Class TableCreatorClassGenerator

  • public class TableCreatorClassGenerator
    extends java.lang.Object

    Purpose: Allow for a class storing a TopLink table creator's tables (meta-data) to be generated. This class can then be used at runtime to (re)create a project's database schema.

    James Sutherland
    TopLink 3.0
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      protected void addFieldLines​(FieldDefinition field, org.eclipse.persistence.internal.codegen.NonreflectiveMethodDefinition method)  
      protected void addForeignKeyLines​(ForeignKeyConstraint foreignKey, org.eclipse.persistence.internal.codegen.NonreflectiveMethodDefinition method)  
      protected org.eclipse.persistence.internal.codegen.NonreflectiveMethodDefinition buildConstructor()  
      protected org.eclipse.persistence.internal.codegen.NonreflectiveMethodDefinition buildLoginMethod​(DatabaseLogin login)  
      protected org.eclipse.persistence.internal.codegen.NonreflectiveMethodDefinition buildTableMethod​(TableDefinition table)  
      void generate()
      PUBLIC: Generate the project class, output the java source code to the stream or file.
      void generate​(boolean useUnicode)
      PUBLIC: Generate the creator class, output the java source code to the stream or file.
      protected org.eclipse.persistence.internal.codegen.ClassDefinition generateCreatorClass()
      Return a class definition object representing the code to be generated for the table creator.
      java.lang.String getClassName()
      PUBLIC: Return the name of class to be generated.
      java.lang.String getOutputFileName()
      PUBLIC: Return the file name that the generate .java file will be output to.
      java.lang.String getOutputPath()
      PUBLIC: Return the path that the generate .java file will be output to. getOutputWriter()
      PUBLIC: Return the writer the output to.
      java.lang.String getPackageName()
      PUBLIC: Return the package name of class to be generated.
      TableCreator getTableCreator()
      PUBLIC: Return the table creator to generate from.
      protected java.lang.String printString​(java.lang.Object value)
      Return the printed version of the primitive value object.
      protected java.lang.String removeDots​(java.lang.String packageName)  
      void setClassName​(java.lang.String newClassName)
      PUBLIC: Set the name of class to be generated.
      void setOutputFileName​(java.lang.String newOutputFileName)
      PUBLIC: Set the file name that the generate .java file will be output to.
      void setOutputPath​(java.lang.String newOutputPath)
      PUBLIC: Set the path that the generate .java file will be output to.
      void setOutputWriter​( outputWriter)
      PUBLIC: Set the writer the output to.
      void setPackageName​(java.lang.String newPackageName)
      PUBLIC: Set the package name of class to be generated.
      void setTableCreator​(TableCreator tableCreator)
      PUBLIC: Set the table creator to generate from.
      static void write​(TableCreator tableCreator, java.lang.String creatorClassName, writer)
      PUBLIC: Generate the source code to a table creator class to the table creator's tables into the writer.
      static void write​(TableCreator tableCreator, java.lang.String creatorClassName, java.lang.String fileName)
      PUBLIC: Generate the source code to a table creator class to the table creator's tables into the file.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail

      • className

        protected java.lang.String className
      • packageName

        protected java.lang.String packageName
      • outputPath

        protected java.lang.String outputPath
      • outputFileName

        protected java.lang.String outputFileName
      • outputWriter

        protected outputWriter
    • Constructor Detail

      • TableCreatorClassGenerator

        public TableCreatorClassGenerator()
        PUBLIC: Create a new generator.
      • TableCreatorClassGenerator

        public TableCreatorClassGenerator​(TableCreator tableCreator)
        PUBLIC: Create a new generator to output the table creator.
      • TableCreatorClassGenerator

        public TableCreatorClassGenerator​(TableCreator tableCreator,
                                          java.lang.String projectClassName,
        PUBLIC: Create a new generator to output the table creator.
      • TableCreatorClassGenerator

        public TableCreatorClassGenerator​(TableCreator tableCreator,
                                          java.lang.String projectClassName,
                                          java.lang.String fileName)
        PUBLIC: Create a new generator to output the table creator.
    • Method Detail

      • addFieldLines

        protected void addFieldLines​(FieldDefinition field,
                                     org.eclipse.persistence.internal.codegen.NonreflectiveMethodDefinition method)
      • addForeignKeyLines

        protected void addForeignKeyLines​(ForeignKeyConstraint foreignKey,
                                          org.eclipse.persistence.internal.codegen.NonreflectiveMethodDefinition method)
      • buildConstructor

        protected org.eclipse.persistence.internal.codegen.NonreflectiveMethodDefinition buildConstructor()
      • buildLoginMethod

        protected org.eclipse.persistence.internal.codegen.NonreflectiveMethodDefinition buildLoginMethod​(DatabaseLogin login)
      • buildTableMethod

        protected org.eclipse.persistence.internal.codegen.NonreflectiveMethodDefinition buildTableMethod​(TableDefinition table)
      • generate

        public void generate​(boolean useUnicode)
                      throws ValidationException
        PUBLIC: Generate the creator class, output the java source code to the stream or file. useUnicode determines if unicode escaped characters for non_ASCII charaters will be used.
      • generate

        public void generate()
                      throws ValidationException
        PUBLIC: Generate the project class, output the java source code to the stream or file. Unicode escaped characters for non_ASCII charaters will be used.
      • generateCreatorClass

        protected org.eclipse.persistence.internal.codegen.ClassDefinition generateCreatorClass()
        Return a class definition object representing the code to be generated for the table creator. This class will have one method per descriptor and its toString can be used to convert it to code.
      • getClassName

        public java.lang.String getClassName()
        PUBLIC: Return the name of class to be generated. This is the unqualified name.
      • getOutputFileName

        public java.lang.String getOutputFileName()
        PUBLIC: Return the file name that the generate .java file will be output to.
      • getOutputPath

        public java.lang.String getOutputPath()
        PUBLIC: Return the path that the generate .java file will be output to.
      • getOutputWriter

        public getOutputWriter()
        PUBLIC: Return the writer the output to.
      • getPackageName

        public java.lang.String getPackageName()
        PUBLIC: Return the package name of class to be generated.
      • getTableCreator

        public TableCreator getTableCreator()
        PUBLIC: Return the table creator to generate from.
      • printString

        protected java.lang.String printString​(java.lang.Object value)
        Return the printed version of the primitive value object. This must determine the class and use the correct constrcutor arguments.
      • removeDots

        protected java.lang.String removeDots​(java.lang.String packageName)
      • setClassName

        public void setClassName​(java.lang.String newClassName)
        PUBLIC: Set the name of class to be generated. This can be qualified or unqualified name and will set the file name to match.
      • setOutputFileName

        public void setOutputFileName​(java.lang.String newOutputFileName)
        PUBLIC: Set the file name that the generate .java file will be output to. If the file does not include .java it will be appended.
      • setOutputPath

        public void setOutputPath​(java.lang.String newOutputPath)
        PUBLIC: Set the path that the generate .java file will be output to.
      • setOutputWriter

        public void setOutputWriter​( outputWriter)
        PUBLIC: Set the writer the output to.
      • setPackageName

        public void setPackageName​(java.lang.String newPackageName)
        PUBLIC: Set the package name of class to be generated.
      • setTableCreator

        public void setTableCreator​(TableCreator tableCreator)
        PUBLIC: Set the table creator to generate from. All of the creator's tables will be stored into the file.
      • write

        public static void write​(TableCreator tableCreator,
                                 java.lang.String creatorClassName,
        PUBLIC: Generate the source code to a table creator class to the table creator's tables into the writer.
      • write

        public static void write​(TableCreator tableCreator,
                                 java.lang.String creatorClassName,
                                 java.lang.String fileName)
        PUBLIC: Generate the source code to a table creator class to the table creator's tables into the file.