Plug-in Development Environment

Dialogs, Wizards and Views


New OSGi Repository Target Location Type The OSGi Specification defines an XML format for representing a repository, as defined in the Repository Service Specification, to provide access to external resources based on their associated requirements and capabilities. Such a repository typically contains a set of bundles and is analogous to what is provided by a p2 update site. To facilitate PDE's integration with such OSGi standard repositories, a new target location type OSGi Repository is supported.


Support for Mixed Products The PDE Product Configuration Editor now supports mixed products, which consist of both plug-ins and features. To exploit this new capability, use the Overview page of the editor to select the following radio button:

  The product configuration is based on: • plug-ins and feature

You can then add both plug-ins and features to the product on the Contents page of the editor.

You can launch mixed products from the IDE as usual via shortcuts on the Overview page. Tycho supports building mixed products since version 3.0.0.

Mixed products usage

Enhanced Start Levels Configuration in Products The specification of plug-in Start Levels on the Configuration page of the PDE Product Configuration Editor has been enhanced.
  • Plug-in's that are only transitively contained in a product can now have their Start Level configured as well.
  • Recommended plug-ins are only added if they are (transitively) contained in the product.

Mixed products usage

API Tools

PDE Compiler

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