Configuring getting started samples

This procedure describes how to configure Che Dashboard to display custom samples.

  • An active kubectl session with administrative permissions to the Kubernetes cluster. See Overview of kubectl.

  1. Create a JSON file with the samples configuration. The file must contain an array of objects, where each object represents a sample.

    cat > my-samples.json <<EOF
        "displayName": "<display_name>", (1)
        "description": "<description>", (2)
        "tags": <tags>, (3)
        "url": "<url>", (4)
        "icon": {
          "base64data": "<base64data>", (5)
          "mediatype": "<mediatype>" (6)
    1 The display name of the sample.
    2 The description of the sample.
    3 The JSON array of tags, for example, ["java", "spring"].
    4 The URL to the repository containing the devfile.
    5 The base64-encoded data of the icon.
    6 The media type of the icon. For example, image/png.
  2. Create a ConfigMap with the samples configuration:

    kubectl create configmap getting-started-samples --from-file=my-samples.json -n eclipse-che
  3. Add the required labels to the ConfigMap:

    kubectl label configmap getting-started-samples -n eclipse-che
  4. Refresh the Che Dashboard page to see the new samples.