Class UpdateItemStateObject

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class UpdateItemStateObject
    extends AbstractStateObject
    The new_value specified for an update operation must be compatible in type with the field to which it is assigned.
    BNF: update_item ::= [identification_variable.]{state_field | single_valued_association_field} = new_value

    See Also:
    Pascal Filion
    • Field Detail


        public static final java.lang.String NEW_VALUE_PROPERTY
        Notifies the new value property has changed.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • UpdateItemStateObject

        public UpdateItemStateObject​(UpdateClauseStateObject parent)
        Creates a new UpdateItemStateObject.
        parent - The parent of this state object, which cannot be null
        java.lang.NullPointerException - The given parent cannot be null
      • UpdateItemStateObject

        public UpdateItemStateObject​(UpdateClauseStateObject parent,
                                     java.lang.String path,
                                     StateObject newValue)
        Creates a new UpdateItemStateObject.
        parent - The parent of this state object, which cannot be null
        path - The state field path to receive the new value
        newValue - The actual expression representing the new value
        java.lang.NullPointerException - The given parent cannot be null
      • UpdateItemStateObject

        public UpdateItemStateObject​(UpdateClauseStateObject parent,
                                     java.lang.String path,
                                     java.lang.String newValue)
        Creates a new UpdateItemStateObject.
        parent - The parent of this state object, which cannot be null
        path - The state field path to receive the new value
        newValue - The JPQL fragment representing the new value
        java.lang.NullPointerException - The given parent cannot be null
    • Method Detail

      • appendToPath

        public void appendToPath​(java.lang.String text)
        Appends the given sequence of characters to the path expression. If the sequence does not begin with a dot, then the first segment will be appended to the last segment and then new segments will be created.
        text - The sequence of characters to append to the path expression
      • getExpression

        public UpdateItem getExpression()
        Returns the actual parsed object if this StateObject representation of the JPQL query was created by parsing an existing JPQL query.
        Specified by:
        getExpression in interface StateObject
        getExpression in class AbstractStateObject
        The parsed object when a JPQL query is parsed and converted into a StateObject or null when the JPQL query is manually created (i.e. not from a string)
      • getNewValue

        public StateObject getNewValue()
        Returns the StateObject representing the new value.
        The new value expression or null if it's not yet defined
      • getPath

        public java.lang.String getPath()
        Returns the string representation of the path expression. If the identification variable is virtual, then it is not part of the result.
        The path expression, which is never null
      • hasNewValue

        public boolean hasNewValue()
        Determines whether the StateObject representing the new value is present.
        true the new value exists; otherwise false
      • items

        public ListIterable<java.lang.String> items()
        Returns the segments in the state field path in order.
        An ListIterable over the paths of the state field path
      • itemsSize

        public int itemsSize()
        Returns the number of segments in the path expression.
        The number of segments
      • parseNewValue

        public void parseNewValue​(java.lang.String newValue)
        Parses the given JPQL fragment, which represents the new value.
        newValue - The string representation of the new value to parse and to convert into a StateObject
      • setExpression

        public void setExpression​(UpdateItem expression)
        Keeps a reference of the parsed object object, which should only be done when this object is instantiated during the conversion of a parsed JPQL query into StateObjects.
        expression - The parsed object representing an update item
      • setNewValue

        public void setNewValue​(StateObject newValue)
        Sets the new value to be the given StateObject.
        newValue - The StateObject representing the new value
      • setPath

        public void setPath​(java.lang.String path)
        Changes the path expression with the list of segments, the identification variable will also be updated with the first segment.
        path - The new path expression
      • setPaths

        public void setPaths​(java.util.ListIterator<java.lang.String> paths)
        Changes the path expression with the list of segments, the identification variable will also be updated with the first segment.
        paths - The new path expression
      • setPaths

        public void setPaths​(java.lang.String[] paths)
        Changes the path expression with the list of segments, the identification variable will also be updated with the first segment.
        paths - The new path expression
      • setVirtualIdentificationVariable

        public void setVirtualIdentificationVariable​(java.lang.String identificationVariable)
        The state field path expression is not qualified by the identification variable.
        identificationVariable - The virtual variable that was generated based on the entity name
      • toTextInternal

        protected void toTextInternal​(java.lang.Appendable writer)
        Prints out a string representation of this StateObject, which should not be used to define a true string representation of a JPQL query but should be used for debugging purposes.
        Specified by:
        toTextInternal in class AbstractStateObject
        writer - The writer used to print out the string representation
        Throws: - This should never happens, it is only required because Appendable is used instead of any concrete class