Connecting JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate Edition to a Che workspace

Eclipse Che supports connecting your local IntelliJ IDE to a running Che workspace over JetBrains Gateway.

  1. The JetBrains Gateway application is installed.

  2. The Gateway provider for OpenShift Dev Spaces is installed.

  3. In your local terminal, you are logged in to your OpenShift server with the OpenShift Client.

    The oc login command establishes the authenticated session and saves the connection information to the configuration file which is read by the Gateway provider for OpenShift Dev Spaces.

  1. Create a workspace on the Che Dashboard and choose IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate (desktop) editor:

    IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate on Dashboard
  2. Wait for the prompt to open your local JetBrains Gateway application to appear:

    Open Gateway prompt

Click the Open Gateway button to start your local JetBrains Client application connected to your Dev Spaces workspace:

Connecting to remote host
Connecting JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate Edition to an existing workspace

There are two options to connect the local IntelliJ IDE to an existing workspace:

  • from the Che Dashboard

  • from the Gateway application

The simplest way to connect to an existing workspace is to start a workspace from the Che Dashboard and click the Open Gateway button. However, with the Gateway application, you can connect the IntelliJ IDE to your workspace without accessing the Che Dashboard.

  1. Open the Gateway app and click Connect to Dev Spaces:

    JetBrains Gateway main window
  2. On the next page, provide the parameters to connect to the OpenShift API server and click the Check Connection and Continue button:

    Connecting to OpenShift API server
  3. Choose your workspace and click the Connect button:

    Connecting to OpenShift API server
  1. Your local Gateway application is running the JetBrains Client and connects to the workspace.

    Connecting to remote host