Class EISPlatform

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Cloneable, org.eclipse.persistence.internal.core.databaseaccess.CorePlatform<org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.ConversionManager>, org.eclipse.persistence.internal.databaseaccess.Platform

public class EISPlatform extends org.eclipse.persistence.internal.databaseaccess.DatasourcePlatform

An EISPlatform defines any EIS adapter specific behavior. This may include:

  • Instantiation of the adapter InteractionSpec
  • Conversion from an adapter custom Record
  • Perform platform specific record access
  • Provide XML DOM record conversion
  • Provide sequence support

EISPlatform also supports behavior for specifying the record types supported and automatic data-conversion to strings.

Although use of the generic EISPlatform may be sufficient, some adapters may require that a specific platform be defined.

See Also:
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    protected Method
    Used to reflectively provide XML record support as DOMRecord is not part of the JCA-CCI spec.
    protected boolean
    protected boolean
    protected boolean
    protected RecordConverter
    Can be used to convert from an adapter specific record.
    protected boolean
    Can be used if a commit is required after every interaction outside of a local transaction.
    protected boolean
    Can be used for adapters that only support String data/XML.
    protected boolean
    Allows for usage of transaction to be disabled if not supported.
    protected org.eclipse.persistence.internal.oxm.XMLConversionManager
    For XML usage, an XMLConversionManager instance is required

    Fields inherited from class org.eclipse.persistence.internal.databaseaccess.DatasourcePlatform

    conversionManager, dataTypesConvertedFromAClass, dataTypesConvertedToAClass, defaultNativeSequenceToTable, defaultSeqenceAtNextValue, defaultSequence, endDelimiter, platformOperators, sequences, sequencesLock, startDelimiter, supportsReturnGeneratedKeys, tableQualifier, timestampQuery
  • Constructor Summary

    Default constructor.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    appendParameter(Call call, Writer writer, Object parameter)
    Add the parameter.
    buildCallFromStatement(org.eclipse.persistence.internal.expressions.SQLStatement statement, DatabaseQuery query, org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session)
    INTERNAL: Override this method to throw an exception by default.
    Allow the platform to build the interaction spec based on properties defined in the interaction.
    buildNativeCall(String queryString)
    INTERNAL: Return the correct call type for the native query string.
    buildRow(jakarta.resource.cci.Record record, EISInteraction interaction, EISAccessor accessor)
    INTERNAL: Allow the platform to handle record to row conversion.
    buildRows(jakarta.resource.cci.Record record, EISInteraction interaction, EISAccessor accessor)
    Allow the platform to handle record to row conversion.
    createDatabaseRowFromDOMRecord(jakarta.resource.cci.Record record, EISInteraction call, EISAccessor accessor)
    INTERNAL: Allow the platform to handle the creation of the Record for the DOM record.
    createDOMRecord(String recordName, EISAccessor accessor)
    Allow the platform to handle the creation of the DOM record.
    Allow the platform to create the appropriate type of record for the interaction.
    createOutputRecord(EISInteraction interaction, org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractRecord translationRow, EISAccessor accessor)
    Allow the platform to create the appropriate type of record for the interaction.
    The platform holds its own instance of conversion manager to allow customization.
    Return the record converter.
    getValueFromRecord(String key, jakarta.resource.cci.MappedRecord record, EISAccessor accessor)
    Retrieves the field value from the record.
    Return if this platform supports XML/DOM Records.
    Return if this platform supports JCA IndexedRecord.
    Return if this platform supports JCA MappedRecord.
    Return if this platform requires auto commit of the local transaction for interactions outside of an interaction.
    setDOMInRecord(Element dom, jakarta.resource.cci.Record record, EISInteraction call, EISAccessor accessor)
    Stores the XML DOM value into the record.
    setIsDOMRecordSupported(boolean isDOMRecordSupported)
    Set if this platform supports XML/DOM Records.
    setIsIndexedRecordSupported(boolean isIndexedRecordSupported)
    Set if this platform supports JCA IndexedRecord.
    setIsMappedRecordSupported(boolean isMappedRecordSupported)
    Set if this platform supports JCA MappedRecord.
    Set the record converter.
    setRequiresAutoCommit(boolean requiresAutoCommit)
    Set if this platform requires auto commit of the local transaction for interactions outside of an interaction.
    setShouldConvertDataToStrings(boolean shouldConvertDataToStrings)
    Set if all data set into the adapter should be first converted to strings.
    setSupportsLocalTransactions(boolean supportsLocalTransactions)
    Set if this platform supports local transactions.
    setValueInRecord(String key, Object value, jakarta.resource.cci.MappedRecord record, EISAccessor accessor)
    Stores the field value into the record.
    Return if all data set into the adapter should be first converted to strings.
    Return if this platform supports local transactions.

    Methods inherited from class org.eclipse.persistence.internal.databaseaccess.DatasourcePlatform

    addOperator, addSequence, addSequence, buildSelectQueryForIdentity, buildSelectQueryForIdentity, buildSelectQueryForSequenceObject, buildSelectQueryForSequenceObject, clone, convertObject, copyInto, createConnectionCustomizer, createExpressionFor, createPlatformDefaultSequence, getCustomModifyValueForCall, getDataTypesConvertedFrom, getDataTypesConvertedTo, getDefaultNativeSequenceToTable, getDefaultSeqenceAtNextValue, getDefaultSequence, getDefaultSequenceToWrite, getEndDelimiter, getINClauseLimit, getOperator, getPlatformOperators, getSelectSequenceQuery, getSequence, getSequencePreallocationSize, getSequences, getSequencesToWrite, getStartDelimiter, getTableQualifier, getTimestampFromServer, getTimestampQuery, getUpdateSequenceQuery, hasDefaultSequence, initialize, initializeDefaultQueries, initializePlatformOperators, initIdentitySequences, isAccess, isAttunity, isCloudscape, isDB2, isDB2Z, isDBase, isDerby, isFirebird, isH2, isHANA, isHSQL, isInformix, isMaxDB, isMySQL, isODBC, isOracle, isOracle12, isOracle9, isPervasive, isPointBase, isPostgreSQL, isSQLAnywhere, isSQLServer, isSybase, isSymfoware, isTimesTen, isTimesTen7, removeAllSequences, removeIdentitySequences, removeSequence, sequencesAfterCloneCleanup, setConversionManager, setDefaultNativeSequenceToTable, setDefaultSeqenceAtNextValue, setDefaultSequence, setEndDelimiter, setSelectSequenceNumberQuery, setSequencePreallocationSize, setSequences, setStartDelimiter, setSupportsReturnGeneratedKeys, setTableQualifier, setTimestampQuery, setUpdateSequenceQuery, shouldNativeSequenceUseTransaction, shouldPrepare, shouldSelectDistinctIncludeOrderBy, shouldSelectIncludeOrderBy, shouldUseCustomModifyForCall, supportsIdentity, supportsNativeSequenceNumbers, supportsReturnGeneratedKeys, supportsSequenceObjects, toString, usesPlatformDefaultSequence

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details

    • isIndexedRecordSupported

      protected boolean isIndexedRecordSupported
    • isMappedRecordSupported

      protected boolean isMappedRecordSupported
    • isDOMRecordSupported

      protected boolean isDOMRecordSupported
    • shouldConvertDataToStrings

      protected boolean shouldConvertDataToStrings
      Can be used for adapters that only support String data/XML.
    • supportsLocalTransactions

      protected boolean supportsLocalTransactions
      Allows for usage of transaction to be disabled if not supported.
    • requiresAutoCommit

      protected boolean requiresAutoCommit
      Can be used if a commit is required after every interaction outside of a local transaction.
    • recordConverter

      protected RecordConverter recordConverter
      Can be used to convert from an adapter specific record.
    • domMethod

      protected Method domMethod
      Used to reflectively provide XML record support as DOMRecord is not part of the JCA-CCI spec.
    • xmlConversionManager

      protected org.eclipse.persistence.internal.oxm.XMLConversionManager xmlConversionManager
      For XML usage, an XMLConversionManager instance is required
  • Constructor Details

    • EISPlatform

      public EISPlatform()
      Default constructor.
  • Method Details

    • getRecordConverter

      public RecordConverter getRecordConverter()
      Return the record converter.
    • setRecordConverter

      public void setRecordConverter(RecordConverter recordConverter)
      Set the record converter. Can be used to convert from an adapter specific record.
    • requiresAutoCommit

      public boolean requiresAutoCommit()
      Return if this platform requires auto commit of the local transaction for interactions outside of an interaction.
    • setRequiresAutoCommit

      public void setRequiresAutoCommit(boolean requiresAutoCommit)
      Set if this platform requires auto commit of the local transaction for interactions outside of an interaction.
    • supportsLocalTransactions

      public boolean supportsLocalTransactions()
      Return if this platform supports local transactions.
    • setSupportsLocalTransactions

      public void setSupportsLocalTransactions(boolean supportsLocalTransactions)
      Set if this platform supports local transactions.
    • isIndexedRecordSupported

      public boolean isIndexedRecordSupported()
      Return if this platform supports JCA IndexedRecord.
    • setIsIndexedRecordSupported

      public void setIsIndexedRecordSupported(boolean isIndexedRecordSupported)
      Set if this platform supports JCA IndexedRecord.
    • isMappedRecordSupported

      public boolean isMappedRecordSupported()
      Return if this platform supports JCA MappedRecord.
    • setIsMappedRecordSupported

      public void setIsMappedRecordSupported(boolean isMappedRecordSupported)
      Set if this platform supports JCA MappedRecord.
    • isDOMRecordSupported

      public boolean isDOMRecordSupported()
      Return if this platform supports XML/DOM Records.
    • setIsDOMRecordSupported

      public void setIsDOMRecordSupported(boolean isDOMRecordSupported)
      Set if this platform supports XML/DOM Records.
    • shouldConvertDataToStrings

      public boolean shouldConvertDataToStrings()
      Return if all data set into the adapter should be first converted to strings.
    • setShouldConvertDataToStrings

      public void setShouldConvertDataToStrings(boolean shouldConvertDataToStrings)
      Set if all data set into the adapter should be first converted to strings.
    • buildInteractionSpec

      public jakarta.resource.cci.InteractionSpec buildInteractionSpec(EISInteraction interaction)
      Allow the platform to build the interaction spec based on properties defined in the interaction.
    • createInputRecord

      public jakarta.resource.cci.Record createInputRecord(EISInteraction interaction, EISAccessor accessor)
      Allow the platform to create the appropriate type of record for the interaction.
    • createOutputRecord

      public jakarta.resource.cci.Record createOutputRecord(EISInteraction interaction, org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractRecord translationRow, EISAccessor accessor)
      Allow the platform to create the appropriate type of record for the interaction. If an output record is not required then null is returned.
    • buildRow

      public org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractRecord buildRow(jakarta.resource.cci.Record record, EISInteraction interaction, EISAccessor accessor)
      INTERNAL: Allow the platform to handle record to row conversion.
    • buildRows

      public Vector buildRows(jakarta.resource.cci.Record record, EISInteraction interaction, EISAccessor accessor)
      Allow the platform to handle record to row conversion.
    • createDOMRecord

      public jakarta.resource.cci.Record createDOMRecord(String recordName, EISAccessor accessor)
      Allow the platform to handle the creation of the DOM record. By default create a mapped record an assume it implements DOM as well.
    • createDatabaseRowFromDOMRecord

      public org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractRecord createDatabaseRowFromDOMRecord(jakarta.resource.cci.Record record, EISInteraction call, EISAccessor accessor)
      INTERNAL: Allow the platform to handle the creation of the Record for the DOM record. By default instantiate an EISDOMRecord which introspects the record for a getDOM method.
    • getValueFromRecord

      public Object getValueFromRecord(String key, jakarta.resource.cci.MappedRecord record, EISAccessor accessor)
      Retrieves the field value from the record. This allows for the platform to perform any platform specific translation or conversion.
    • setDOMInRecord

      public void setDOMInRecord(Element dom, jakarta.resource.cci.Record record, EISInteraction call, EISAccessor accessor)
      Stores the XML DOM value into the record. This must be implemented by the platform if it support XML/DOM records.
    • setValueInRecord

      public void setValueInRecord(String key, Object value, jakarta.resource.cci.MappedRecord record, EISAccessor accessor)
      Stores the field value into the record. This allows for the platform to perform any platform specific translation or conversion.
    • appendParameter

      public void appendParameter(Call call, Writer writer, Object parameter)
      Add the parameter. Convert the parameter to a string and write it. Convert rows to XML strings.
      Specified by:
      appendParameter in interface org.eclipse.persistence.internal.databaseaccess.Platform
      appendParameter in class org.eclipse.persistence.internal.databaseaccess.DatasourcePlatform
    • getConversionManager

      public org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.ConversionManager getConversionManager()
      The platform holds its own instance of conversion manager to allow customization.
      Specified by:
      getConversionManager in interface org.eclipse.persistence.internal.core.databaseaccess.CorePlatform<org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.ConversionManager>
      Specified by:
      getConversionManager in interface org.eclipse.persistence.internal.databaseaccess.Platform
      getConversionManager in class org.eclipse.persistence.internal.databaseaccess.DatasourcePlatform
    • buildCallFromStatement

      public org.eclipse.persistence.internal.databaseaccess.DatasourceCall buildCallFromStatement(org.eclipse.persistence.internal.expressions.SQLStatement statement, DatabaseQuery query, org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session)
      INTERNAL: Override this method to throw an exception by default. Platforms that support dynamic querying can override this to generate an EISInteraction.
    • buildNativeCall

      public org.eclipse.persistence.internal.databaseaccess.DatasourceCall buildNativeCall(String queryString)
      INTERNAL: Return the correct call type for the native query string. This allows EIS platforms to use different types of native calls.
      buildNativeCall in class org.eclipse.persistence.internal.databaseaccess.DatasourcePlatform