Plug-in Development Environment

Dialogs, Wizards and Views

PDE supports the Generic Unit Test Result View PDE is added with an experimental feature "Eclipse Plug-in Test runner client for UnitTest View" that adds a launch configuration and launch shortcut to execute unit tests reporting the results to the Generic Unit Test View. The feature is to be installed explicitly:

A launch configuration and launch shortcut are added in order to allow the users to run/debug JUnit Plug-in Tests :

while displaying the results in Generic Unit Test View:

Preference option enabling non-disposed SWT Resources error handling

The preference option Enable SWT reporting of non-disposed resources when creating a new launch configuration has been added to Plug-in Development preference page to enable adding to VM arguments when creating a new launch configuration.

API Tools

Preference option for "Missing EE descriptions" removed The preference option Missing execution environment descriptions option in Plug-in Development > API Errors/Warning preference page is now removed. The functionality to report such errors/warning and their quick-fixes are also removed.

Report multiple increase of the service segment or minor version API tools now reports if the service or the minor version is increased multiple times in a single release.

PDE Compiler

The "not a perfect match" problem has a quick fix to change the BREE The "not a perfect match" problem has a quick fix to change the BREE.

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