Configuring default extensions

Default extensions are a pre-installed set of extensions, specified by putting the extension binary .vsix file path to the DEFAULT_EXTENSIONS environment variable.

After startup, the editor checks for this environment variable, and if it is specified, takes the path to the extensions and installs it in the background without disturbing the user.

Configuring default extensions is useful for installing .vsix extensions from the editor level.

If you want to specify multiple extensions, separate them by semicolon.


Read on to learn how to define the DEFAULT_EXTENSIONS environment variable, including multiple examples of adding .vsix files to your workspace.

There are three different ways to embed default .vsix extensions into your workspace:

  • Put the extension binary into the source repository.

  • Use the devfile postStart event to fetch extension binaries from the network.

  • Include the extensions' .vsix binaries in the che-code image.

Putting the extension binary into the source repository

Putting the extension binary into the Git repository and defining the environment variable in the devfile is the easiest way to add default extensions to your workspace. If the extension.vsix file exists in the repository root, you can set the DEFAULT_EXTENSIONS for a tooling container.

  • Specify DEFAULT_EXTENSIONS in your .devfile.yaml as shown in the following example:

    schemaVersion: 2.3.0
      generateName: example-project
      - name: tools
            - name: 'DEFAULT_EXTENSIONS'
              value: '/projects/example-project/extension.vsix'
Using the devfile postStart event to fetch extension binaries from the network

You can use cURL or GNU Wget to download extensions to your workspace. For that you need to:

  • specify a devfile command to download extensions to your workpace

  • add a postStart event to run the command on workspace startup

  • define the DEFAULT_EXTENSIONS environment variable in the devfile

  • Add the values shown in the following example to the devfile:

    schemaVersion: 2.3.0
      generateName: example-project
      - name: tools
            - name: DEFAULT_EXTENSIONS
              value: '/tmp/extension-1.vsix;/tmp/extension-2.vsix'
      - id: add-default-extensions
          # name of the tooling container
          component: tools
          # download several extensions using curl
          commandLine: |
            curl https://.../extension-1.vsix --location -o /tmp/extension-1.vsix
            curl https://.../extension-2.vsix --location -o /tmp/extension-2.vsix
        - add-default-extensions

    In some cases curl may download a .gzip compressed file. This might make installing the extension impossible. To fix that try to save the file as a .vsix.gz file and then decompress it with gunzip. This will replace the .vsix.gz file with an unpacked .vsix file.

    curl https://some-extension-url --location -o /tmp/extension.vsix.gz
    gunzip /tmp/extension.vsix.gz
Including the extensions .vsix binaries in the che-code image.

With default extensions bundled in the editor image, and the DEFAULT_EXTENSIONS environment variable defined in the ConfigMap, you can apply the default extensions without changing the devfile.

Following the steps below to add the extensions you need to the editor image.

  • Create a directory and place your selected .vsix extensions in this directory.

  • Create a Dockerfile with the following content:

    # inherit che-incubator/che-code:latest
    USER 0
    # copy all .vsix files to /default-extensions directory
    RUN mkdir --mode=775 /default-extensions
    COPY --chmod=755 *.vsix /default-extensions/
    # add instruction to the script to copy default extensions to the working container
    RUN echo "cp -r /default-extensions /checode/" >> /
  • Build the image and then push it to a registry:

    $ docker build -t yourname/che-code:next .
    $ docker push yourname/che-code:next
  • Add the new ConfigMap to the user’s namespace, define the DEFAULT_EXTENSIONS environment variable, and specify the absolute paths to the extensions. This ConfigMap sets the environment variable to all workspaces in the user’s namespace.

    kind: ConfigMap
    apiVersion: v1
      name: vscode-default-extensions
      labels: 'true' 'true'
      annotations: env
      DEFAULT_EXTENSIONS: '/checode/default-extensions/extension1.vsix;/checode/default-extensions/extension2.vsix'
  • Create a workspace using yourname/che-code:next image. First, open the dashboard and navigate to the Create Workspace tab on the left side.

    1. In the Editor Selector section, expand the Use an Editor Definition dropdown and set the editor URI to the Editor Image.

    2. Create a workspace by clicking on any sample or by using a Git repository URL.