EISAccessor |
EISAccessor is an implementation of the Accessor
EISCollectionChangeRecord |
Capture the changes for an unordered collection as
collections of adds and removes.
EISConnectionSpec |
An EISConnectionSpec specifies how the
javax.resource.cci.Connection is accessed.
EISDescriptor |
An EISDescriptor defines the mapping from a JCA data
structure to a Java object.
EISDOMRecord |
An EISDOMRecord is a wrapper for a DOM tree.
EISLogin |
An EISLogin defines connection information and datasource
EISMappedRecord |
An EISMappedRecord acts as a Record
EISObjectPersistenceXMLProject |
EISOrderedCollectionChangeRecord |
Capture the changes for an ordered collection where
the entire collection is simply replaced if it has changed.
EISPlatform |
An EISPlatform defines any EIS adapter specific behavior.
EISSequence |
The EISSequence class allows access to sequence resources
using custom read (ValueReadQuery) and update (DataModifyQuery) queries and a
user specified preallocation size.