Configuring default editor definition

Learn how to configure Che default editor definition.

  1. Find out the IDs of the available editors:

    kubectl exec deploy/che-dashboard -n eclipse-che  \
        -- curl -s http://localhost:8080/dashboard/api/editors | jq -r '.[] | "\(.metadata.attributes.publisher)/\(\(.metadata.attributes.version)"'
  2. Configure the defaultEditor:

    kubectl patch checluster/eclipse-che \
        --namespace eclipse-che \
        --type='merge' \
        -p '{"spec":{"devEnvironments":{"defaultEditor": "<default_editor>"}}}'(1)
    1 The default editor for creating a workspace can be specified using either a plugin ID or a URI. The plugin ID should follow the format: publisher/name/version. See available editors IDs in the first step.