Package org.eclipse.persistence.oxm.mappings.nullpolicy
Class Summary Class Description AbstractNullPolicy PUBLIC: Description: This node null policy allows for the handling of various representations of null in XML documents.IsSetNullPolicy PUBLIC: Description: This null policy allows for various configurations of isSet behavior to be set.
The boolean value of the isSet() state of a node will determine whether a node will be written out for a null value.NullPolicy PUBLIC: Description: This null policy is the default implementation class.
The boolean value of the isSet() state of a node has no effect on whether a node will be written out for a null value - a set is always performed unless the isSetPerformedForAbsentNode flag is set to false for absent nodes.
Unmarshal: -
Enum Summary Enum Description XMLNullRepresentationType Description: An enum that is used within a Node Null Policy to determine what to marshal for a null node.
We define 3 final instances available to the user (XSI_NIL, ABSENT_NODE(default) and EMPTY_NODE.