Wrapping up this crazy year, the Ditto team is happy to announce the next feature update of Ditto 1.x: Eclipse Ditto 1.5.0

1.5.0 focuses on:

  • Desired properties management (CRUD)
  • Addition of “cloudevents” HTTP endpoint
  • Ditto internal pub/sub supports using a “grouping” concept which improves Ditto’s scalability capabilities
  • Issuing “weak Acknowledgements” when a command requesting acks was filtered out by Ditto (improvement of “at least once” delivery scenarios)
  • Feature ID may be used in header mappings of connections

Please have a look at the 1.5.0 release notes for a more detailed information on the release.


The new Java artifacts have been published at the Eclipse Maven repository as well as Maven central.

Also the Ditto Java client’s artifacts were published to Maven central.

The Docker images have been pushed to Docker Hub:

Kubernetes ready: Helm chart

In order to run Eclipse Ditto in a Kubernetes environment, best rely on the official Helm chart and deploy Ditto via the Helm package manager.


The Eclipse Ditto team