Class JAXBMarshaller

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class JAXBMarshaller
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements Marshaller

    Purpose:To Provide an implementation of the JAXB 2.0 Marshaller Interface


    • Provide a JAXB wrapper on the XMLMarshaller API
    • Perform Object to XML Conversions

    This implementation of the JAXB 2.1/2.2 Marshaller interface provides the required functionality by acting as a thin wrapper on the existing XMLMarshaller API.

    See Also:
    Marshaller, MarshallerProperties, XMLMarshaller
    Oracle TopLink
    • Field Detail


        public static final java.lang.String XML_JAVATYPE_ADAPTERS
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • JAXBMarshaller

        public JAXBMarshaller​(XMLMarshaller newXMLMarshaller,
                              JAXBContext jaxbContext)
        This constructor initializes various settings on the XML marshaller.
        newXMLMarshaller - xml marshaller
        jaxbContext - jaxb context
    • Method Detail

      • getEventHandler

        public ValidationEventHandler getEventHandler()
                                               throws JAXBException
        Description copied from interface: Marshaller
        Return the current event handler or the default event handler if one hasn't been set.
        Specified by:
        getEventHandler in interface Marshaller
        the current ValidationEventHandler or the default event handler if it hasn't been set
        JAXBException - if an error was encountered while getting the current event handler
      • getNode

        public org.w3c.dom.Node getNode​(java.lang.Object object)
                                 throws JAXBException
        Description copied from interface: Marshaller
        Get a DOM tree view of the content tree(Optional). If the returned DOM tree is updated, these changes are also visible in the content tree. Use Marshaller.marshal(Object, org.w3c.dom.Node) to force a deep copy of the content tree to a DOM representation.
        Specified by:
        getNode in interface Marshaller
        object - - JAXB Java representation of XML content
        the DOM tree view of the contentTree
        JAXBException - If any unexpected problem occurs
      • getProperty

        public java.lang.Object getProperty​(java.lang.String key)
                                     throws PropertyException
        Get a property from the JAXBMarshaller. Attempting to get any unsupported property will result in a javax.xml.bind.PropertyException
        Specified by:
        getProperty in interface Marshaller
        key - the name of the property to retrieve
        the value of the requested property
        PropertyException - when there is an error retrieving the given property or value property name
        See Also:
      • getSchema

        public javax.xml.validation.Schema getSchema()
        Description copied from interface: Marshaller
        Get the JAXP 1.3 Schema object being used to perform marshal-time validation. If there is no Schema set on the marshaller, then this method will return null indicating that marshal-time validation will not be performed.
        Specified by:
        getSchema in interface Marshaller
        the Schema object being used to perform marshal-time validation or null if not present.
      • marshal

        public void marshal​(java.lang.Object object,
                            org.xml.sax.ContentHandler contentHandler)
                     throws JAXBException
        Description copied from interface: Marshaller
        Marshal the content tree rooted at jaxbElement into SAX2 events.
        Specified by:
        marshal in interface Marshaller
        object - The root of content tree to be marshalled.
        contentHandler - XML will be sent to this handler as SAX2 events.
        JAXBException - If any unexpected problem occurs during the marshalling.
        MarshalException - If the ValidationEventHandler returns false from its handleEvent method or the Marshaller is unable to marshal jaxbElement (or any object reachable from jaxbElement). See Marshalling a JAXB element.
      • marshal

        public void marshal​(java.lang.Object object,
                     throws JAXBException
        Description copied from interface: Marshaller
        Marshal the content tree rooted at jaxbElement into a XMLEventWriter.
        Specified by:
        marshal in interface Marshaller
        object - The content tree rooted at jaxbElement to be marshalled.
        eventWriter - XML will be sent to this writer.
        JAXBException - If any unexpected problem occurs during the marshalling.
        MarshalException - If the ValidationEventHandler returns false from its handleEvent method or the Marshaller is unable to marshal jaxbElement (or any object reachable from jaxbElement). See Marshalling a JAXB element.
      • marshal

        public void marshal​(java.lang.Object object,
                            org.w3c.dom.Node node)
                     throws JAXBException
        Description copied from interface: Marshaller
        Marshal the content tree rooted at jaxbElement into a DOM tree.
        Specified by:
        marshal in interface Marshaller
        object - The content tree to be marshalled.
        node - DOM nodes will be added as children of this node. This parameter must be a Node that accepts children (Document, DocumentFragment, or Element)
        JAXBException - If any unexpected problem occurs during the marshalling.
        MarshalException - If the ValidationEventHandler returns false from its handleEvent method or the Marshaller is unable to marshal jaxbElement (or any object reachable from jaxbElement). See Marshalling a JAXB element.
      • marshal

        public void marshal​(java.lang.Object object,
                     throws JAXBException
        Description copied from interface: Marshaller
        Marshal the content tree rooted at jaxbElement into an output stream.
        Specified by:
        marshal in interface Marshaller
        object - The root of content tree to be marshalled.
        outputStream - XML will be added to this stream.
        JAXBException - If any unexpected problem occurs during the marshalling.
        MarshalException - If the ValidationEventHandler returns false from its handleEvent method or the Marshaller is unable to marshal jaxbElement (or any object reachable from jaxbElement). See Marshalling a JAXB element.
      • marshal

        public void marshal​(java.lang.Object object,
                     throws JAXBException
        Description copied from interface: Marshaller
        Marshal the content tree rooted at jaxbElement into a file.
        Specified by:
        marshal in interface Marshaller
        object - The root of content tree to be marshalled.
        file - File to be written. If this file already exists, it will be overwritten.
        JAXBException - If any unexpected problem occurs during the marshalling.
        MarshalException - If the ValidationEventHandler returns false from its handleEvent method or the Marshaller is unable to marshal jaxbElement (or any object reachable from jaxbElement). See Marshalling a JAXB element.
      • marshal

        public void marshal​(java.lang.Object object,
                            javax.xml.transform.Result result)
                     throws JAXBException
        Description copied from interface: Marshaller
        Marshal the content tree rooted at jaxbElement into the specified javax.xml.transform.Result.

        All JAXB Providers must at least support DOMResult, SAXResult, and StreamResult. It can support other derived classes of Result as well.

        Specified by:
        marshal in interface Marshaller
        object - The root of content tree to be marshalled.
        result - XML will be sent to this Result
        JAXBException - If any unexpected problem occurs during the marshalling.
        MarshalException - If the ValidationEventHandler returns false from its handleEvent method or the Marshaller is unable to marshal jaxbElement (or any object reachable from jaxbElement). See Marshalling a JAXB element.
      • marshal

        public void marshal​(java.lang.Object object,
                     throws JAXBException
        Description copied from interface: Marshaller
        Marshal the content tree rooted at jaxbElement into a XMLStreamWriter.
        Specified by:
        marshal in interface Marshaller
        object - The content tree to be marshalled.
        streamWriter - XML will be sent to this writer.
        JAXBException - If any unexpected problem occurs during the marshalling.
        MarshalException - If the ValidationEventHandler returns false from its handleEvent method or the Marshaller is unable to marshal jaxbElement (or any object reachable from jaxbElement). See Marshalling a JAXB element.
      • marshal

        public void marshal​(java.lang.Object object,
                     throws JAXBException
        Description copied from interface: Marshaller
        Marshal the content tree rooted at jaxbElement into a Writer.
        Specified by:
        marshal in interface Marshaller
        object - The root of content tree to be marshalled.
        writer - XML will be sent to this writer.
        JAXBException - If any unexpected problem occurs during the marshalling.
        MarshalException - If the ValidationEventHandler returns false from its handleEvent method or the Marshaller is unable to marshal jaxbElement (or any object reachable from jaxbElement). See Marshalling a JAXB element.
      • setAdapter

        public void setAdapter​(java.lang.Class javaClass,
                               XmlAdapter adapter)
        Description copied from interface: Marshaller
        Associates a configured instance of XmlAdapter with this marshaller.

        Every marshaller internally maintains a Map<Class,XmlAdapter>, which it uses for marshalling classes whose fields/methods are annotated with XmlJavaTypeAdapter.

        This method allows applications to use a configured instance of XmlAdapter. When an instance of an adapter is not given, a marshaller will create one by invoking its default constructor.

        Specified by:
        setAdapter in interface Marshaller
        javaClass - The type of the adapter. The specified instance will be used when XmlJavaTypeAdapter.value() refers to this type.
        adapter - The instance of the adapter to be used. If null, it will un-register the current adapter set for this type.
      • setAttachmentMarshaller

        public void setAttachmentMarshaller​(AttachmentMarshaller attachmentMarshaller)
        Description copied from interface: Marshaller

        Associate a context that enables binary data within an XML document to be transmitted as XML-binary optimized attachment. The attachment is referenced from the XML document content model by content-id URIs(cid) references stored within the xml document.

        Specified by:
        setAttachmentMarshaller in interface Marshaller
      • setEventHandler

        public void setEventHandler​(ValidationEventHandler newValidationEventHandler)
                             throws JAXBException
        Description copied from interface: Marshaller
        Allow an application to register a validation event handler.

        The validation event handler will be called by the JAXB Provider if any validation errors are encountered during calls to any of the marshal API's. If the client application does not register a validation event handler before invoking one of the marshal methods, then validation events will be handled by the default event handler which will terminate the marshal operation after the first error or fatal error is encountered.

        Calling this method with a null parameter will cause the Marshaller to revert back to the default default event handler.

        Specified by:
        setEventHandler in interface Marshaller
        newValidationEventHandler - the validation event handler
        JAXBException - if an error was encountered while setting the event handler
      • setListener

        public void setListener​(Marshaller.Listener listener)
        Description copied from interface: Marshaller

        Register marshal event callback Marshaller.Listener with this Marshaller.

        There is only one Listener per Marshaller. Setting a Listener replaces the previous set Listener. One can unregister current Listener by setting listener to null.

        Specified by:
        setListener in interface Marshaller
        listener - an instance of a class that implements Marshaller.Listener
      • setMarshalCallbacks

        public void setMarshalCallbacks​(java.util.Map callbacks)
      • setProperty

        public void setProperty​(java.lang.String key,
                                java.lang.Object value)
                         throws PropertyException
        Set a property on the JAXBMarshaller. Attempting to set any unsupported property will result in a javax.xml.bind.PropertyException
        Specified by:
        setProperty in interface Marshaller
        key - the name of the property to be set. This value can either be specified using one of the constant fields or a user supplied string.
        value - the value of the property to be set
        PropertyException - when there is an error processing the given property or value
        See Also:
      • setSchema

        public void setSchema​(javax.xml.validation.Schema schema)
        Description copied from interface: Marshaller
        Specify the JAXP 1.3 Schema object that should be used to validate subsequent marshal operations against. Passing null into this method will disable validation.

        This method allows the caller to validate the marshalled XML as it's marshalled.

        Initially this property is set to null.

        Specified by:
        setSchema in interface Marshaller
        schema - Schema object to validate marshal operations against or null to disable validation
      • getConstraintViolations

        public java.util.Set<ConstraintViolationWrapper<java.lang.Object>> getConstraintViolations()
        Returns constraint violations stored in the underlying JAXBBeanValidator instance.
        set of constraint violations from last unmarshal