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3.4 Development Effort - Previous Milestone Plans

Previous Platform Text Milestone plans

Last revised 10:55 CEST July 2, 2008

The current 3.4 milestone plan can be found here.

Milestone M6 (2008-3-28)
See also the Combined JDT Text and JDT UI 3.4 M6 Plan.

Rich Hovers (experimental) (bug 200838) [3]

  • [>3.4] quick diff usability improvements in hover (Next/Prev support etc.)
  • allow to enrich content assist's additional info and make it accessible (bug 38710 and bug 112921)

Hyperlinking [3]

  • allow to present more than one hyperlink target for a given text range (bug 215473)


  • review and commit new Templates view (bug 69581)
  • [>3.4] change folding paradigm: no longer eat first key stroke [experimental] (bug 67500, bug 66264)
  • provide RegExContentProposalProvider as API (bug 149884)
  • breadcrumb polish

Permanent Items

  • bugzilla inbox tracking
  • bug fixing
  • watch performance tests
  • increase correctness test coverage


Milestone M5 (2008-2-8)
See also the Combined JDT Text and JDT UI 3.4 M5 Plan.

General Items [2]

  • 3.3.x maintenance work
  • 3.3.2 one day test pass (test plan)

Rich Hovers (experimental) (bug 200838) [3]

  • links support in hovers so that you can navigate to things from there
  • investigate better interaction for making hovers sticky (mouse path)

Hyperlinking [3]

  • [3.4 M6] allow to present more than one hyperlink target for a given text range (bug 215473)

Ruler improvements [2]

  • (improve overview ruler arming and size of active area)
  • (investigate improving the usability of icons in the vertical ruler [experimental])
    • fix most common layering problem (breakpoints) by changing their layer
    • alpha blending so that underlying icons can be seen
    • down-size images so that we can show 4 instead of one
    • allow to increase ruler width
    • allow users to configure the annotation presentation layer for each annotation
    • finish/cleanup the roll-over annotation work that was kicked off during 3.0


  • [3.4 M6] review and commit new Templates view (bug 69581)
  • show more context about what's currently being edited (e.g. in a header):
    • bread crumb trail bar to show the context of the current selection:
      the idea is to have a bar inside the editor area at the top that shows me the path to the current selection: project > src folder > package > class > inner class > method
    • each of the segments of the bread crumb trail would be clickable and and navigate to the corresponding element. A drop down would show all available targets. 'Show in...' could be used for elements that are outside the editor [experimental]
  • [3.4 M6] provide RegExContentProposalProvider as API (bug 149884)

Permanent Items

  • bugzilla inbox tracking
  • bug fixing
  • watch performance tests
  • increase correctness test coverage


  • 5 public holidays
  • 2 days vacation


Milestone M4 (2007-12-14)
See also the Combined JDT Text and JDT UI 3.4 M4 Plan.

General Items [2]

  • 3.3.x maintenance work

Rich Hovers (experimental) (bug 200838) [3]

  • [3.4 M5] links support in hovers so that you can navigate to things from there
  • [3.4 M5] investigate better interaction for making hovers sticky (mouse path)

Adopt SWT's New Text Styles

  • add support for the new UNDERLINE_ERROR style
    → currrently this style is used instead of our old squiggle drawing strategy but this needs ot change: we want that this can be chosen by the user and that out of the box this is only used for errors and warnings.

Ruler improvements [2]

  • allow to configure annotations directly in the vertical and overview rulers
    → works now directly from overview ruler but can currently not be done directly from vertical annotaton ruler column as we do not know on which ruler column the context menu is opened (see bug 157638). This will only be fixed if we have time left at the end.
  • Go to line when clicking in overview ruler (bug 91722)
  • [>3.4 M4] improve overview ruler arming and size of active area
  • fix washed out color problem of overview ruler (bug 69053)
  • (investigate improving the usability of icons in the vertical ruler [experimental])
    • fix most common layering problem (breakpoints) by changing their layer
    • alpha blending so that underlying icons can be seen
    • down-size images so that we can show 4 instead of one
    • allow to increase ruler width
    • allow users to configure the annotation presentation layer for each annotation
    • finish/cleanup the roll-over annotation work that was kicked off during 3.0

Performance [1]

  • provide API to retrieve annotations in a certain range from an annotation model
    ⇒ with this, clients no longer need to iterate over all annotations


  • [3.4 M5 - got IP clearance and can now commit during M5] review and commit new Templates view (bug 69581)
  • [3.4 M5 - prototype is ready - needs to be discussed now with UI designers] show more context about what's currently being edited (e.g. in a header):
    • bread crumb trail bar to show the context of the current selection:
      the idea is to have a bar inside the editor area at the top that shows me the path to the current selection: project > src folder > package > class > inner class > method
    • each of the segments of the bread crumb trail would be clickable and and navigate to the corresponding element. A drop down would show all available targets. 'Show in...' could be used for elements that are outside the editor [experimental]

Permanent Items

  • bugzilla inbox tracking
  • bug fixing
  • watch performance tests
  • increase correctness test coverage


  • 3 days vacation


Milestone M3 (2007-11-2)
See also the Combined JDT Text and JDT UI 3.4 M3 Plan.

General Items [2]

  • 3.3.x maintenance work

Rich Hovers (experimental) (bug 200838) [3]

  • [3.4 M4] links support in hovers so that you can navigate to things from there
  • [3.4 M4] investigate better interaction for making hovers sticky (mouse path)

Printing [2]

  • print line numbers (bug 6877)
  • turn off line highlighting when printing (bug 14954)

Adopt SWT's New Text Styles

  • rework Platform Text's annotation painting so that the new text styles can be used
  • test the new text styles
  • replace drawing strategies with the new text styles
  • [>3.4 M3 - shifted to M4 (waiting for SWT)] add support for the new UNDERLINE_ERROR style
    → currrently this style is used instead of our old squiggle drawing strategy but this needs ot change: we want that this can be chosen by the user and that out of the box this is only used for errors and warnings.


  • [3.4 M4 - is awaiting legal review] review and commit new Templates view
  • improve line number ruler selection behavior

Permanent Items

  • bugzilla inbox tracking
  • bug fixing
  • watch performance tests
  • increase correctness test coverage


  • 5 days vacation


Milestone M2 (2007-9-21)

General Items [2]

  • [3.4 M2] 3.3.x maintenance work
  • 3.3.1 one day test pass (test plan)

Find/Replace [2]

  • handle dangerous regex replaces more gracefully (e.g. by restarting the line tracker) (bug 130843)
    • fix is in but its performance needs to be watched during M2
  • [>3.4 M2 - postponed] improve Find/Replace dialog: merge into editor area, ... [mentor GSoC project]

Rich Hovers (experimental) (bug 200838) [3]

  • [3.4 M3] links support in hovers so that you can navigate to things from there
  • [3.4 M3] investigate better interaction for making hovers sticky (mouse path)

Printing [2]

  • [>3.4 M2 - shifted to M3] print line numbers (bug 6877)
  • [>3.4 M2 - shifted to M3] turn off line highlighting when printing (bug 14954)


  • update web page regarding RCP text editor
  • [3.4 M3] review and commit new Templates view

Permanent Items

  • bugzilla inbox tracking
  • bug fixing
  • watch performance tests
  • increase correctness test coverage


  • ½ day local holiday (Knabenschiessen)


Milestone M1 (2007-8-10)

General Items [2]

  • 3.4 planning
  • [3.4 M2] 3.3.x maintenance work

Find/Replace [2]

  • find a solution to use line delimiters, tabs, etc. in regex replace (bug 80667)
  • allow regular expressions to match across lines (bug 44766)
  • [3.4 M2] handle dangerous regex replaces more gracefully (e.g. by restarting the line tracker) (bug 130843)
    • fix is in but its performance needs to be watched during M2
  • escape regex patterns in selection used as find string (bug 44422)
  • [3.4 M2] improve Find/Replace dialog: merge into editor area, ... [mentor GSoC project]


  • update web page regarding RCP text editor

Permanent Items

  • bugzilla inbox tracking
  • bug fixing
  • watch performance tests
  • increase correctness test coverage


  • 1 day vacation
  • 4 days compensation
  • 1 public holiday


item is under development. item is under investigation.
item is finished. ( ) item is time permitted.
[xyz] item is deferred (>) from xyz or continues in xyz. new


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