Benefits of reviewing pull and merge requests in Eclipse Che

Eclipse Che workspace contains all tools you need to review pull and merge requests from start to finish. By clicking a Che link, you get access to Eclipse Che-supported web IDE with a ready-to-use workspace where you can run a linter, unit tests, the build and more.

  • You have access to the repository hosted by your Git provider.

  • You have access to a Che instance.

  1. Open the feature branch to review in Che. A clone of the branch opens in a workspace with tools for debugging and testing.

  2. Check the pull or merge request changes.

  3. Run your desired debugging and testing tools:

    • Run a linter.

    • Run unit tests.

    • Run the build.

    • Run the application to check for problems.

  4. Navigate to UI of your Git provider to leave comment and pull or merge your assigned request.

  • (optional) Open a second workspace using the main branch of the repository to reproduce a problem.