Java development tools


Show progress when searching test methods in JUnit run/debug configuration A progress dialog and a progress bar have been added to the Run/Debug configurations of JUnit tests.

If the configuration references a test method then a search takes place, which sometimes requires some time and led previously to a UI freeze. There is now a progress indication in the form of a progress dialog when first opening the Run/Debug Configurations dialog:

JUnit search progress dialog

Or in the form of a progress bar if the dialog is already opened:

JUnit search progress bar

In case the search is canceled by the user, the cancelation will be reported in the notification area of the Run/Debug Configurations dialog, the text field Test method: will be disabled and and the Run/Debug button will be disabled. The Search... button right next to Test method: remains enabled and triggers the search again.


JUnit search progress Run Configuration

Java Editor

Java Constant Hover A new hover has been added to display the values of integer or float constants specified in binary, octal, or hex format. When hovering over such constants, the value will be shown in decimal format followed by the value in hex.

The hover can be activated in the Java > Editor > Hovers preference page either by selecting the Combined Hover or by clicking on the Java Constant check box.

Java Constant Hover in preferences

The following shows hovering over an integer constant specified in octal format:

Example of Java Constant Hover

Lambda Cleanup Improvements A number of improvements have been made to the Java cleanups concerning converting to use lambdas and simplifying existing lambdas. First of all, the cleanup preference: Convert functional interface instances on the Java Features tab for Java 8 has added an additional checkbox: Simplify method reference syntax for lambda conversions. This checkbox is selected by default and instructs the cleanup to use method reference syntax where possible when converting from anonymous classes. If the checkbox is unselected, method reference syntax will not be used by default (sometimes required to avoid a runtime NullPointerException) but will only be used if the user has also selected the Simplify lambda expression and method reference syntax cleanup option found on the Code Style tab. By default, the Quick fix to convert an anonymous class will also by default now use the method reference syntax where possible.

New Lambda Cleanup Preference

The second improvement to the lambda cleanups and quick fix is that the code now recognizes use of instanceof can be replaced with a method reference to isInstance.

The following code:

Lambda Cleanup Example Before

with the lambda cleanup will by default change to:

Lambda Cleanup Example After

Java Views and Dialogs

Improved "Ignore Whitespace" in Java Compare Up to now the "Ignore White Space" context menu action in the Java Compare editor ignored all whitespace, including what may be semantically significant whitespace.

Showing all white space changed

For example, a white space difference in a Java string literal is semantically significant while trailing white space is not.

This has now been inproved so that e.g. white space changes in string literals are also shown while "Ignore White Space" is active.

Hiding insignificant white space

Java Compiler

Java Formatter


JDT Developers

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