Package org.eclipse.collections.impl.factory
package org.eclipse.collections.impl.factory
This package contains static utilities for creating mutable and immutable collection factories.
- See Also:
for creating Lists
for creating Sets
for creating SortedSets
for creating Bags
for creating Stacks
for creating Maps
for creating SortedMaps
for creating BiMaps
for creating Multimaps
for creating Sets with HashingStrategy
for creating Maps with HashingStrategy
for static import friendly shortcuts for creating Lists, Sets, Bags and Maps
ClassDescriptionThis class should be used to create instances of MutableBag and ImmutableBagThis class should be used to create instances of MutableList, ImmutableList and FixedSizeListThis class should be used to create instances of MutableMap, ImmutableMap and FixedSizeMapSet algebra operations are available in this class as static utility.This class can be used to create instances of CharAdapter and CodePointAdapter.