Package org.eclipse.collections.api.block.procedure.primitive
This package contains API for PrimitivePrimitiveProcedure, PrimitiveObjectProcedure, ObjectPrimitiveProcedure.
These primitive procedures are lambdas or closures with no return argument and and accept primitive or object arguments.
Interface Summary Interface Description BooleanBooleanProcedure A BooleanBooleanProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive boolean as the first and a primitive boolean as the second argument.BooleanByteProcedure A BooleanByteProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive boolean as the first and a primitive byte as the second argument.BooleanCharProcedure A BooleanCharProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive boolean as the first and a primitive char as the second argument.BooleanDoubleProcedure A BooleanDoubleProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive boolean as the first and a primitive double as the second argument.BooleanFloatProcedure A BooleanFloatProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive boolean as the first and a primitive float as the second argument.BooleanIntProcedure A BooleanIntProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive boolean as the first and a primitive int as the second argument.BooleanLongProcedure A BooleanLongProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive boolean as the first and a primitive long as the second argument.BooleanObjectProcedure<T> A two argument procedure that takes a primitive boolean and type T as the arguments.BooleanProcedure A one argument procedure that takes a primitive boolean as the argument.BooleanShortProcedure A BooleanShortProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive boolean as the first and a primitive short as the second argument.ByteBooleanProcedure A ByteBooleanProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive byte as the first and a primitive boolean as the second argument.ByteByteProcedure A ByteByteProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive byte as the first and a primitive byte as the second argument.ByteCharProcedure A ByteCharProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive byte as the first and a primitive char as the second argument.ByteDoubleProcedure A ByteDoubleProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive byte as the first and a primitive double as the second argument.ByteFloatProcedure A ByteFloatProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive byte as the first and a primitive float as the second argument.ByteIntProcedure A ByteIntProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive byte as the first and a primitive int as the second argument.ByteLongProcedure A ByteLongProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive byte as the first and a primitive long as the second argument.ByteObjectProcedure<T> A two argument procedure that takes a primitive byte and type T as the arguments.ByteProcedure A one argument procedure that takes a primitive byte as the argument.ByteShortProcedure A ByteShortProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive byte as the first and a primitive short as the second argument.CharBooleanProcedure A CharBooleanProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive char as the first and a primitive boolean as the second argument.CharByteProcedure A CharByteProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive char as the first and a primitive byte as the second argument.CharCharProcedure A CharCharProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive char as the first and a primitive char as the second argument.CharDoubleProcedure A CharDoubleProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive char as the first and a primitive double as the second argument.CharFloatProcedure A CharFloatProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive char as the first and a primitive float as the second argument.CharIntProcedure A CharIntProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive char as the first and a primitive int as the second argument.CharLongProcedure A CharLongProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive char as the first and a primitive long as the second argument.CharObjectProcedure<T> A two argument procedure that takes a primitive char and type T as the arguments.CharProcedure A one argument procedure that takes a primitive char as the argument.CharShortProcedure A CharShortProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive char as the first and a primitive short as the second argument.DoubleBooleanProcedure A DoubleBooleanProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive double as the first and a primitive boolean as the second argument.DoubleByteProcedure A DoubleByteProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive double as the first and a primitive byte as the second argument.DoubleCharProcedure A DoubleCharProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive double as the first and a primitive char as the second argument.DoubleDoubleProcedure A DoubleDoubleProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive double as the first and a primitive double as the second argument.DoubleFloatProcedure A DoubleFloatProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive double as the first and a primitive float as the second argument.DoubleIntProcedure A DoubleIntProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive double as the first and a primitive int as the second argument.DoubleLongProcedure A DoubleLongProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive double as the first and a primitive long as the second argument.DoubleObjectProcedure<T> A two argument procedure that takes a primitive double and type T as the arguments.DoubleProcedure A one argument procedure that takes a primitive double as the argument.DoubleShortProcedure A DoubleShortProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive double as the first and a primitive short as the second argument.FloatBooleanProcedure A FloatBooleanProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive float as the first and a primitive boolean as the second argument.FloatByteProcedure A FloatByteProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive float as the first and a primitive byte as the second argument.FloatCharProcedure A FloatCharProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive float as the first and a primitive char as the second argument.FloatDoubleProcedure A FloatDoubleProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive float as the first and a primitive double as the second argument.FloatFloatProcedure A FloatFloatProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive float as the first and a primitive float as the second argument.FloatIntProcedure A FloatIntProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive float as the first and a primitive int as the second argument.FloatLongProcedure A FloatLongProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive float as the first and a primitive long as the second argument.FloatObjectProcedure<T> A two argument procedure that takes a primitive float and type T as the arguments.FloatProcedure A one argument procedure that takes a primitive float as the argument.FloatShortProcedure A FloatShortProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive float as the first and a primitive short as the second argument.IntBooleanProcedure A IntBooleanProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive int as the first and a primitive boolean as the second argument.IntByteProcedure A IntByteProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive int as the first and a primitive byte as the second argument.IntCharProcedure A IntCharProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive int as the first and a primitive char as the second argument.IntDoubleProcedure A IntDoubleProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive int as the first and a primitive double as the second argument.IntFloatProcedure A IntFloatProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive int as the first and a primitive float as the second argument.IntIntProcedure A IntIntProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive int as the first and a primitive int as the second argument.IntLongProcedure A IntLongProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive int as the first and a primitive long as the second argument.IntObjectProcedure<T> A two argument procedure that takes a primitive int and type T as the arguments.IntProcedure A one argument procedure that takes a primitive int as the argument.IntShortProcedure A IntShortProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive int as the first and a primitive short as the second argument.LongBooleanProcedure A LongBooleanProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive long as the first and a primitive boolean as the second argument.LongByteProcedure A LongByteProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive long as the first and a primitive byte as the second argument.LongCharProcedure A LongCharProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive long as the first and a primitive char as the second argument.LongDoubleProcedure A LongDoubleProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive long as the first and a primitive double as the second argument.LongFloatProcedure A LongFloatProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive long as the first and a primitive float as the second argument.LongIntProcedure A LongIntProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive long as the first and a primitive int as the second argument.LongLongProcedure A LongLongProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive long as the first and a primitive long as the second argument.LongObjectProcedure<T> A two argument procedure that takes a primitive long and type T as the arguments.LongProcedure A one argument procedure that takes a primitive long as the argument.LongShortProcedure A LongShortProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive long as the first and a primitive short as the second argument.ObjectBooleanProcedure<T> A two argument procedure that takes a type T and primitive boolean as the arguments.ObjectByteProcedure<T> A two argument procedure that takes a type T and primitive byte as the arguments.ObjectCharProcedure<T> A two argument procedure that takes a type T and primitive char as the arguments.ObjectDoubleProcedure<T> A two argument procedure that takes a type T and primitive double as the arguments.ObjectFloatProcedure<T> A two argument procedure that takes a type T and primitive float as the arguments.ObjectIntProcedure<T> A two argument procedure that takes a type T and primitive int as the arguments.ObjectLongProcedure<T> A two argument procedure that takes a type T and primitive long as the arguments.ObjectShortProcedure<T> A two argument procedure that takes a type T and primitive short as the arguments.ShortBooleanProcedure A ShortBooleanProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive short as the first and a primitive boolean as the second argument.ShortByteProcedure A ShortByteProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive short as the first and a primitive byte as the second argument.ShortCharProcedure A ShortCharProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive short as the first and a primitive char as the second argument.ShortDoubleProcedure A ShortDoubleProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive short as the first and a primitive double as the second argument.ShortFloatProcedure A ShortFloatProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive short as the first and a primitive float as the second argument.ShortIntProcedure A ShortIntProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive short as the first and a primitive int as the second argument.ShortLongProcedure A ShortLongProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive short as the first and a primitive long as the second argument.ShortObjectProcedure<T> A two argument procedure that takes a primitive short and type T as the arguments.ShortProcedure A one argument procedure that takes a primitive short as the argument.ShortShortProcedure A ShortShortProcedure is a two argument lambda or closure which has no return argument and takes a primitive short as the first and a primitive short as the second argument.