Eclipse changed in incompatible ways between 3.7 and 4.2 in ways that affect plug-ins. The following entries describe the areas that changed and provide instructions for migrating 3.7 plug-ins to 4.2. Note that you only need to look here if you are experiencing problems running your 3.7 plug-in on 4.2.
What is affected: Clients that call the following methods for storing and retrieving passwords in the platform keyring file:
Description: These APIs were deprecated and superseded by new API in the package in Eclipse 3.4. These APIs made use of a custom encryption algorithm that caused problems for organizations distributing and exporting Eclipse-based products. The system was also inherently flawed due to relying on a password supplied on the command line that users never set. In Eclipse 4.2 this problematic implementation has been removed. The API remains in place and will log an exception when used.
Action required: Clients that call these methods should instead use the corresponding Equinox security APIs for storing authentication information instead. Refer to the deprecation comment on each method for precise migration instructions.
What is affected:Bundles built for Eclipse 1.0 to 2.1 that have not been compiled in Eclipse 3.0 or later. Also, any bundle or feature that requires or includes a removed bundle.
Description: The following bundles provided implementation of compatibility mechanisms to support bundles compiled against Eclipse prior to version 3.0. These bundles have not contained any API since the 3.0 release, and no API is changed or removed as a consequence of these bundles being removed.
Action required: Clients with a bundle or feature including or requiring any of these bundles should remove the requirement.
What is affected:Any bundle or feature that requires or includes the bundle
Description: This bundle provided implementation of a Tomcat-based web server application for the Eclipse help system. This was replaced in Eclipse 3.3 with a Jetty-based application server. This bundle defines no API and has been unused in the Eclipse platform for many releases.
Action required: Clients with a bundle or feature including or requiring the bundle should remove the requirement.
What is affected: Clients that rely on the provisional API or implementation found in the following bundles:
Description: These provisional APIs were deprecated and superseded by new API provided by Equinox p2 in Eclipse 3.4. These bundles have been removed from the Eclipse SDK in 4.2, but remain available and fully compatible with 4.2 should any application or product require them.
Action required: Clients that rely on the provisional API or implementation in these bundles should migrate to the functionality and API provided by Equinox p2. Alternatively, products can install these bundles from the Eclipse 3.8 repository and they will continue to function in Eclipse 4.2-based applications.
What is affected: Clients that the used the API in package org.eclipse.ui.presentations, or the org.eclipse.ui.presentationFactories extension point.
Description: The workbench presentation API allowed plug-ins to override certain aspects of the workbench appearance, such as the shape of view and editor tabs. This mechanism is fundamentally incompatible with the pluggable rendering and declarative styling systems in Eclipse 4.2, which offer applications complete control over all aspects of the workbench layout and style.
Action required: Using the presentation API and extension point to customize the workbench appearance will no longer have any effect. Clients are encouraged to try out the provisional new API in Eclipse 4.2 for performing equivalent workbench customization. Complete rendering control can be achieved by supplying an org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.IPresentationEngine. Customization of fonts, spacing, and color can be achieved by supplying custom CSS style sheets via the org.eclipse.e4.ui.css.swt.theme extension point. For more details, see the Eclipse 4 CSS Styling wiki page.
What is affected: Clients that implemented the API methods createWindowContents or createEmptyWindowContents on subclasses of org.eclipse.ui.application.WorkbenchWindowAdvisor.
Description: The workbench window advisor provided these methods for rich client applications to build customized workbench windows. This is achieved in Eclipse 4.2 by defining a customized application model, so these workbench window advisor methods are no longer used. Client implementations of these methods will no longer be called, and therefore no longer have any effect.
Action required: Clients that still customize many aspects of the workbench window layout by invoking the set* methods on org.eclipse.ui.application.IWorkbenchWindowConfigurer. Complete customization of the workbench window elements can be achieved by defining a custom workbench model for the application. For more details, see the Eclipse 4 workbench model wiki page.
What is affected: Clients that relied on the Servlet and Jetty implementations provided by the platform.
Description: For the Juno release, Equinox will no longer support the use of older Jetty implementations and we are no longer shipping Jetty 6. The Equinox HTTP service implementation will no longer work with the Servlet 2.5 and JSP 2.1 APIs. Also note that the Jasper and expresson language implementation bundles have changed in order to support the Servlet 3.0 and JSP 2.2 specifications. The following bundles have been removed:
These have been replaced with the following to support Servlet 3.0 and JSP 2.2:
Action required: Clients relying on old Servlet and JSP specifications, or directly requiring old Jetty 6 packages and bundles, must migrate to the new Servlet 3.0 specification, and Jetty 8.