Limiting the number of workspaces that all users can run simultaneously

By default, all users can run unlimited number of workspaces. You can limit the number of workspaces that all users can run simultaneously. This configuration is part of the CheCluster Custom Resource:

    maxNumberOfRunningWorkspacesPerCluster: <running_workspaces_limit>(1)
1 The maximum number of concurrently running workspaces across the entire Kubernetes cluster. This applies to all users in the system. If the value is set to -1, it means there is no limit on the number of running workspaces.
  1. Configure the maxNumberOfRunningWorkspacesPerCluster:

    kubectl patch checluster/eclipse-che -n eclipse-che \
    --type='merge' -p \
    '{"spec":{"devEnvironments":{"maxNumberOfRunningWorkspacesPerCluster": <running_workspaces_limit>}}}'(1)
    1 Your choice of the <running_workspaces_limit> value.