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Platform and Equinox

Views, Dialogs and Toolbar

User defined resource filters in Project Explorer The Filters and Customization... menu in Project Explorer now shows an additional User filters tab which can be used to exclude some resources from Project Explorer based on their name.

Full name and regular expressions are supported.

Error Log view added to Platform The Error Log view has been moved from the PDE project to the Platform project. See bug 50517 for details.
Copy to clipboard in Installation Details A copy to clipboard action has been added to all tabs of the Installation Details dialog.

Copy & paste of Environment Variables The Environment tab in a Launch configuration dialog supports copy & paste actions now. The environment variables are transferred as text data, so it is not only possible to copy & paste between two different launch configurations, but also between the launch configuration and e.g. some text editor or the command line.

This feature is available in all launch configurations which use the common Environment tab.

Useful links to add projects to empty workspace When Eclipse IDE is started for the first time or with a new workspace, it may not be intuitive for new users on how to proceed. To help the users in getting started, the following useful links have been provided to add a project to the workspace:
  • Perspective specific project creation wizard
  • Generic New Project wizard
  • Import projects wizard

New mnemonics in Error Log view New mnemonics have been added for Export Entry... and Event Detail entries in the context menu of Error Log view.

Themes and Styling

Improved Dark theme for Mac The Dark theme for Mac has been improved to use the colors from the macOS system dark appearance. Some of the notable changes in Eclipse IDE are the dark window title bar, menus, file dialogs, combos and buttons.

Note: This change is available on macOS Mojave and later.



Improved Dark theme for Windows The drawing operations have been improved in Windows so the custom drawn icons look better now. For example, check the close icon below.



General Updates

Performance improvements The startup and interactive performance of multiple operations has been improved again in this release.

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