Team/CVS plan for the 3.2 Release
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Themes for Team/CVS 3.2
The overall themes for this release are detailed below:
- Logical Model Integration
- Bug 37723
- Requirements identified during 3.1 can be found here.
- Publish proposed
- work in progress is found here
- Logical Model Decoration by Resource based tools (i.e. repositories)
- full adaptable support in decoration manager
- sub-file level dirty decoration
- label updating of model elements without a one-to-one mapping to resources
- Compare/Merge
- Logical model integration into the synchronize view
- Modify CVS synchronize pages to support logical model views
- Logical model compare editor support
- Support for head-less model merging
- CVS Operations
- modification of CVS operations to use model merging support for head-less and manual compare/merge
- Support for the display of logical model elements hierarchies in non-synchronization views.
- Patching
- Support multi-select in create/apply patch
- Support resource selection in Create Patch
- Integrate logical model support into apply patch
3.2 Development Effort - Milestone 1 (Friday August 12, 2005)
- Logical Model Integration
- Investigate support for decorators
- Patch applied to workbench for adaptable decorator support (bug 86159)
- Investigate support for team operation participation
- Prototype developed but not yet available in repository
- Investigate support for decorators
- Fostering Community Involvement
- Several patches applied to CVS. Thanks everyone:
3.2 Development Effort - Milestone 2 (September 23, 2005)
- Logical Model Integration Proposal
- Draft proposed solutions document
- Participate in cross-team items
- Generic Navigator
- Problems View
- User Roles
- Team Operation
- Need to identify proper plugin for extension point (bug 108352)
- Determine relationship between Participants, LTK and Generic Navigator
- Label Decoration
with repository dirty state
- Need to add API to ResourceMapping to support decoration of sub-file level model elements.
- Need to add support for label update of model elements (bug 86493)
- Investigate manual merging of Logical Models
- Logical models in the synchronize view
- Logical model elements in Compare editors
- Improve Patching
- Support for multi-select
- Support for resource selection
3.2 Development Effort - Milestone 3 (November 4, 2005)
- Displaying Logical Models
- Investigate how to use Common Navigator framework to support the display of team context
- Headless Merging
- Define API for headless model merging
- Modify CVS to perform headless merge operations (e.g. update, replace) using model API.
- Investigate Remote Discovery
- Investigate possible ways to allow users to browse logical models in a repository
3.2 Development Effort - Milestone 4 (December 16, 2005)
- Displaying Logical Models
- Intergrate team contexts in Common Navigator (gated by Common Navigator)
- Model Level Merging
- Use Team contexts and Common Navigator to provide manual merging infrastrucuture (gated by Common Navigator)
- Do any additional work to ease the implementation of merge support by repository or model providers
- Remote Discovery
- Depending on the rsults of the M3 investigation, provide facilites to support remote browsing
3.2 Development Effort - Milestone 5 (February 17, 2006)
See the Team Support for Logical Model Integration document for a description of the state of the Team API as of 3.2. M4.
- Displaying Logical Models
- Support display of team-aware models in views, dialogs and editors
- Support different operation types (i.e. merging, commit, sync)
- Support model actions in team views
- Support team-state decoration in model views (i.e. outside the context of a team operation)
- Model Level Merging
- Stress-test CVS Update
- Add support for CVS Merge and Replace with
- Test rename/move scenarios
- Support shared refactoring history during merging
- Support concurrency
- Remote Discovery
- Finalize Generic History view
- support page based view
- provide default page implementation
- provide CVS hsitory with no regressions from CVS view
- Remote Browsing
- Support remote browsing of models using EFS and IResource
- Support loading of workspace from remote model view
- support partial loading of models
- Operation Validation
- Provide mechanism for higher level models to validate operations performed by lower level models
- Convert resource operations in the IDE plugin to use the validation mechanism
3.2 Development Effort - Milestone 6 (March 31, 2006)
See the Repository Roadmap for Logical Model Integration and Model Roadmap for Logical Model Integration document for a description of the logica; model support that was addd in 3.2.
- Polish up the Team history view and CVS history page.
- Polish up Model-based synchronization and related CVS Synchronizations.
- Live annotate.
- Proxy support for pserver.