Splitting org.eclipse.ui
Kai-Uwe Maetzel, Daniel Megert
23th September 2002
This documents describes how the plug-in org.eclipse.ui
is split into a combination of plug-ins and fragments. There are three
major reasons for splitting the plug-in:
introduce a UI independent text infrastructure
decouple the build processes of Platform Text and Platform UI
prepare Platform UI to achieve the following midterm goals:
using SWT/JFace for building Eclipse independent applications
free the workbench from dependencies from IResource
provide the IResource dependent standard components of the workbench as
a separate plug-in
State of Splitting
The new structure is not yet final. It is a starting point for the Platform
UI team and the Platform Text team to evolve the system towards a stable
and mature structure. It is expected that the number of plug-ins and fragments
can be kept stable whereas package fragments and classes will probably
be moved around. For now, the UI independent text infrastructure (org.eclipse.text) should
be considered the only new plug-in that can be listed as prerequisite and
that offers API. The other plug-ins and fragments are for now implementation
details of org.eclipse.ui. This will change as the structure becomes
more stable i.e. some of the new plug-ins will become API.
Splitting as been guided by the approach to consider
plug-ins as packaging units and therefore to use plug-ins only when an according
packaging can be anticipated. Thus, classes that are expected to be shipped
together should not be in different plug-ins. This approach keeps the class
loading overhead caused by the splitting lower than putting every possible
unit into its own plug-in. Classes of a plug-in and its fragments are loaded
by the same class loader. Taking this approach we end up having six plug-ins
and two fragments.
org.eclipse.text (owned by Platform Text)
contains the UI independent text infrastructure, i.e., IDocument and its satellites
no prerequisites
org.eclipse.jface (owned by Platform UI)
contains everything of JFace that does not depend on IProgressMonitor and
- plugin.xml requires:
- org.apache.xerces
- org.eclipse.swt (needs to be exported)
build path dependencies:
org.eclipse.swt (needs to be exported)
org.eclipse.jface.text (Fragment of org.eclipse.jface owned by Platform
contains the UI part of the text infrastructure, i.e. TextViewer and its satellites
needs to be further cleaned up to remove any dependency on IProgressMonitor
- plugin.xml requires:
- buildpath dependencies:
- org.eclipse.jface
org.eclipse.ui.workbench (owned by Platform UI)
contains Workbench UI framework and the "empty" workbench
- plugin.xml requires:
- org.apache.xerces
- org.eclipse.core.resources
- org.eclipse.update.core
- org.eclipse.help
- org.eclipse.jface
build path dependencies:
- org.eclipse.jface.text
org.eclipse.ui.workbench.texteditor (Fragment of org.eclipse.workbench
owned by Platform Text)
contains the text editor framework except three TaskList dependent actions
- plugin.xml requires:
build path dependencies:
org.eclipse.ui.views (owned by Platform UI)
contains all the standard view like Navigator and Task List
- plugin.xml requires:
- org.eclipse.core.resources
- org.eclipse.help
- org.eclipse.jface
- org.eclipse.ui.workbench
build path dependencies:
org.eclipse.ui.editors (owned by Platform Text)
contains the default text editor plus a few common but Task List dependent
- plugin.xml requires:
- org.eclipse.ui.views
- org.eclipse.ui.workbench
- org.eclipse.jface
- org.eclipse.core.resources
- org.eclipse.text
- org.eclipse.update.core
build path dependencies:
- org.eclipse.core.boot
- org.eclipse.update.core
org.eclipse.ui (owned by Platform UI)
ensures backward compatibility
defines all extension points and contributions
build path dependencies:
requires and exports all of the above components
- org.eclipse.swt (needs to be exported in build path and plugin.xml)
- org.eclipse.core.runtime
Required Changes
The Workbench plug-in contains a SystemSummaryEditor which
depends on editor. To fix this the system summary editor and its
content provider have been moved to the org.eclipse.ui.editors plug-in
while the SystemSummaryEditorInput and the SystemSummaryEditorInputFactory
go to the org.eclipse.ui.workbench plug-in. The system summary editor
ID ("org.eclipse.ui.SystemSummaryEditor") used in Workbench.openSystemSummaryEditor()
must be declared inside Workbench.
In addition this method should
show a dialog if the editor for this ID can not be found.
Some CUs have unused imports which cause errors. Removing the unused imports
solves this problem.
The wizards have to be moved from standard components to the org.eclipse.workbench
plug-in. The resulting org.eclipse.views plug-in only contains views.
The ResourceSorter must be copied from the navigator package
to the dialogs package in org.eclipse.views. This is needed
to break the link from org.eclipse.ui.workbench to org.eclipse.ui.views.
Having a navigator package in the workbench plug-in is no option.
The visibility of several classes had to be changed from package visible
to public because of the resulting package fragments scattered over different
plug-ins. Examples are:
all fields of org.eclipse.jface.text.DocumentEvent
org.eclipse.jface.text.DefaultLineTracker had to be changed to
not use SWT constants
The text editor framework of org.eclipse.ui.workbench.texteditor may not
depend on a view such as the task list. The package must be split and
the task list dependent part goes into the org.eclipse.ui.editors plug-in. NLSing has to be split as well.
The following changes need to be made in order to get a JFace framework
which only depends on SWT:
move progress monitor code to org.eclipse.ui.workbench:
move wizard package to org.eclipse.ui.workbench
(due to IProgressMonitor)
move operation package to org.eclipse.ui.workbench
(due to IProgressMonitor)
move org.eclipse.jface.window.ApplicationWindow to org.eclipse.ui.workbench
(due to IStatus and NullProgressMonitor)
move org.eclipse.jface.util.SafeRunnable to org.eclipse.workbench
(due to ISafeRunnable)
move org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.ErrorDialog to org.eclipse.workbench
(due to IStatus)
Note: There remains a dependency to Xcerces due to org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.DialogSettings.
Open Issues
Workbench.openSystemSummaryEditor() use a predefined editor id
for the system summary editor. The SystemSummaryEditor registers
itself under this id. This introduces an implicit upward reference.
Because some calls
can't be redirected due to their final declaration corresponding stored preferences might get lost .
The source folder names are preserved. In the future a source folder can be renamed to
"src" if it is the only one in the project.
Icons are duplicated in org.eclipse.ui.workbench and org.eclipse.ui
The plugin.xml of org.eclipse.ui contains all
contributions and extension points.. Because of the implicit prefixing
of extension point declarations these cannot be moved easily .
org.eclipse.ui.workbench is "cluttered" with actions
and menus that would more naturally belong to views. Moving those
actions has not been investigated.
AbstractTextEditor does no longer preregister the "Add Task" action
The reconciler code in org.eclipse.jface.text needs to be freed
from its dependency of IProgressMonitor. Until then it depends on
The dependencies on IProgressMonitor, IStatus and ISafeRunnable
cause the need for splitting JFace and JFace Text: offending code has been moved to
org.eclipse.ui.workbench/JFace Extensions
. It would also be possible
to either accept a dependency on org.eclipse.core.runtime or to
move those classes into a separate plug-in.
The consequences of this new structure are mostly visible in the build
process and the workspace setup. It is necessary to update all plug-ins and fragments in the
map files with the correct version numbers. The build process responsibility
is distributed according to the ownership of the plug-ins and fragments.