Microsoft Visual Studio Code - Open Source IDE

The Che build of Microsoft Visual Studio Code - Open Source is the default IDE of a new workspace.

You can automate installation of Microsoft Visual Studio Code extensions from the Open VSX registry at workspace startup. See Automating installation of Microsoft Visual Studio Code extensions at workspace startup.

  • Use Tasks to find and run the commands specified in devfile.yaml.

  • Use Eclipse Che commands by clicking Eclipse Che in the Status Bar or finding them through the Command Palette:

    • Eclipse Che: Open Dashboard

    • Eclipse Che: Open OpenShift Console

    • Eclipse Che: Stop Workspace

    • Eclipse Che: Restart Workspace

    • Eclipse Che: Restart Workspace from Local Devfile

    • Eclipse Che: Open Documentation

Configure IDE preferences on a per-workspace basis by invoking the Command Palette and selecting Preferences: Open Workspace Settings.

You might see your organization’s branding in this IDE if your organization customized it through a branded build.

Automating installation of Microsoft Visual Studio Code extensions at workspace startup

To have the Microsoft Visual Studio Code - Open Source IDE automatically install chosen extensions, you can add an extensions.json file to the remote Git repository that contains your project source code and that will be cloned into workspaces.

  1. Get the publisher and extension names of each chosen extension:

    1. Find the extension on the Open VSX registry website and copy the URL of the extension’s listing page.

    2. Extract the <publisher> and <extension> names from the copied URL:<publisher>/<extension>
  2. Create a .vscode/extensions.json file in the remote Git repository.

  3. Add the <publisher> and <extension> names to the extensions.json file as follows:

        "recommendations": [
  1. Start a new workspace by using the URL of the remote Git repository that contains the created extensions.json file.

  2. In the IDE of the workspace, press Ctrl+Shift+X or go to Extensions to find each of the extensions listed in the file.

  3. The extension has the label This extension is enabled globally.