Configuring getting started samples
This procedure describes how to configure Che Dashboard to display custom samples.
An active
session with administrative permissions to the Kubernetes cluster. See Overview of kubectl.
Create a JSON file with the samples configuration. The file must contain an array of objects, where each object represents a sample.
cat > my-samples.json <<EOF [ { "displayName": "<display_name>", (1) "description": "<description>", (2) "tags": <tags>, (3) "url": "<url>", (4) "icon": { "base64data": "<base64data>", (5) "mediatype": "<mediatype>" (6) } } ] EOF
1 The display name of the sample. 2 The description of the sample. 3 The JSON array of tags, for example, ["java", "spring"]
.4 The URL to the repository containing the devfile. 5 The base64-encoded data of the icon. 6 The media type of the icon. For example, image/png
. -
Create a ConfigMap with the samples configuration:
kubectl create configmap getting-started-samples --from-file=my-samples.json -n eclipse-che
Add the required labels to the ConfigMap:
kubectl label configmap getting-started-samples -n eclipse-che
Refresh the Che Dashboard page to see the new samples.