scenarios comprises four consecutive model transformations: applyDomainTheory: Applies pre- and postconditions specified on a class' operations to messages in sequence diagrams sent or received by objects of that class. SD2flatSTMD: Generates for every sequence diagram a `flat' state machine for the object of the class that is marked active. Furthermore, based on the pre- and postconditions applied to the messages in the sequence diagrams, it applies a set of constraint to each generated state. These constraints are state invariants. Each set is referred to as a state vector and describes the current state of the object in terms of state variables. mergeflatSTMD: States that are identical, based on their state vectors, are merged. Two state are identical if their state vectors are unifiable. Redundant transitions (as result of the merging) are discarded. For merging we only consider a partition of the state variables. The user can indicate the state variables to be included in the partition by setting the visibility of their corresponding class attributes to public, and that of all others to private. addHierarchy: Using an ordering on the state variables in the selected partition, composite states are added to the state chart. The ordering is represented by the order in which corresponding attributes occur on the class (the top one is most important). The example input model is the same ATM example as used in [1]. In general input models contain: * a set of sequence diagrams: All messages should correspond to operations in the class model. * a class model: For all objects that occur in the sequence diagram a class is modelled that include all operations referred to in the sequence diagrams. To these operations pre- and postconditions can be applied as constraints having <>, and <> stereotypes. These constraints have the form: {object.statevariable=value}. The class of interest (for which to generate a statechart) should be marked active. Its state variables are added as attributes. Pubic attributes are included in the state variable partition for adding hierarchy, private attributes not. Every attribute is of a dedicated type. This is an enumeration that represents (an abstraction of) the domain of the statevariable. Enumeration literals are encoded as attribute names. Poseidon for UML 3.01 Community Edition was used to create the input model. The output was visualized using Borland's Together. Here, we used two different tools because a metamodel was available for Poseidon, while Together on the other hand is capable of displaying UML models that lack diagram information. To transform the XMI flavor used by Poseidon into that of Together a simple XSLT transformation was used. CONTENTS ./models: * The ATM example is in atm.zuml and was exported to atm.xmi. This is the source model for the first transformation (applyDomainTheory * All target models are named similar to the transformation. * Models suffixed with _tcc.xmi are the result of applying the poseidon2together XSLT transformation. These can be imported into Together. ./transformations: * ATL transformations corresponding to the steps described above (these are to be executed in the following order: applyDomainTheory -> SD2flatSTMD -> mergeflatSTMD -> addHierarchy applyDomainTheory used ./models/atm.xmi as source model the others use the target of the previous transformation as source model) * XSLT transformation Poseidon->Together ./metamodel: * Metamodel used by Poseidon (3.01) ./doc * A together project containing diagrams of the results of the transformations, * Screen-dumps of the diagrams of the ATM input example, * Screen-dumps of the results of the transformations, * Screen-dumps of Eclipse run configurations, [1] Jon Whittle and Johann Schumann. Generating statechart designs from scenarios. In Proc. 22nd Int'l Conf. Software Engineering (ICSE 2000), pages 314-323. IEEE CS, 2000.