Eclipse Team and CVS 3.4 Test Plan

This plan contains a detailed listing of the features available in the Eclipse CVS plug-in. There are some items that don't have many steps but are meant as a reminder that the features exist and should be tested. If you want to help, please feel free to hammer away on some bits of functionality.

For a more verbose explanation of the CVS plug-in please refer to our documentation.

CVS Server Versions

We focus our testing on the latest stable *nix server version. We will however sniff test the latest developer *nix server and the cvsnt server. In addition, we will run our automated tests on all three flavors. The current server lineup is:

Latest Stable: 1.11.22

Latest Development: 1.12.13


Testing Tips


Eclipse Reference Platforms
Operating system Processor architecture Window system Tester
Microsoft Windows XP Intel x86 Win32
Red Hat Enterprise Linux WS 3 Intel x86 GTK

Areas assignments


Repositories View


Last Modified: $Date: 2007/11/26 12:14:11 $

Adding and Discarding Locations

You should be able to create a repository location from the toolbar of the view or via the context menu. Try expanding the location, the HEAD, Versions and Branches categories. Also, try the failures cases from Connections. Things to try:

Repository Location Properties

View a location's properties page and ensure that information is correct and can be changed. Ensure that the sharing information for any projects mapped to the location are also changed.


Working with modules

Check Out - prompts

Since: 3.0 M5
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Scenario 1

  1. Select a project in HEAD
  2. Perform a Checkout
  3. Ensure project was checked out properly
  4. Select the same project and choose Checkout As
  5. Use the same name and specify a custom location
  6. Ensure that the user is prompted to overwrite
  7. Ensure OK and Cancel have proper behavior

Scenario 2

  1. Select a project in HEAD
  2. Perform a Checkout
  3. Ensure project was checked out properly
  4. Delete the project but leave the contents on disk
  5. Perform a Checkout of the same project again
  6. Ensure that the user is prompted to overwrite
  7. Ensure OK and Cancel have proper behavior

Scenario 3

  1. Select a project in HEAD
  2. Perform a Checkout As
  3. Use the same name and specify a custom location
  4. Ensure project was checked out properly
  5. Delete the project but leave the contents on disk
  6. Perform a Checkout As of the same project to the same location as in step 3
  7. Ensure that the user is prompted to overwrite
  8. Ensure OK and Cancel have proper behavior

Scenario 4

  1. Select a project in HEAD
  2. Perform a Checkout As
  3. Use the same name and specify a custom location
  4. Ensure project was checked out properly
  5. Delete the project but leave the contents on disk
  6. Perform a Checkout on the project
  7. Ensure project was checked out properly
  8. Perform a Checkout As of the same project to the same location as in step 3
  9. Ensure that the user is prompted twice: once to overwrite project and once to overwrite custom location
  10. Ensure OK and Cancel have proper behavior

Checkout Wizard

Last Modified: $Date: 2007/11/26 12:14:11 $

The checkout wizard should be available from the following parts of the workbench: import, new project, empty workspace CVS synchronize action, toolbar in CVS perspective. The checkout wizard is also available from the context menu of the repositories view as the Checkout As menu item.

The following variants should be tested:

Repositories View Checkout Variants

These tests require an existing repository which contains projects, at least one of which does not contain a .project file.
  1. Perform "Check Out" on a single project. Ensure that repeating results in overwrite prompt.
  2. Perform "Check Out" on multiple projects.
  3. Perform "Check Out As..." on a single project (that contains a .project file) and enter custom name and/or custom location.
  4. Perform "Check Out As..." on a single remote project that does not have a .project file and ensure that the user is prompted for the project type to create.
  5. Perform "Check Out As..." on multiple projects and enter a custom parent location.
  6. Perform "Check Out As..." and specify a tag.


Since: 3.0
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Refresh Branches and Versions

  1. Select a repository location and perform "Refresh Branches and Versions...".
  2. Select one or more projects that contain a .project file and have been tagged with branch and version tags and click finish.
  3. Expand the repository entry to view ...
    • projects in HEAD,
    • branches and projects in BRANCHES,
    • projects and versions in VERSIONS.

Configure Branches and Versions

  1. Select a project in the repositories view and perform "Configure Branches and Versions...".
  2. Select some branch and version tags to be remembered.
  3. Expand the repository entry to view ...
    • projects in HEAD,
    • branches and projects in BRANCHES,
    • projects and versions in VERSIONS.

Date Tags

The ability to create Date tags should be available from the following locations:



Last Modified: $Date: 2007/11/26 12:14:11 $

Single select a project and select share.

Sharing as a subfolder

Since: 3.0 M6
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Perform the following steps:

  1. Create a new project
  2. Select Team>Share
  3. Select a repository and click Next
  4. Enter a path with at least two segments as the remote module name
  5. Click Finish

Ensure that the project was shared properly (i.e. remote folders were created).

Reconnecting an existing project

Since: 3.0 M6
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The following scenario represents how a user would reconnect a project that does not contain CVS meta-data to it's remote counterpart. It is assumed that the local project was derived from a previous version of the remote project but both the local project and the remote may have been modified since then.

Scenario 1: Existing location using project name

Perform the following steps:

  1. Load an existing project (using Checkout or you could import a plug-in project from the target area).
  2. Disconnect the project and indicate that CVS meta-data is to be deleted.
  3. Modify some local resources.
  4. Optionally, modify the remote contents of some resources using a separate checkout.
  5. Perform a Team>Share Project and select CVS (if there is more than one repository provider available).
  6. Select the repository the project was loaded from and click Next.
  7. Use the project name as the module name. Click Next.
  8. In the tag page, select HEAD as the branch to share with and click Next.
  9. In the sharing page, only the files that do not have the same contents as the server should appear. Perform a Mark as Merged or Commit on these files.
  10. Click Finish.

Scenario 1: New location using custom module name

Perform the following steps:

  1. Load an existing project using Checkout As and a different name.
  2. Disconnect the project and indicate that CVS meta-data is to be deleted.
  3. Discard the repository location.
  4. Modify some local resources.
  5. Optionally, modify the remote contents of some resources using a separate checkout
  6. Perform a Team>Share Project and select CVS (if there is more than one repository provider available).
  7. Select to create a new repository and click Next.
  8. Enter the repository information for the repository and click Next.
  9. Enter the name of the module that the project was loaded from. Click Next.
  10. In the tag page, select HEAD as the branch to share with and click Next.
  11. In the sharing page, only the files that do not have the same contents as the server should appear. Perform a Mark as Merged or Commit on these files.
  12. Click Finish.

Sharing a new project

Since: 3.0 M8
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Scenario 1: Existing location using project name

Perform the following steps:

  1. Create a new project that does not exist in the repository
  2. Select Team>Share and select CVS (if there is more than one repository provider available).
  3. Select a repository and click Next
  4. Use the project name as the module name. Click Next.
  5. After a time, the last page should show the outgoing changes in the project. Commit the changes from the synchronize pane.
  6. Click Finish

Scenario 2: New location using different name

Perform the following steps:

  1. Create a new project
  2. Select Team>Share and select CVS (if there is more than one repository provider available).
  3. Select to create a new repository and click Next
  4. Enter the repository information for a new repository and click Next
  5. Enter a single segment module name that does not exist in the repository and click Next.
  6. After a time, the last page should show the outgoing changes in the project. Commit the changes from the synchronize pane.
  7. Click Finish

Project Sets

Since: 2.1
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With latest

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Ensure that the replace operation overwrites any outgoing changes. And verify the following:

With another branch of version

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Check the following for all cases of replace:

Also ensure that the tag filtering in the dialog works properly.

With file revision

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Since: 2.0
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You can run an update and open the console to see the files that are being updated.

You can run the update and switch to another branch, this should keep your outgoing changes and update all other non-changed files.


Remote resources

Since: 3.0 M5
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Compare With... in Repositories view

Perform the following steps:

  1. Select a project in HEAD and choose Compare With... from context menu
  2. Select a branch tag
  3. Ensure result of comparison is correct
  4. Repeat and in step 2) use a version tag

Repeat the above steps for a project in a branch and a project version.

Repeat the above steps for a selected folder and a selected file.

Compare on two selections in Repositories view

Perform the following steps:

  1. Select a project in HEAD
  2. CTRL-select a project in a branch
  3. Choose Compare from context menu
  4. Ensure result of comparison is correct

Repeat the above for various combinations (branch + version, version + branch, branch + branch, version + version).

Repeat the above steps for a selected folder and a selected file.

Compare on two selections in Resource History view.

Perform the following steps:

Compare with another branch or version

Since: M8
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You should be able to select a project/folder/resource and compare against another branch or version. Multi-select should work across projects in different repositories. Once the comparison is shown it should be possible to merge changes into the local workspace. It should also be possible to remember the comparison, which will cause it to appear in the synchronize view.

We should support multi-selection of files, but I'm not sure what should be shown to the user in those cases.

On file selected

Multiple selection

Entire contents of the folder are compared deep. If changes are found the user is notified and they are shown in a dialog. If no changes are found the user is notified. The dialog should allow the user to browse the changes and merge anything into his workspace. If the user wants to keep the comparison non-model, he can add it to the synchronize view. There is a button to do so on the compare dialog.

Merging changes

When the compare dialog is showing several changes you should be able to selectively merge anything into the local workspace. Specific attention should be made to the following cases:

Reverting deleted resources

Since: M8
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You should be able to restore a deleted revision from the CVS server Team>Restore from Repository

File Revisions

Since: M8
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Compare the local resource with other revisions

Quick Diff

Last Modified: $Date: 2007/11/26 12:14:11 $

Enable CVS quick diff for text and java files via the General > Editors > Quick Diff preference. Then try the following scenarios:

  1. Open a file and make changes to it. You will see the quickdiff annotations marking the changes. Next, run Replace With > Latest from HEAD. The annotations are removed and the file is clean.
  2. Same as 1 but this time instead commit the file. The quickdiff annotations are removed and the file is clean.
  3. Checkout two copies of the same project. Open file1 from both projects. Make changes to file1 in project1 and commit the change. Synchronize project2 and file1 from project1 will show the quickdiff annotations for the new incoming changes.
  4. Same as previous but this time actually update the file. The files quickdiff annotations are removed and the file is clean.

Compare With Each Other

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Compare a resource with other resource

The action
Concurrent edition
Common Ancestor


Performing a Synchronize

Since: 3.0
Last Modified: $Date: 2007/11/26 12:14:11 $

Synchronizing means to compare your local workspace contents with the contents in another location with the goal that the two locations should contain the same contents at some point.

Performing a Synchronize operation

There are a few ways of launching a synchronize operation. They all open the same dialog but the initial selection is affected by where the operation is launched. Here is the list of ways to start a synchronize along with the expected initial selection.

Once launched, a synchronize will run in the background. Currently, the user is prompted to switch perspectives when the synchronize is launched. When a synchronize completes, the user is prompted either with a dialog stating there is no changes or one that contains a details area that shows the incoming changes. The user is given the option to suppress the post-synchronize dialog.

Notice a file is out-of-sync in another view (e.g. packages explorer, types) and want to see the changes

In case you can select a file, it will be refreshed with the server, and if changes are found the compare editor is opened that will allow browsing the changes. If no changes are found, you will be prompted.

From another view would like to browse the outgoing/incoming changes for several resources

Select a folder or group of files and Team > Synchronize will open the sync view and automatically refresh with the remote repository.

In the sync view and would like to refresh to see if there are new changes from the server

Assumption, the sync view may or may not be open when the synchronize is performed. Maybe we need a different prompt each case. One for Team > Sync and another for refresh from the sync view.

Synchronize View

Since: 3.0
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Synchronize View Modes

Ensure that choosing direction modes result in proper filtering.

Also ensure that there are no empty containers (e.g folders or projects) in any of the modes.

Synchronize View Models

Ensure that each model contains the appropriate output. Models to test include:

Also ensure that mode switching works properly for each model type.

Synchronize View Operations

Ensure Commit and Update buttons:

Ensure Update menu action:

Ensure Commit menu action

Ensure Override and Update

Ensure Mark as Merged

Ensure Refresh button refreshes all projects regardless of mode, selection or working set.

Ensure Refresh menu action refreshes only the selection

All actions on large sets

The following table can be used to determine what operations are appropriate and what result to expect.
Change Type Action Result
Incoming File Change Update Remote contents become local. Try with both Text and Binary files.
Incoming File Change Mark as Merged File becomes an outgoing change.
Incoming File Addition Update Remote contents become local. Try with both Text and Binary files.
Incoming File Addition Mark as Merged File becomes an outgoing deletion.
Incoming File Deletion Update Local file is deleted.
Incoming File Deletion Mark as Merged File becomes an outgoing addition.
Outgoing File Change Commit Prompt for release comment. Cancel aborts, OK commits local file to server.
Outgoing File Change Override and Update Remote contents become local. Try with both Text and Binary files.
Outgoing File Addition Add to Version Control Adds the file to version control. The icon should change in the sync view, and Commit should now be enabled.
Outgoing File Addition Add to .cvsignore Adds the file to .cvsignore. The file should disappear from the sync view. The .cvsignore file should appear (if it wasn't visible already). The file should not appear in subsequent syncs.
Outgoing File Addition Commit Prompt for release comment should also include prompt for file type if the type of the new file is not known. Cancel aborts, OK commits local file to server.
Outgoing File Addition Override and Update Local file is deleted.
Outgoing File Deletion Commit Prompt for release comment. Cancel aborts, OK commits deletion to server.
Outgoing File Deletion Override and Update File is re-created, remote contents become local.
Conflicting File Change Update If the change is auto-mergable, the file becomes an outgoing change and includes the remote changes and the local changes. Otherwise, the user is prompted to indicate that a merge was not possible.
Conflicting File Change Mark As Merged File becomes an outgoing change.
Conflicting File Change Override and Update Dialog prompts user to replace local changes. If user cancels nothing happens. If user chooses OK, then local changes are discarded and remote contents replace local. No .# files created, no CVS markup, and the file is not dirty as a result.
Conflicting File Addition Mark as Merged File becomes an outgoing change.
Conflicting File Addition Override and Update Remote contents become local.


Since: M8
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There are many standard decorations in the sync view. Most significant are the propagated flags.


Conflicting changes should be propagated to parent resources such that you can easily see, when the tree is collapsed that there are conflicts. When the conflict is resolved, the parent conflict markers should be removed.

Error and Warning problem markers

Error and warning makers are shown on resources and propagated to parent resources such that you can easily see if you are releasing errors or warnings.

Branch changes

Changes to branches, revisions, should be updated automatically in the views decorators. For example, if you branch from the sync view the branch name should appear.

Change Sets Layout

Since: 3.1 M2
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Change Sets for incoming changes

To perform these scenarios you will need to get one or more projects in your workspace that have many incoming changes. Preferably all the changes will have commit comments and some files will share a comment. Once you have this setup, you can perform the following sub-scenarios.

Enabling/disabling Change Sets

  1. Synchronize the projects with HEAD, enable change set mode and ensure that the files appear in the proper change sets. Also ensure that the proper sub-layout is used by expanding some of the nodes in the tree.
  2. With some nodes expanded and additionally one or more selected, disable Change Sets. The same nodes should remain expanded and selected.
  3. With the same nodes selected and expanded, re-enable change sets. The expansion should remain. There may be more expanded if the same expanded project or folder appears in multiple change sets. The selection will remain unless there are two entries for the same resource (i.e. if a project was selected and it appears in multiple sets, it will no longer be expanded).
You should also confirm that markers and conflicts are properly propagated to parent nodes.

Change Set Modes

  1. Switch between the various modes and ensure that the displayed nodes are correct. Also ensure that expansion and selection is maintained.
  2. Only Incoming and Outgoing mode show change sets.


With several nodes expanded, perform an update on one or more files that are incoming changes. Ensure that the updated files are removed from the view and that other expanded nodes remain expanded.

Outgoing Sets

The following aspects of outgoing change sets should be tested:
  1. Modified files can be added to a new or existing change set. Ensure that when they are added, the file remains visible in the Sync view.
  2. Files in a change set can be transfered to another change set
  3. If there is a default change set, any modified file that is not already part of a change set is placed in the default set. Files that are already in a set should stay in that set if more changes are made to the files.
  4. The title and comment of a change set can be changed.
  5. Layout and modes changes work properly for outgoing change sets in the Synchronize view.
  6. Committing one or more files in a change set will result in a commit dialog that is primed with the comment from the set.
  7. change sets (including which is the default), are preserved across restarts.


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Making Manual Changes

Create a conflicting file change. Manually edit the left source pane in the sync view. Hit "Save" on the popup menu. The file should remain a Conflict. Choose Mark as Merged in the popup menu of the tree. The file should change to an outgoing change. Commit the outgoing change.

Merging Conflicts

Try Override and Update with different combinations of Auto-Mergeable and Non-Mergeable conflicts in the selection. If all conflicts are Non-Mergeable, then the only choice is to replace with remote or cancel. If one or more conflicts are Auto-Mergeable, the choices are (a) Auto-Merge any applicable files, and replace the rest with remote, (b) Replace all files with remote or (c) Cancel.

Removing from View

Choose Remove from View. Selected nodes should disappear. Refresh the view. The nodes should reappear.

Working with Branches

Try any and all of the above, but use a branch instead of HEAD. Behavior should be identical. The sync view decorator should show you the name of the branch.

Using Mixed Tags

Using Team->Branch, Replace With->Branch or Version, and Team->Tag as Version, you can create a project which has different tags mixed into it. For example, one folder may be shared as V2_0, a single file may be attached to the branch NEW_FEATURE_BRANCH, and the root of the project may be attached to HEAD. We need to test usage of these projects in the sync view. For example, if developer 1 has project P shared with HEAD, and folder P/F is shared with branch B, have developer 2 release a change to folder F in HEAD, and have developer 1 perform a sync. In this case developer 1 should not see the incoming change.

Restart Behavior

Since: 3.3
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Synchronization Restart Behavior

CVS Synchronizations can be configured to populate or synchronize after a restart. To test this, do the following:

  1. Create a CVS synchronization of each persisted type (Workspace and Merge).
  2. Restart and see the page that allows you to populate or restart.
  3. Choose to remember the operation
  4. Pick an operation and ensure that the behavior is respected
You will want to repeat these steps for both operations (Synchronize and Populate) and you should also repeat them using the preference page available from the view menu in the Synchronize view.


Committing Changes

Since: 3.1 M4
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Committing changes to existing files

  1. Edit some existing files in a CVS project
  2. Choose Team>Commit on the project from the Navigator
  3. The commit dialog should show a preview of the files that are to be committed and allow a commit comment to be entered.

Some things to try:

Committing new files

  1. Add a few new files to a project including some with unknown extensions and some with no extensions.
  2. Choose Team>Commit on the project from the Navigator
  3. The first page of the commit wizard will allow you to configure the file types for any new files whose content type cannot be determined.
  4. Click Next and verify that the content type was determined properly.
  5. Choose to ignore one of the files and verify that the file is removed and the .cvsignore appears.

Committing files contained in a Change Set

  1. From the Synchronize view, select all the changes from the same Change Set.
  2. Choose Commit and verify that the comment in the commit dialog is the one from the change Set.


Tag Selection in Dialogs

Since: 3.1 M4
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Tag lists appear in many dialogs:

In each of these places, typing in the tag text field will filter the list of shown tags. The option to Refresh and Configure tags should also be present. Refreshing behavior should be as follows:

  1. If an auto-refresh file (.project by default) exists and has tags, the tags are obtained from the file.
  2. If there is no auto-refresh file, the log command is used to determine if there are any tags in the files that are direct children of the remote folder.
  3. If no tags are found, the user is prompted to either perform a deep log to find any tags or configure the tags manually.

Tag Caching

Since: 3.1 M4
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Discovered tags are cached locally to improve performance. Caching is done in the following ways:
  1. Tags discovered for local resources are cached with the remote folder that the resource's project is mapped to.
  2. Tags discovered for remote resources are cached with the resource if it is a folder or the resource's parent if it is a file.
To test this, you can try one or more of the following:
  1. Perform Compare With on folders and subfolders in the repositories view. The first time, you will need to perform a Refresh \ but subsequent times, the tags should be cached.
  2. Load non-root folders as projects and ensure tags are cached and obtained properly.
  3. Perform Tag with Existing in the History view and ensure that tags are obtained from the file


Performing a Merge

Since: 3.1
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Scenario 1: One Time Merge

Using Team>Merge, merge the changes from a branch into HEAD. Once completed, in the synchronize view, update the incoming changes, resolve any conflicts and ensure they worked, After updating, redo the same merge. A no-changes dialog should be presented since the local contents match the end-point.

Things to try:

Scenario 2: Ongoing Merge

After performing a one-time merge, pin the entry in the synchronize view. Release changes to the end point (branch) and synchronize the merge. The new changes should appear in the synchronize view. Update to these changes as appropriate.

Scenario 3: Direct Merge

Perform a Team>Merge and choose to merge directly into the workspace. Try both the case with a base tag and without it.

Removing a Merge

Delete the merge from the synchronize view using the remove toolbar button. The merge subscriber should be removed from the view.

Synchronize View

Since: 3.0 M5
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Since: 3.1 M4
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  1. Choose Team>Branch from the context menu of the Navigator.
  2. Enter a branch tag.
  3. Verify that a version tag is proposed for the branch.
  4. Click OK and verify that the tags are applied and the local project is mapped to the branch.

Some things to try:


Importing a zip over a shared project

Since: 3.0 M6
Last Modified: $Date: 2007/11/26 12:14:11 $

This scenario captures one means of patching. It assumes that a zip file contains a previous version of a project that has been modified in some way and added to a zip archive (without CVS directories).

Perform the following steps:

  1. Load the project from CVS (using Checkout or some other means).
  2. Import the zip over the loaded project.
  3. Ensure that the sync states are Outgoing for all resources from the zip file.
  4. Ensure that all folders from the zip file (except new ones) are marked as in-sync and all files (except new ones) are outgoing changes.
  5. Changing the comparison criteria to compare contents should not contact the server and should leave only the resources that differ in the sync view. Perform a Mark As Merged and a Commit on these resources.
  6. Changing the comparison criteria back to revision number will reveal all the files whose content did not change, perform a Mark as merged on these resources followed by a Team>Update on the project in the Navigator (Note: This could be handled better).
  7. After the update, ensure the project has no out-of-sync resources.

History View

Editor Linking

Since: 3.0 M5
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  1. Open the Resource History view and enable editor linking.
  2. Open a compare editor from the sync view (on a resource that exists remotely) and ensure that the history view updates.
  3. Open an editor from the Repositories view and ensure that the history view updates.
  4. Open an editor on a local file and ensure that the history view updates.

Repeat the above with the Resource History view hidden and ensure that no revision history is fetched (i.e. no jobs appear in progress view).

Common Toolbar Buttons

Since: 3.2 RC2
Last Modified: $Date: 2007/11/26 12:14:11 $

Purpose: Test the functionality of the various buttons common to both the Local File History page and the CVS History page

Note: Even though the functionality is the same for both pages, the tests should be conducted on both an unmanaged file and a CVS file as each history page has its own respective implementation for the following actions.

Compare Mode

  1. With a file history in the History View and the Compare Mode button off, click on any revision and verify that it opens that revision.
  2. Click the Compare Mode button on and verify that clicking on any local file revision will now bring up the compare editor.
  3. Verify that turning the Compare Mode button off again switches back to Open mode.

Collapse All

  1. With a file history in the History View, and the Group by Date button on, click the Collapse All button.
  2. Verify that all of the items in the tree are collapsed.

Group Revisions by Date

Since: 3.2 RC2
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Purpose: Test the group by date mechanism for both local history and CVS history.

  1. Open the History view.
  2. Roll back your system clock 1 day, make a change to your local unmapped file and save it.
  3. Roll back your system clock to the beginning of the month and make some changes to the local unmapped file and save it.
  4. Roll back your system clock to anywhere before the beginning of the current month, make a change to the local unmapped file and save it.
  5. Reset your clock to the current date and show the file's history (DND or [Team>Show Local History]/[Team>Show History] for local and CVS files respectively).
  6. Verify that the revisions appear in the appropriate categories: Today, Yesterday, This Month and Previous.
  7. Click the Group by Revisions Date button and make sure that the categories toggle on and off.

The above should be tested with history from both an unmanaged file and a CVS file.

Local History for Unshared Files

Drag and Drop Unmapped File

Since: 3.2 RC2
Last Modified: $Date: 2007/11/26 12:14:11 $

Purpose: Test the DND mechanism for unmapped files.

  1. Open the History view.
  2. Drag the local file over to it.
  3. Ensure the the history view shows the appropriate history (i.e. all revisions present and proper filename in the title bar).

Drag another file over to the History View from a project that is shared with a CVS repository. Repeat the above and make sure that the View updates.

Show History Unmapped File

Since: 3.2 RC2
Last Modified: $Date: 2007/11/26 12:14:11 $

Purpose: Test the page activation mechanism for unmapped files.

  1. Open the History view.
  2. Select the local file, right click and select Team>Show Local History.
  3. Ensure the the history view shows the appropriate history (i.e. all revisions present and proper filename in the title bar).

Populate the History View with another file from a project that is shared with a CVS repository. Repeat the above and make sure that the View updates.

CVS History

Drag and Drop CVS File

Since: 3.2 RC2
Last Modified: $Date: 2007/11/26 12:14:11 $

Purpose: Test the DND mechanism for CVS files.

  1. Open the History view.
  2. Drag the CVS file over to it.
  3. Ensure the the history view shows the appropriate history (i.e. all revisions present and proper filename in the title bar).

Drag another file over to the History View from a project that is not shared with a CVS repository. Repeat the above and make sure that the View updates.


Since: 3.0 M6
Last Modified: $Date: 2007/11/26 12:14:11 $

Annotate action should be available from

Annotate java files

Annotate non-text editor files

Annotate binary files

Mode Switching

Since: 3.2 RC2
Last Modified: $Date: 2007/11/26 12:14:11 $

Purpose: Test the mode switching for the CVS History Page.

Basic Mode Testing

  1. Open the History view.
  2. Open any file that is being managed by CVS.
  3. Edit the file and save.
  4. Show the history for the file.
  5. Click on the Local and Remote Revisions button. Verify that you can see both remote revisions and local revisions.
  6. Click on the Local Revisions button. Verify that you can see only local revisions. Note: No background fetching should occur when you switch modes!
  7. Click on the Remote Revisions button. Verify that you can see only remote revisions. Note: No background fetching should occur when you switch modes!

Mode Persistence Testing

  1. Open the History view.
  2. Show the history for the file.
  3. Click on one of the modes, remember it and close the history view.
  4. Show the history for a file again and verify that it is in fact the same mode that you had set prior to closing the history view.

Pin History View

Since: 3.2 RC2
Last Modified: $Date: 2007/11/26 12:14:11 $

Purpose: Test the pinning behavior of the history view.

Simple Pinning

  1. With a file history in the History View, hit the Pin button.
  2. DND a file onto the pinned history view.
  3. Verify that a new history view instance opens with the history of the new file displayed.
  4. Drag another file onto the pinned instance and verify that it too goes to the new unpinned view.

Repeat the above using both a CVS file and an unmanaged file.

More Pinning

If a one of the views already contains a file, that file should always update the pinned view.

  1. With a file history in the History View, hit the Pin button.
  2. DND a file onto the pinned history view.
  3. Verify that a new history view instance opens with the history of the new file displayed.
  4. Now show the history for the original file in the pinned view. The pin view should come to the fore front.


Since: 3.2 RC2
Last Modified: $Date: 2007/11/26 12:14:11 $

Purpose: Test the two types of refresh behavior available in the history view

Automatic Refresh

When a local file is modified and saved, a refresh event is sent out and the history view should show the newest revision. This will work for both local history and CVS history files. (CVS files need to have the history view in the appropriate viewing mode: either "Remote and Local Revisions" or "Local Revisions".)

  1. With a file history in the History View, and the viewer in an appropriate mode if a CVS file, open an editor on the workspace copy of the file in the history view.
  2. Edit the file and save.
  3. Verify that a new local revision gets added to the history view which reflects your change.

Manual Refresh

There is also a Refresh button on the toolbar. This is mainly useful for CVS file histories if you want to check if any revisions have been committed. Note that its not really of any use for local revisions as they are updated automatically.

  1. With a CVS file history in the History View, make a change to the file and save. (You should see the local version updated in the history view.)
  2. Commit the file.
  3. Hit the Refresh toolbar button and verify that the new revision gets displayed in the history view,


Close and disconnect

Since: 3.0 M5
Last Modified: $Date: 2007/11/26 12:14:11 $

Background refresh and disconnect

  1. Load several projects from the repository
  2. Ensure that several have outgoing and incoming changes
  3. Choose one project to disconnect. The project should have incoming and outgoing changes and be one of the later ones in the refresh order (alphabetical).
  4. Perform a refresh on all the projects
  5. While the refresh is occurring, disconnect the project chosen in step 3) and leave CVS folders.
  6. Ensure that the project is removed from the sync view and no errors occur

Repeat the steps and purge the CVS meta-data in step 5).

Repeat the above steps but change the operation in step 5) to the following:

Decoration and disconnect

Repeat the above steps but change the operation in step 5) to the following:

Restarting Workbench

Crash Recovery

Since: 3.0 M5
Last Modified: $Date: 2007/11/26 12:14:11 $

Scenario 1

  1. Turn on deep dirty decoration
  2. Dirty a file and ensure that the file and it's parents are dirty
  3. Quit Eclipse so dirty state is persisted
  4. Restart and perform an override and update or commit and ensure file and parents are clean
  5. Kill Eclipse
  6. Restart and ensure parents and file are clean

Scenario 2

  1. Check out two copies of the same project
  2. Dirty the same file in both projects, commit one and refresh the other in the sync view so a conflict is visible
  3. Quit Eclipse so that the sync state is persisted
  4. Restart Eclipse and perform an Override and Commit on the conflict
  5. Kill Eclipse
  6. Restart Eclipse and ensure that the sync view doesn't show the file (i.e the file is in-sync).

Synchronize View Settings

Since: 3.0 M6
Last Modified: $Date: 2007/11/26 12:14:11 $

Saved between sessions

The following GUI preferences in the Synchronize View are persisted between workbench sessions. Also they are persisted for each participant. You should be able to create a merge and workspace participant, then change the settings on each. Restart Eclipse and the settings should be maintained for each participant. The persisted settings are:


Server version compatibiliity

Since: M6
Last Modified: $Date: 2007/11/26 12:14:11 $

This test is to ensure that the ssh2 connection method properly delegates to ssh1 when the server only supports ssh1.


Last Modified: $Date: 2007/11/26 12:14:11 $

Using HTTP and SOCKS5 proxies.

Key Generation

Last Modified: $Date: 2007/11/26 12:14:11 $

You should be able to generate private/public keys in the SSH2 preference page. Here are some scenarios for testing:

General use

Last Modified: $Date: 2007/11/26 12:14:11 $

This tests the prompting and usage of the SSH2 connection method:


Show Annotation Action

Since: 3.0 M3
Last Modified: $Date: 2007/11/26 12:14:11 $

Annotate a non-managed file, binary file, plugin.xml file... Be creative.

Ensure that the annotate view, editor, and history view stay synchronized.

Label Decorations

Enablement at startup

Since: 3.0 M7
Last Modified: $Date: 2007/11/26 12:14:11 $

The CVS decorators should not be enabled at start-up. Verify the label decorator preference page.

Here are some scenarios for testing:


Since: 3.1
Last Modified: $Date: 2007/11/26 12:14:11 $

You can customize the label decorations via the preference page. The customizations will take effect when apply is pressed. Resetting the defaults should work.

You can also configure the font and color used for various resources states. There should be a link from the CVS label decorations preference page to the general colors and fonts preference page.

Decorations in the Synchronize pages

Since: 3.0 M8
Last Modified: $Date: 2007/11/26 12:14:11 $

CVS text label decorations should be visible in the CVS synchronize participants. We don't bother to show the images because the sync view already shows the state images. The labels should also update if the 'show change in label' preference is changed.

Also, in the CVS synchronize view the revisions shown are the <local> - <remote>. So ensure that the correct remote is shown.

Ensure that when the local tag changes the decorators in the sync view and navigator get updated.

Ensure that there is no flicker in packages view when CVS decorator updated on commit, update.


Basic scenarios

Last Modified: $Date: 2007/11/26 12:14:11 $

To setup, goto the CVS preference page and enable watch edit for all projects checked out from CVS. And then set the prompt option to always prompt.

  1. Check out a project from CVS and verify that the files are marked as read-only.
  2. Open a file and edit it. You should be prompted to edit it. Say yes. There should be a brief pause, then you can edit the file.
  3. Open another file and start editing it. You should be prompted to edit it. Say no. The file will remain read-only and you won't be allowed to edit it.
  4. Open a file and edit it. Say yes to the prompt. commit the file and edit again. You should be prompted a second time.
  5. Open a file and edit it. Say yes to the prompt. Replace the file from the repository and edit again. You should be prompted to edit again.
  6. Open a file and edit it. Un-plug your network connection. Say yes to the prompt to send a notification. There should be a pause, then the file should be editable.
  7. Checkout another copy of the project. Edit a file, then try to edit the same file in the another project copy. You should be notified that the file is currently being edited by someone else.

Saving files - setup is the same as previous

  1. Check out a project from CVS and verify that the files are marked as read-only.
  2. Open a file and edit it. You should be prompted to edit it. Say yes. There should be a brief pause, then you can edit the file.
  3. Edit the file but don't save it.
  4. Edit the file in a system editor outside of Eclipse, then in the resource navigator, commit the file. The resource's decorator will change. Ignore all the prompts about saving the un-saved file.
  5. Return to the unsaved editor and try typing. You should be prompted to call validate edit again.

validateEdit fails

  1. Check out a project from CVS and verify that the files are marked as read-only.
  2. Disconnect from network so that the validateEdit would fail.
  3. Open a file and edit it. You should be prompted to edit it. Say yes. There should be a pause then the error should be reported in the editor pane showing the exception that occurred.


  1. Check out a project from CVS and verify that the files are marked as read-only.

Editors View

Last Modified: $Date: 2007/11/26 12:14:11 $

Test that you can properly show the editors on a file.



Since: 3.0
Last Modified: $Date: 2007/11/26 12:14:11 $

This section contains various timing results and comparisons.


The purpose of this section is to provide a small set of tests that can be used to benchmark the Eclipse CVS client. The areas tested are:
  1. Checkout
  2. Synchronizing
  3. Updating


The following should be considered when obtaining timings: The following numbers were obtained on a 2.8GHz PC running GTK, Sun 14.2 with autobuild off and operations run in the foreground. The project used was org.eclipse.jdt.tests.refactoring. It has a large number of folders and files which give interesting times. The date the timings were obtained were May 31st, 2004 so similar numbers can be obtained for comparison using the project snapshot at that time (which can be obtained using a Date tag).


Checkout of org.eclipse.jdt.tests.refactoring as of 2004/05/31. The timings are in "mm:ss" and were obtained by observation (i.e. stopwatch).


Synchronizing of org.eclipse.jdt.tests.refactoring as of 2004/05/31. The timings are in "mm:ss" and were obtained by observation (i.e. stopwatch).

Synchronize with no changes

Synchronize with all outgoing, no incoming

Synchronize with incoming changes

Incoming changes were simulated by loading version v20040106 and then removing the tag (using a special utility action). This resulted in 393 incoming changes. The timing for Eclipse also includes the status command to fetch the revisions for the 393 incoming changes.


These timings were obtained using Team>Update for Eclipse and "cvs update ." for the CLI.

Update with no changes

Update with all false outgoing changes (using touch)

Update with incoming changes

Incoming changes were simulated by loading version v20040106 and then removing the tag (using a special utility action). This resulted in 393 incoming changes.

Resource Data Structures

Since: 3.0
Last Modified: $Date: 2007/11/26 12:14:11 $

This section contains results on memory footprint of CVS in the Core resource plugin data structures. More specifically, CVS uses the session and persistent property caches along with the synchronizer.

CVS Workspace Sync info caches

Checking of the cache usage requires the use of the Core spy tools. To obtain the memory footprint, perform the following steps.
  1. Install the Core Spy Tools
  2. Launch Eclipse
  3. Checkout several projects
  4. Open the Element Tree Spy to get the memory footprint. At the time of writing, CVS is the main user of these structures. In future test, ensure that others are not contributing to the tally.
  5. Disconnect all the projects
  6. The Element Tree Spy memory footprint should be reduced accordingly
The following snapshot of the resource element tree was taken after checking out all of the projects (294 as of 2004/05/31) in
Total resource count: 89,466
	Team private: 10,186
	Phantom: 4,055
	Markers: 0
	SyncInfo: 10,432
Number of layers: 15
Number of nodes: 89,514
Number of non-identical strings: 48,456
Total memory used by nodes: 23,141,343
	Nodes and ResourceInfo: 8,586,108
	Strings: 3,584,724
	Markers: 0
	Sync info: 1,447,861
	Session properties: 9,522,650
		class [B: 2,618,076
		class [Ljava.lang.Object;: 2,564,448
		class org.eclipse.core.internal.utils.ObjectMap: 1,700,240
		class [C: 1,454,994
		class java.lang.Long: 610,800
		class java.lang.String: 286,580
		class 285,292
		class java.util.ArrayList: 768
		class 660
		class 320
		class [Ljava.lang.String;: 300
		class org.eclipse.core.runtime.QualifiedName: 160
		class java.lang.Object: 12
The top 20 equal but non-identical strings are:>2,002

CVS Merge memory usage

Merging in CVS makes use of the Core synchronizer. Perform the following steps with the Core Spy Tool installed to ensure proper memory management.
  1. Checkout one or more projects
  2. Open the Element Tree Spy to get the memory footprint.
  3. Perform a merge
  4. Open the Element Tree Spy to get the memory footprint. The only increase should be in the synchronizer.
  5. Remove the merge from the sync view
  6. The Element Tree Spy memory footprint should be reduced accordingly

Looking For Leaks

Last Modified: $Date: 2007/11/26 12:14:11 $

Removing synchronize view entries

  1. Start with an empty synchronize view
  2. Create an entry in the Synchronize view for each of the following cases:
    • Team>Synchronize
    • Compare with>Branch or Version
    • Team>Merge
  3. Open the context menu
  4. Select all mode and layout combinations
  5. Remove the entry (making the sync view empty).
  6. Select an item in another view
  7. Using a memory profiler, look for instances of the following classes:
    • ISynchronizeParticipant
    • SynchronizeModelElement
    • SyncInfo/SyncInfoSet

Closing the Synchronize view

Close all instances of the Synchronize view and ensure that no instances of ISynchronizeView remain.

Team Data Structures

Last Modified: $Date: 2007/11/26 12:14:11 $

The Team component provides several data structures that can be used to cache resource synchronization state and resource variants for improved performance. The plan is to provide tools to interrogate these caches in the 3.1 timeframe. These caches include:

CVS Specific data structures

CVS uses several caches to improve performance. Tools should be provided to query the size of these caches as well.


Last Modified: $Date: 2007/11/26 12:14:11 $

The following scenario can be used to test a large number of incoming additions:

  1. Load org.eclipse.jdt.core.tests.model from
  2. Disconnect Formatter folder and delete it
  3. Synchronize and the contents show up as incoming additions
  4. Perform an Update in the project in the sync view.

Failure Cases


Last Modified: $Date: 2007/11/26 12:14:11 $

Test that authentication, connection errors result in appropriate error messages and that these don't pollute the log file or console. To setup for these tests ensure there are a couple of shared projects in your workspace.

Authentication Problems

Last Modified: $Date: 2007/11/26 12:14:11 $

Test the error reporting when authentication fails due to either, invalid username, password, hostname. This should be tried with each CVS connection method: pserver, extssh, ext.


CVS Console

Last Modified: $Date: 2007/11/26 12:14:11 $

There are a couple of preferences that controls the behavior and presentation of the console. To enable this testing, you must first enable font and label decorations. This can be done by going to Window/Preferences/Team/CVS/Label Decorations and checking off "Enable font and color decorations" .

These are:

Key Bindings

Since: 3.1
Last Modified: $Date: 2007/11/26 12:14:11 $

Activate the CVS menu and assign keybindings to the various CVS commands. Ensure that they work as expected.

Validate Edit

Editing Files

Last Modified: $Date: 2007/11/26 12:14:11 $

These tests are to sanity check editors behavior relating to calling validateEdit. The tests will try to cover all cases where files are changed by the validateEdit handler and changes are made to the read-only bit.

These test cases outline the expected behavior of single file editors in terms of calling validateEdit and handling of error conditions. All scenarios assume that a repository provider is mapped to a project and has created a sandbox with files that are marked read-only.

The plugin is a repository provider that simulates a pessimistic workflow. You can use it to run these tests and validate (no pun intended) your validateEdit editor support. To use the pessimistic provider, share a project with the repository provider called "File System Pessimistic Example" and then you can add to control the files and checkin/checkout will toggle the read-only bit and touch the file. You can change the behavior of the validateEdit call via the pessimistic preference page. For example, you can force the operation to fail and update contents of the file when checked out.

These tests should be run against the following combinations of tools:

S1: Repository provider enabled and files are readable

  1. Open a file that is not marked read-only in a project configured with a repository provider.
  2. Start editing the file, validate edit should not be called.

S2: Validate edit called on first edit

  1. Open a file that has been checked out as read-only from a repository provider.
  2. Start editing the file, validateEdit should be called.
  3. validateEdit returns OK, the users edit is accepted and shows up in the editor, and the file can be edited normally.
  4. The user saves the file, and then can continue editing without validateEdit being called.

S2b: Validate edit canceled

  1. Open a file that has been checked out as read-only from a repository provider.
  2. Start editing the file, validateEdit should be called.
  3. validateEdit is canceled, the users edit is not accepted and the file cannot be edited.
  4. The user should still be able to browse the contents of the file and trying to edit it again

S2b: Validate edit fails with an error

  1. Open a file that has been checked out as read-only from a repository provider.
  2. Start editing the file, validateEdit should be called.
  3. validateEdit is canceled, the users edit is not accepted and the file cannot be edited. User should be shown the error returned from the validateEdit provider.
  4. The user should still be able to browse the contents of the file and trying to edit it again

S3: Validate edit called on subsequent edits if file changes state

  1. Open a file that has been checked out as read-only from a repository provider.
  2. Start editing the file, validateEdit should be called.
  3. validateEdit returns OK, the user's edit is accepted and the file can be edited normally.
  4. The user saves the file, and then can continue editing without validateEdit being called.
  5. The user saves the file and then checks in the file while the editor is still open.
  6. After the checkin completes the user continues editing the file.
  7. Validate edit should be called again.

S4: Validate edit not called after contents changed

  1. Open a file that has been checked out as read-only from a repository provider.
  2. Start editing the file, validateEdit should be called.
  3. validateEdit returns OK, the user's edit is accepted and the file can be edited normally.
  4. The user saves the file, and then can continue editing without validateEdit being called.
  5. The user saves the file and keeps the editor opened.
  6. The user then un-checks out the file and new file contents are retrieved from the server.
  7. The new file contents are loaded into the editor and validateEdit is not called.

S5: Validate edit changes file contents editor not-dirty

  1. Open a file that has been checked out as read-only from a repository provider.
  2. Start editing the file, validateEdit should be called.
  3. validateEdit returns OK and brings in new content from the server.
  4. The new content is loaded automatically because the editor isn't dirty yet.

S6: Validate edit changes file contents editor dirty

  1. Open a file that has been checked out as read-only from a repository provider.
  2. Start editing the file, validateEdit should be called.
  3. validateEdit returns OK and the file on disk doesn't change.
  4. The user continues editing the file and then checks it in.
  5. The editor remains open and dirty, the user continues editing.
  6. validateEdit is called because the file is now read-only and returns OK and brings in new content from the server.
  7. The editor detects the timestamp change and prompts about the conflict and provides options to the user.
  8. After the user selects his option and the user continues editing, the editor will call validateEdit.

S7: Read-only editors refreshing on checkout

  1. Open a file that has been checked out as read-only from a repository provider.
  2. Checkout the file that brings in new content from the server.
  3. The editor should update with the new content from the server.

S8: validate called on editor save

  1. Open a file that has been checked out as read-only from a repository provider.
  2. Start editing the file, validateEdit should be called.
  3. validateEdit returns OK and the file on disk doesn't change.
  4. The editor remains open and dirty, the user continues editing.
  5. The user checks-n the file and then closes the editor.
  6. The user is prompted to save the file, then validate edit is called, and the file is checked-out then saved.

S9: validate called on editor save with new contents

  1. Open a file that has been checked out as read-only from a repository provider.
  2. Start editing the file, validateEdit should be called.
  3. validateEdit returns OK and the file on disk doesn't change.
  4. The editor remains open and dirty, the user continues editing.
  5. The user checks-n the file and then closes the editor.
  6. The user is prompted to save the file, then validate edit is called, and the file is checked-out then saved.

These tests are a sanity check that workbench, JDT and other tools refactorings behave properly with respect to validate Edit. For a repository providers that supports a pessimistic workflow, the following scenarios should result in the invocation of the validate edit callback and should include a UI context which allows prompting.

The following scenarios are stated in terms of the Navigator view and JDT. Other tools should translate them to a set of scenarios that make sense for the tool.

S1: Search and Replace

  1. Select one or more projects or folders and choose Search/File.
  2. Enter a string known to exist in multiple files and click Replace
  3. Enter a new string that differs from the one searched for.

S2: Single file content modification

  1. Open a Java file that is read-only
  2. Perform any of the Java Source operations (e.g. toggle comment)
  3. Ensure that validate edit is invoked

S3: Multiple file content modification

  1. Ensure all files in your workspace are read-only
  2. Perform a Java/Refactoring such as a method or class rename.
  3. Ensure that validate edit is invoked at most once per project involved.

Logical Resource Support

Java Packages

Since: 3.1
Last Modified: $Date: 2007/11/26 12:14:11 $

Ensure that CVS operations such as Update and Commit are performed only on the files in a Java package and not on the subpackages when the operations are launched from the Java Packages Explorer.

Working Sets

Since: 3.1
Last Modified: $Date: 2007/11/26 12:14:11 $

Configure the Java Packages Explorer to show Working Sets. Populate the working sets with various combinations of shared and unshared projects and ensure that CVS operations can be performed directly on the working sets if they contain at least one shared project.