Class AggregateCollectionMapping

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Cloneable, ContainerMapping, EmbeddableMapping, MapComponentMapping, RelationalMapping

public class AggregateCollectionMapping extends CollectionMapping implements RelationalMapping, MapComponentMapping, EmbeddableMapping

Purpose: The aggregate collection mapping is used to represent the aggregate relationship between a single source object and a collection of target objects. The target objects cannot exist without the existence of the source object (privately owned) Unlike the normal aggregate mapping, there is a target table being mapped from the target objects. Unlike normal 1:m mapping, there is no 1:1 back reference mapping, as foreign key constraints have been resolved by the aggregation.

See Also:
King (Yaoping) Wang
  • Field Details

    • targetForeignKeyFields

      protected Vector<org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.DatabaseField> targetForeignKeyFields
      This is a key in the target table which is a foreign key in the target table.
    • sourceKeyFields

      protected Vector<org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.DatabaseField> sourceKeyFields
      This is a primary key in the source table that is used as foreign key in the target table
    • targetForeignKeyToSourceKeys

      protected Map<org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.DatabaseField,org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.DatabaseField> targetForeignKeyToSourceKeys
      Foreign keys in the target table to the related keys in the source table
    • aggregateToSourceFields

      protected Map<String,org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.DatabaseField> aggregateToSourceFields
      Map the name of a field in the aggregate collection descriptor to a field in the actual table specified in the mapping.
    • nestedAggregateToSourceFields

      protected Map<String,Map<String,org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.DatabaseField>> nestedAggregateToSourceFields
      Map the name of an attribute of the reference descriptor mapped with AggregateCollectionMapping to aggregateToSourceFieldNames that should be applied to this mapping.
    • converters

      protected Map<String,Converter> converters
      List of converters to apply at initialize time to their cloned aggregate mappings.
    • remoteReferenceDescriptor

      protected ClassDescriptor remoteReferenceDescriptor
      In RemoteSession case the mapping needs the reference descriptor serialized from the server, but referenceDescriptor attribute defined as transient in the superclass. To overcome that in non-remote case referenceDescriptor is assigned to remoteReferenceDescriptor; in remote - another way around.
    • defaultSourceTable

      protected org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.DatabaseTable defaultSourceTable
      Default source table that should be used with the default source fields of this mapping.
    • isEntireObjectPK

      protected boolean isEntireObjectPK
      Indicates whether the entire target object is primary key - in that case the object can't be updated in the db, but rather deleted and then re-inserted.
    • updateListOrderFieldQuery

      protected transient DataModifyQuery updateListOrderFieldQuery
      These queries used to update listOrderField
    • bulkUpdateListOrderFieldQuery

      protected transient DataModifyQuery bulkUpdateListOrderFieldQuery
    • pkUpdateListOrderFieldQuery

      protected transient DataModifyQuery pkUpdateListOrderFieldQuery
    • isListOrderFieldUpdatable

      protected boolean isListOrderFieldUpdatable
      indicates whether listOrderField value could be updated in the db. Used only if listOrderField!=null
    • min

      protected static final String min
      See Also:
    • max

      protected static final String max
      See Also:
    • shift

      protected static final String shift
      See Also:
    • pk

      protected static final String pk
      See Also:
    • bulk

      protected static final String bulk
      See Also:
    • hasNestedIdentityReference

      protected Boolean hasNestedIdentityReference
      Indicates whether the mapping (or at least one of its nested mappings, at any nested depth) references an entity. To return true the mapping (or nested mapping) should be ForeignReferenceMapping with non-null and non-aggregate reference descriptor. Lazily initialized.
  • Constructor Details

    • AggregateCollectionMapping

      public AggregateCollectionMapping()
      PUBLIC: Default constructor.
  • Method Details

    • isRelationalMapping

      public boolean isRelationalMapping()
      isRelationalMapping in class DatabaseMapping
    • addOverrideManyToManyMapping

      public void addOverrideManyToManyMapping(ManyToManyMapping mapping)
      INTERNAL: In JPA users may specify overrides to apply to a many to many mapping on a shared embeddable descriptor. These settings are applied at initialize time, after the reference descriptor is cloned. In an aggregate collection case, this is not supported and currently silently ignored and does nothing.
      Specified by:
      addOverrideManyToManyMapping in interface EmbeddableMapping
    • addOverrideUnidirectionalOneToManyMapping

      public void addOverrideUnidirectionalOneToManyMapping(UnidirectionalOneToManyMapping mapping)
      INTERNAL: In JPA users may specify overrides to apply to a unidirectional one to many mapping on a shared embeddable descriptor. These settings are applied at initialize time, after the reference descriptor is cloned. In an aggregate collection case, this is not supported and currently silently ignored and does nothing.
      Specified by:
      addOverrideUnidirectionalOneToManyMapping in interface EmbeddableMapping
    • addConverter

      public void addConverter(Converter converter, String attributeName)
      Add a converter to be applied to a mapping of the aggregate descriptor.
      Specified by:
      addConverter in interface EmbeddableMapping
    • addFieldNameTranslation

      public void addFieldNameTranslation(String sourceFieldName, String aggregateFieldName)
      PUBLIC: Maps a field name in the aggregate descriptor to a field name in the source table.
    • addFieldTranslation

      public void addFieldTranslation(org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.DatabaseField sourceField, String aggregateField)
      PUBLIC: Maps a field name in the aggregate descriptor to a field in the source table.
      Specified by:
      addFieldTranslation in interface EmbeddableMapping
    • addFieldTranslations

      public void addFieldTranslations(Map<String,org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.DatabaseField> map)
      PUBLIC: Maps a field name in the aggregate descriptor to a field name in the source table.
    • addNestedFieldNameTranslation

      public void addNestedFieldNameTranslation(String attributeName, String sourceFieldName, String aggregateFieldName)
      PUBLIC: Map the name of an attribute of the reference descriptor mapped with AggregateCollectionMapping to aggregateToSourceFieldNames that should be applied to this mapping.
    • addNestedFieldTranslation

      public void addNestedFieldTranslation(String attributeName, org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.DatabaseField sourceField, String aggregateFieldName)
      PUBLIC: Map the name of an attribute of the reference descriptor mapped with AggregateCollectionMapping to aggregateToSourceFieldNames that should be applied to this mapping.
      Specified by:
      addNestedFieldTranslation in interface EmbeddableMapping
    • addNestedFieldNameTranslations

      public void addNestedFieldNameTranslations(String attributeName, Map<String,org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.DatabaseField> map)
      PUBLIC: Map the name of an attribute of the reference descriptor mapped with AggregateCollectionMapping to aggregateToSourceFields that should be applied to this mapping.
    • addTargetForeignKeyField

      public void addTargetForeignKeyField(org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.DatabaseField targetForeignKey, org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.DatabaseField sourceKey)
      PUBLIC: Define the target foreign key relationship in the 1-M aggregate collection mapping. Both the target foreign key field and the source primary key field must be specified.
      addTargetForeignKeyField in class ForeignReferenceMapping
    • addTargetForeignKeyFieldName

      public void addTargetForeignKeyFieldName(String targetForeignKey, String sourceKey)
      PUBLIC: Define the target foreign key relationship in the 1-M aggregate collection mapping. Both the target foreign key field name and the source primary key field name must be specified.
    • buildBackupCloneForPartObject

      public Object buildBackupCloneForPartObject(Object attributeValue, Object clone, Object backup, org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.UnitOfWorkImpl unitOfWork)
      INTERNAL: Used during building the backup shallow copy to copy the vector without re-registering the target objects.
      buildBackupCloneForPartObject in class CollectionMapping
    • buildCloneForPartObject

      public Object buildCloneForPartObject(Object attributeValue, Object original, org.eclipse.persistence.internal.identitymaps.CacheKey cacheKey, Object clone, org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession cloningSession, Integer refreshCascade, boolean isExisting, boolean isFromSharedCache)
      INTERNAL: Require for cloning, the part must be cloned. Ignore the objects, use the attribute value. this is identical to the super class except that the element must be added to the new aggregates collection so that the referenced objects will be cloned correctly
      buildCloneForPartObject in class CollectionMapping
    • buildElementBackupClone

      protected Object buildElementBackupClone(Object element, org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.UnitOfWorkImpl unitOfWork)
      INTERNAL: Clone the aggregate collection, if necessary.
    • buildElementClone

      public Object buildElementClone(Object element, Object parent, org.eclipse.persistence.internal.identitymaps.CacheKey parentCacheKey, Integer refreshCascade, org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession cloningSession, boolean isExisting, boolean isFromSharedCache)
      INTERNAL: Clone the aggregate collection, if necessary.
      buildElementClone in class CollectionMapping
    • buildExpression

      public Expression buildExpression(Object queryObject, QueryByExamplePolicy policy, Expression expressionBuilder, Map processedObjects, org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session)
      INTERNAL: In case Query By Example is used, this method builds and returns an expression that corresponds to a single attribute and it's value.
      buildExpression in class CollectionMapping
    • collectQueryParameters

      public void collectQueryParameters(Set<org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.DatabaseField> cacheFields)
      INTERNAL: This method is used to store the FK fields that can be cached that correspond to noncacheable mappings the FK field values will be used to re-issue the query when cloning the shared cache entity
      collectQueryParameters in class CollectionMapping
    • convertClassNamesToClasses

      public void convertClassNamesToClasses(ClassLoader classLoader)
      INTERNAL: Convert all the class-name-based settings in this mapping to actual class-based settings. This method is used when converting a project that has been built with class names to a project with classes.
      convertClassNamesToClasses in class CollectionMapping
      classLoader - Where to search for classes.
    • cascadeDiscoverAndPersistUnregisteredNewObjects

      public void cascadeDiscoverAndPersistUnregisteredNewObjects(Object object, Map newObjects, Map unregisteredExistingObjects, Map visitedObjects, org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.UnitOfWorkImpl uow, Set cascadeErrors)
      INTERNAL: Cascade discover and persist new objects during commit.
      cascadeDiscoverAndPersistUnregisteredNewObjects in class CollectionMapping
    • cascadeRegisterNewIfRequired

      public void cascadeRegisterNewIfRequired(Object object, org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.UnitOfWorkImpl uow, Map visitedObjects)
      INTERNAL: Cascade registerNew for Create through mappings that require the cascade
      cascadeRegisterNewIfRequired in class CollectionMapping
    • cascadePerformRemoveIfRequired

      public void cascadePerformRemoveIfRequired(Object object, org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.UnitOfWorkImpl uow, Map visitedObjects)
      INTERNAL: Cascade registerNew for Create through mappings that require the cascade
      cascadePerformRemoveIfRequired in class CollectionMapping
    • cascadePerformRemovePrivateOwnedObjectFromChangeSetIfRequired

      public void cascadePerformRemovePrivateOwnedObjectFromChangeSetIfRequired(Object object, org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.UnitOfWorkImpl uow, Map visitedObjects)
      INTERNAL: Cascade perform removal of orphaned private owned objects from the UnitOfWorkChangeSet
      cascadePerformRemovePrivateOwnedObjectFromChangeSetIfRequired in class CollectionMapping
    • clone

      public Object clone()
      INTERNAL: The mapping clones itself to create deep copy.
      Specified by:
      clone in interface MapComponentMapping
      clone in class CollectionMapping
    • compareForChange

      public org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.ChangeRecord compareForChange(Object clone, Object backUp, org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.ObjectChangeSet owner, org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session)
      INTERNAL: This method is used to create a change record from comparing two aggregate collections
      compareForChange in class CollectionMapping
    • compareMapCollectionForChange

      protected boolean compareMapCollectionForChange(Map cloneObjectCollection, Map backUpCollection, org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session)
      INTERNAL: Determine if an AggregateCollection that is contained as a map has changed by comparing the values in the clone to the values in the backup.
    • compareListsAndWrite

      protected void compareListsAndWrite(List previousList, List currentList, WriteObjectQuery query) throws DatabaseException, OptimisticLockException
      INTERNAL: Old and new lists are compared and only the changes are written to the database. Called only if listOrderField != null
      compareListsAndWrite in class CollectionMapping
    • compareListsAndWrite_NonUpdatableListOrderField

      protected void compareListsAndWrite_NonUpdatableListOrderField(List previousList, List currentList, WriteObjectQuery query) throws DatabaseException, OptimisticLockException
      INTERNAL: Old and new lists are compared and only the changes are written to the database. Called only if listOrderField != null
    • compareListsAndWrite_UpdatableListOrderField

      protected void compareListsAndWrite_UpdatableListOrderField(List previousList, List currentList, WriteObjectQuery query) throws DatabaseException, OptimisticLockException
      INTERNAL: Old and new lists are compared and only the changes are written to the database. Called only if listOrderField != null
    • objectChangedListOrderDuringUpdate

      protected int objectChangedListOrderDuringUpdate(WriteObjectQuery query, int iMin, int iMax, int iShift)
    • objectChangedListOrderDuringUpdate

      protected int objectChangedListOrderDuringUpdate(WriteObjectQuery query, Object key, int newOrderValue)
    • compareObjects

      public boolean compareObjects(Object firstObject, Object secondObject, org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session)
      INTERNAL: Compare the attributes belonging to this mapping for the objects.
      compareObjects in class CollectionMapping
    • compareLists

      public boolean compareLists(List firstList, List secondList, org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session)
      INTERNAL: Compare the attributes belonging to this mapping for the objects.
    • convertToChangeRecord

      protected org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.ChangeRecord convertToChangeRecord(Object cloneCollection, Object backupCollection, org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.ObjectChangeSet owner, org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session)
      INTERNAL: This method is used to convert the contents of an aggregateCollection into a changeRecord
      owner - org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.ObjectChangeSet the ChangeSet that uses this record
      cloneCollection - Object the collection to convert
      session - org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession
      org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AggregateCollectionChangeRecord the changerecord representing this AggregateCollectionMapping
    • copyElement

      protected Object copyElement(Object original, CopyGroup group)
      INTERNAL: Copies member's value
      copyElement in class CollectionMapping
    • createMapComponentFromRow

      public Object createMapComponentFromRow(org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractRecord dbRow, ObjectBuildingQuery query, org.eclipse.persistence.internal.identitymaps.CacheKey parentCacheKey, org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session, boolean isTargetProtected)
      INTERNAL Called when a DatabaseMapping is used to map the key in a collection. Returns the key.
      Specified by:
      createMapComponentFromRow in interface MapComponentMapping
    • deleteAll

      protected void deleteAll(DeleteObjectQuery query, org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session) throws DatabaseException
      To delete all the entries matching the selection criteria from the table stored in the referenced descriptor
    • executeEvent

      protected void executeEvent(int eventCode, ObjectLevelModifyQuery query)
      INTERNAL: Execute a descriptor event for the specified event code.
    • extractKeyFromTargetRow

      protected Object extractKeyFromTargetRow(org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractRecord row, org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session)
      INTERNAL: Extract the source primary key value from the target row. Used for batch reading, most following same order and fields as in the mapping.
      extractKeyFromTargetRow in class CollectionMapping
    • extractBatchKeyFromRow

      protected Object extractBatchKeyFromRow(org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractRecord row, org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session)
      INTERNAL: Extract the primary key value from the source row. Used for batch reading, most following same order and fields as in the mapping.
      extractBatchKeyFromRow in class ForeignReferenceMapping
    • buildBatchCriteria

      protected Expression buildBatchCriteria(ExpressionBuilder builder, ObjectLevelReadQuery query)
      INTERNAL: Return the selection criteria used to IN batch fetching.
      buildBatchCriteria in class ForeignReferenceMapping
    • postPrepareNestedBatchQuery

      protected void postPrepareNestedBatchQuery(ReadQuery batchQuery, ObjectLevelReadQuery query)
      INTERNAL: Allow the mapping the do any further batch preparation.
      postPrepareNestedBatchQuery in class CollectionMapping
    • getAggregateRow

      public org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractRecord getAggregateRow(ObjectLevelModifyQuery query, Object object)
      INTERNAL: return the aggregate Record with the primary keys from the source table and target table
    • getDeleteAllCriteria

      protected Expression getDeleteAllCriteria(org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session)
      Delete all criteria is created with target foreign keys and source keys. This criteria is then used to delete target records from the table.
    • getDeleteAllQuery

      protected ModifyQuery getDeleteAllQuery()
      Overrides CollectionMappig because this mapping requires a DeleteAllQuery instead of a ModifyQuery.
      getDeleteAllQuery in class CollectionMapping
    • getReferenceDescriptor

      public ClassDescriptor getReferenceDescriptor()
      INTERNAL: Return the referenceDescriptor. This is a descriptor which is associated with the reference class. NOTE: If you are looking for the descriptor for a specific aggregate object, use #getReferenceDescriptor(Object). This will ensure you get the right descriptor if the object's descriptor is part of an inheritance tree.
      getReferenceDescriptor in class ForeignReferenceMapping
    • getReferenceDescriptor

      public ClassDescriptor getReferenceDescriptor(Class theClass, org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session)
      INTERNAL: for inheritance purpose
    • getReferenceObjectKeys

      public Vector getReferenceObjectKeys(ObjectLevelModifyQuery query) throws DatabaseException, OptimisticLockException
      INTERNAL: get reference object keys
    • getSourceKeyFieldNames

      public Vector getSourceKeyFieldNames()
      PUBLIC: Return the source key field names associated with the mapping. These are in-order with the targetForeignKeyFieldNames.
    • getSourceKeyFields

      public Vector<org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.DatabaseField> getSourceKeyFields()
      INTERNAL: Return the source key names associated with the mapping
    • getTargetForeignKeyFieldNames

      public Vector getTargetForeignKeyFieldNames()
      PUBLIC: Return the target foregin key field names associated with the mapping. These are in-order with the sourceKeyFieldNames.
    • getTargetForeignKeyFields

      public Vector<org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.DatabaseField> getTargetForeignKeyFields()
      INTERNAL: Return the target foregin key fields associated with the mapping
    • getTargetForeignKeyToSourceKeys

      public Map<org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.DatabaseField,org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.DatabaseField> getTargetForeignKeyToSourceKeys()
    • initialize

      public void initialize(org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session) throws DescriptorException
      INTERNAL: For aggregate collection mapping the reference descriptor is cloned. The cloned descriptor is then assigned primary keys and table names before initialize. Once cloned descriptor is initialized it is assigned as reference descriptor in the aggregate mapping. This is very specific behavior for aggregate mappings. The original descriptor is used only for creating clones and after that mapping never uses it. Some initialization is done in postInitialize to ensure the target descriptor's references are initialized.
      initialize in class CollectionMapping
    • initializeReferenceDescriptor

      protected void initializeReferenceDescriptor(org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session) throws DescriptorException
      Initialize and set the descriptor for the referenced class in this mapping.
      initializeReferenceDescriptor in class ForeignReferenceMapping
    • initializeUpdateListOrderQuery

      protected void initializeUpdateListOrderQuery(org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session, String queryType)
    • prepareNestedJoins

      public ObjectLevelReadQuery prepareNestedJoins(org.eclipse.persistence.internal.queries.JoinedAttributeManager joinManager, ObjectBuildingQuery baseQuery, org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session)
      INTERNAL: Clone and prepare the JoinedAttributeManager nested JoinedAttributeManager. This is used for nested joining as the JoinedAttributeManager passed to the joined build object.
      prepareNestedJoins in class ForeignReferenceMapping
    • translateTablesAndFields

      protected static void translateTablesAndFields(ClassDescriptor descriptor, HashMap<org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.DatabaseField,org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.DatabaseField> fieldTranslation, HashMap<org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.DatabaseTable,org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.DatabaseTable> tableTranslation)
      INTERNAL: Called in case fieldTranslation != null Sets new primary keys, tables, appends fieldTranslation to fieldMap so that all fields in mappings, inheritance etc. translated to the new ones.
    • updateNestedAggregateMappings

      protected void updateNestedAggregateMappings(ClassDescriptor descriptor, org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session)
      INTERNAL: Called in case nestedAggregateToSourceFieldNames != null Updates AggregateObjectMappings and AggregateCollectionMappings of the reference descriptor.
    • initializeChildInheritance

      public void initializeChildInheritance(ClassDescriptor parentDescriptor, org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session, HashMap<org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.DatabaseField,org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.DatabaseField> fieldTranslation, HashMap<org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.DatabaseTable,org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.DatabaseTable> tableTranslation) throws DescriptorException
      INTERNAL: For aggregate mapping the reference descriptor is cloned. Also the involved inheritance descriptor, its children and parents all need to be cloned. The cloned descriptors are then assigned primary keys and table names before initialize. Once cloned descriptor is initialized it is assigned as reference descriptor in the aggregate mapping. This is very specific behavior for aggregate mappings. The original descriptor is used only for creating clones and after that mapping never uses it. Some initialization is done in postInitialize to ensure the target descriptor's references are initialized.
    • initializeDeleteAllQuery

      protected void initializeDeleteAllQuery(org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session)
      INTERNAL: Initialize delete all query. This query is used to delete the collection of objects from the target table.
    • initializeParentInheritance

      public void initializeParentInheritance(ClassDescriptor parentDescriptor, ClassDescriptor childDescriptor, org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session, HashMap<org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.DatabaseField,org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.DatabaseField> fieldTranslation, HashMap<org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.DatabaseTable,org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.DatabaseTable> tableTranslation) throws DescriptorException
      INTERNAL: For aggregate mapping the reference descriptor is cloned. Also the involved inheritance descriptor, its children and parents all need to be cloned. The cloned descriptors are then assigned primary keys and table names before initialize. Once cloned descriptor is initialized it is assigned as reference descriptor in the aggregate mapping. This is very specific behavior for aggregate mappings. The original descriptor is used only for creating clones and after that mapping never uses it. Some initialization is done in postInitialize to ensure the target descriptor's references are initialized.
    • initializeSelectionCriteria

      protected void initializeSelectionCriteria(org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session)
      INTERNAL: Selection criteria is created with target foreign keys and source keys. This criteria is then used to read records from the target table.
    • initializeTargetForeignKeyToSourceKeys

      protected void initializeTargetForeignKeyToSourceKeys(org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session) throws DescriptorException
      INTERNAL: The foreign keys and the primary key names are converted to DatabaseFields and stored.
    • initializeTargetForeignKeyToSourceKeysWithDefaults

      protected void initializeTargetForeignKeyToSourceKeysWithDefaults(org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session) throws DescriptorException
      INTERNAL: The foreign keys and the primary key names are converted to DatabaseFields and stored. The source keys are not specified by the user so primary keys are extracted from the reference descriptor.
    • iterateOnElement

      public void iterateOnElement(org.eclipse.persistence.internal.descriptors.DescriptorIterator iterator, Object element)
      INTERNAL: Iterate on the specified element.
      iterateOnElement in class CollectionMapping
    • isAggregateCollectionMapping

      public boolean isAggregateCollectionMapping()
      isAggregateCollectionMapping in class DatabaseMapping
    • isElementCollectionMapping

      public boolean isElementCollectionMapping()
      isElementCollectionMapping in class DatabaseMapping
    • isJoiningSupported

      public boolean isJoiningSupported()
      INTERNAL: Return if this mapping support joining.
      isJoiningSupported in class ForeignReferenceMapping
    • isOwned

      public boolean isOwned()
      isOwned in class DatabaseMapping
    • isSourceKeySpecified

      protected boolean isSourceKeySpecified()
      Checks if source key is specified or not.
    • load

      public void load(Object object, org.eclipse.persistence.internal.queries.AttributeItem item, org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session, boolean fromFetchGroup)
      Force instantiation of the load group.
      load in class CollectionMapping
    • loadAll

      public void loadAll(Object object, org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session, org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.IdentityHashSet loaded)
      Force instantiation of all indirections.
      loadAll in class CollectionMapping
    • mergeChangesIntoObject

      public void mergeChangesIntoObject(Object target, org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.ChangeRecord changeRecord, Object source, org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.MergeManager mergeManager, org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession targetSession)
      INTERNAL: Merge changes from the source to the target object. Because this is a collection mapping, values are added to or removed from the collection based on the changeset
      mergeChangesIntoObject in class CollectionMapping
    • mergeIntoObject

      public void mergeIntoObject(Object target, boolean isTargetUnInitialized, Object source, org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.MergeManager mergeManager, org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession targetSession)
      INTERNAL: Merge changes from the source to the target object.
      mergeIntoObject in class CollectionMapping
    • objectAddedDuringUpdate

      protected void objectAddedDuringUpdate(ObjectLevelModifyQuery query, Object objectAdded, org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.ObjectChangeSet changeSet, Map extraData) throws DatabaseException, OptimisticLockException
      INTERNAL: An object was added to the collection during an update, insert it if private.
      objectAddedDuringUpdate in class CollectionMapping
    • objectRemovedDuringUpdate

      protected void objectRemovedDuringUpdate(ObjectLevelModifyQuery query, Object objectDeleted, Map extraData) throws DatabaseException, OptimisticLockException
      INTERNAL: An object was removed to the collection during an update, delete it if private.
      objectRemovedDuringUpdate in class CollectionMapping
    • objectUnchangedDuringUpdate

      protected void objectUnchangedDuringUpdate(ObjectLevelModifyQuery query, Object object, Map backupCloneKeyedCache, Object cachedKey) throws DatabaseException, OptimisticLockException
      INTERNAL: An object is still in the collection, update it as it may have changed.
      objectUnchangedDuringUpdate in class CollectionMapping
    • objectUnchangedDuringUpdate

      protected void objectUnchangedDuringUpdate(ObjectLevelModifyQuery query, Object object, Object backupClone) throws DatabaseException, OptimisticLockException
    • postInitialize

      public void postInitialize(org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session) throws DescriptorException
      INTERNAL: For aggregate collection mapping the reference descriptor is cloned. The cloned descriptor is then assigned primary keys and table names before initialize. Once the cloned descriptor is initialized it is assigned as reference descriptor in the aggregate mapping. This is a very specific behavior for aggregate mappings. The original descriptor is used only for creating clones and after that the aggregate mapping never uses it. Some initialization is done in postInitialize to ensure the target descriptor's references are initialized.
      postInitialize in class CollectionMapping
    • postInsert

      public void postInsert(WriteObjectQuery query) throws DatabaseException, OptimisticLockException
      INTERNAL: Insert privately owned parts
      postInsert in class CollectionMapping
    • postUpdate

      public void postUpdate(WriteObjectQuery writeQuery) throws DatabaseException, OptimisticLockException
      INTERNAL: Update the privately owned parts
      postUpdate in class DatabaseMapping
    • preDelete

      public void preDelete(DeleteObjectQuery query) throws DatabaseException, OptimisticLockException
      INTERNAL: Delete privately owned parts
      preDelete in class DatabaseMapping
    • preInsert

      public void preInsert(WriteObjectQuery query) throws DatabaseException, OptimisticLockException
      INTERNAL: The message is passed to its reference class descriptor.
      preInsert in class CollectionMapping
    • getInsertObjectQuery

      protected InsertObjectQuery getInsertObjectQuery(org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session, ClassDescriptor desc)
      INTERNAL: Returns a clone of InsertObjectQuery from the ClassDescriptor's DescriptorQueryManager or a new one
    • getAndPrepareModifyQueryForInsert

      public InsertObjectQuery getAndPrepareModifyQueryForInsert(ObjectLevelModifyQuery originalQuery, Object object)
      INTERNAL: setup the modifyQuery for post insert/update and pre delete
    • prepareModifyQueryForDelete

      public void prepareModifyQueryForDelete(ObjectLevelModifyQuery originalQuery, ObjectLevelModifyQuery modifyQuery, Object wrappedObject, Map extraData)
      INTERNAL: setup the modifyQuery for pre delete
    • prepareModifyQueryForUpdate

      public void prepareModifyQueryForUpdate(ObjectLevelModifyQuery originalQuery, ObjectLevelModifyQuery modifyQuery, Object object)
      INTERNAL: setup the modifyQuery for update,
    • setReferenceDescriptor

      protected void setReferenceDescriptor(ClassDescriptor aDescriptor)
      INTERNAL: Set the referenceDescriptor. This is a descriptor which is associated with the reference class.
      setReferenceDescriptor in class ForeignReferenceMapping
    • setSourceKeyFieldNames

      public void setSourceKeyFieldNames(Vector fieldNames)
      PUBLIC: Set the source key field names associated with the mapping. These must be in-order with the targetForeignKeyFieldNames.
    • setSourceKeyFields

      public void setSourceKeyFields(Vector<org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.DatabaseField> sourceKeyFields)
      INTERNAL: set all the primary key names associated with this mapping
    • setTargetForeignKeyFieldNames

      public void setTargetForeignKeyFieldNames(Vector fieldNames)
      PUBLIC: Set the target foregin key field names associated with the mapping. These must be in-order with the sourceKeyFieldNames.
    • setTargetForeignKeyFields

      public void setTargetForeignKeyFields(Vector<org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.DatabaseField> targetForeignKeyFields)
      INTERNAL: set the target foregin key fields associated with the mapping
    • setTargetForeignKeyToSourceKeys

      protected void setTargetForeignKeyToSourceKeys(Map<org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.DatabaseField,org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.DatabaseField> targetForeignKeyToSourceKeys)
    • shouldObjectModifyCascadeToParts

      protected boolean shouldObjectModifyCascadeToParts(ObjectLevelModifyQuery query)
      Returns true as any process leading to object modification should also affect its privately owned parts Usually used by write, insert, update and delete.
      shouldObjectModifyCascadeToParts in class ForeignReferenceMapping
    • simpleAddToCollectionChangeRecord

      public void simpleAddToCollectionChangeRecord(Object referenceKey, Object changeSetToAdd, org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.ObjectChangeSet changeSet, org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session)
      ADVANCED: This method is used to have an object add to a collection once the changeSet is applied The referenceKey parameter should only be used for direct Maps. PLEASE ENSURE that the changes have been made in the object model first.
      simpleAddToCollectionChangeRecord in class CollectionMapping
    • simpleRemoveFromCollectionChangeRecord

      public void simpleRemoveFromCollectionChangeRecord(Object referenceKey, Object changeSetToRemove, org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.ObjectChangeSet changeSet, org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session)
      ADVANCED: This method is used to have an object removed from a collection once the changeSet is applied The referenceKey parameter should only be used for direct Maps. PLEASE ENSURE that the changes have been made in the object model first.
      simpleRemoveFromCollectionChangeRecord in class CollectionMapping
    • verifyDelete

      public boolean verifyDelete(Object object, org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session) throws DatabaseException
      INTERNAL: Checks if object is deleted from the database or not.
      verifyDelete in class CollectionMapping
    • verifyDeleteForUpdate

      protected void verifyDeleteForUpdate(DeleteObjectQuery query) throws DatabaseException, OptimisticLockException
      Verifying deletes make sure that all the records privately owned by this mapping are actually removed. If such records are found than those are all read and removed one by one taking their privately owned parts into account.
    • isCandidateForPrivateOwnedRemoval

      public boolean isCandidateForPrivateOwnedRemoval()
      INTERNAL: AggregateCollection contents should not be considered for addition to the UnitOfWork private owned objects list for removal.
      isCandidateForPrivateOwnedRemoval in class DatabaseMapping
    • isCascadedLockingSupported

      public boolean isCascadedLockingSupported()
      INTERNAL Return true if this mapping supports cascaded version optimistic locking.
      isCascadedLockingSupported in class DatabaseMapping
    • isChangeTrackingSupported

      public boolean isChangeTrackingSupported(Project project)
      INTERNAL: Return if this mapping supports change tracking.
      isChangeTrackingSupported in class CollectionMapping
    • remoteInitialization

      public void remoteInitialization(DistributedSession session)
      INTERNAL: Once a descriptor is serialized to the remote session, all its mappings and reference descriptors are traversed. Usually the mappings are initialized and the serialized reference descriptors are replaced with local descriptors if they already exist in the remote session.
      remoteInitialization in class ForeignReferenceMapping
    • isListOrderFieldUpdatable

      public boolean isListOrderFieldUpdatable()
      PUBLIC: indicates whether listOrderField value could be updated in the db. Used only if listOrderField!=null
    • setIsListOrderFieldUpdatable

      public void setIsListOrderFieldUpdatable(boolean isUpdatable)
      PUBLIC: indicates whether listOrderField value could be updated in the db. Used only if listOrderField!=null Default value is true.
    • setDefaultSourceTable

      public void setDefaultSourceTable(org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.DatabaseTable table)
      PUBLIC: Set a default source table to use with the source fields of this mapping.
    • hasNestedIdentityReference

      public boolean hasNestedIdentityReference()
      INTERNAL: Indicates whether the mapping (or at least one of its nested mappings, at any nested depth) references an entity. To return true the mapping (or nested mapping) should be ForeignReferenceMapping with non-null and non-aggregate reference descriptor.
      hasNestedIdentityReference in class ForeignReferenceMapping