Class StoredProcedureDefinition

    • Field Detail

      • variables

        protected java.util.Vector variables
      • statements

        protected java.util.Vector statements
      • arguments

        protected java.util.Vector arguments
      • argumentTypes

        protected java.util.Vector argumentTypes
      • IN

        protected static final java.lang.Integer IN
      • OUT

        protected static final java.lang.Integer OUT
      • INOUT

        protected static final java.lang.Integer INOUT
    • Constructor Detail

      • StoredProcedureDefinition

        public StoredProcedureDefinition()
    • Method Detail

      • addArgument

        public void addArgument​(java.lang.String argumentName,
                                java.lang.Class type)
        The arguments are the names of the parameters to the procedure.
      • addArgument

        public void addArgument​(java.lang.String argumentName,
                                java.lang.Class type,
                                int size)
        The arguments are the names of the parameters to the procedure.
      • addArgument

        public void addArgument​(java.lang.String argumentName,
                                java.lang.String typeName)
        The arguments are the names of the parameters to the procedure.
      • addArgument

        public void addArgument​(FieldDefinition argument)
        The arguments are the names of the parameters to the procedure.
      • addInOutputArgument

        public void addInOutputArgument​(java.lang.String argumentName,
                                        java.lang.Class type)
        The output arguments are used to get values back from the proc.
      • addInOutputArgument

        public void addInOutputArgument​(FieldDefinition argument)
        The output arguments are used to get values back from the proc, such as cursors.
      • addOutputArgument

        public void addOutputArgument​(java.lang.String argumentName,
                                      java.lang.Class type)
        The output arguments are used to get values back from the proc.
      • addOutputArgument

        public void addOutputArgument​(java.lang.String argumentName,
                                      java.lang.Class type,
                                      int size)
        The output arguments are used to get values back from the proc.
      • addOutputArgument

        public void addOutputArgument​(java.lang.String argumentName,
                                      java.lang.String typeName)
        The output arguments are used to get values back from the proc, such as cursors.
      • addOutputArgument

        public void addOutputArgument​(FieldDefinition argument)
        The output arguments are used to get values back from the proc, such as cursors.
      • addStatement

        public void addStatement​(java.lang.String statement)
        The statements are the SQL lines of code in procedure.
      • addVariable

        public void addVariable​(java.lang.String variableName,
                                java.lang.String typeName)
        The variables are the names of the declared variables used in the procedure.
      • addVariable

        public void addVariable​(FieldDefinition variable)
        The variables are the names of the declared variables used in the procedure.
      • getArguments

        public java.util.Vector getArguments()
        The arguments are the names of the parameters to the procedure.
      • getCreationHeader

        public java.lang.String getCreationHeader()
      • getDeletionHeader

        public java.lang.String getDeletionHeader()
      • getFirstArgumentIndex

        public int getFirstArgumentIndex()
      • getArgumentTypes

        public java.util.Vector getArgumentTypes()
      • getStatements

        public java.util.Vector getStatements()
        The statements are the SQL lines of code in procedure.
      • getVariables

        public java.util.Vector getVariables()
        The variables are the names of the declared variables used in the procedure.
      • printArgument

        protected void printArgument​(FieldDefinition argument,
                                     org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session)
        Print the argument and its type.
        argument - Stored procedure argument.
        writer - Target writer where to write argument string.
        session - Current session context.
        Throws: - When any IO problem occurs.
      • printInOutputArgument

        protected void printInOutputArgument​(FieldDefinition argument,
                                             org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session)
                                      throws ValidationException
        Print the argument and its type.
        argument - Stored procedure argument.
        writer - Target writer where to write argument string.
        session - Current session context.
        ValidationException - When invalid or inconsistent data were found.
      • printOutputArgument

        protected void printOutputArgument​(FieldDefinition argument,
                                           org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session)
                                    throws ValidationException
        Print the argument and its type.
        argument - Stored procedure argument.
        writer - Target writer where to write argument string.
        session - Current session context.
        ValidationException - When invalid or inconsistent data were found.
      • printReturn

        protected void printReturn​( writer,
                                   org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session)
                            throws ValidationException
        Prints return for stored function, nothing to do for stored procedure
      • setArguments

        public void setArguments​(java.util.Vector arguments)
        The arguments are the field defs of the parameters names and types to the procedure.
      • setStatements

        public void setStatements​(java.util.Vector statements)
        The statements are the SQL lines of code in procedure.
      • setVariables

        public void setVariables​(java.util.Vector variables)
        The variables are the field defs of the declared variables used in the procedure.