Uses of Package
Packages that use org.eclipse.persistence.annotations
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.annotations used by org.eclipse.persistence.annotationsClassDescriptionEnum used with the BatchFetch annotation, or "eclipselink.batch.type" query hint.An enum that is used within the Cache annotation.Configures what type of Id value is used to store the object in the cache.The CacheType enum is used with the Cache annotation for a persistent class.An enum that is used within the ChangeTracking annotation.Configures what type of database change notification an entity/descriptor should use.An enum that is used within the StoredProcedureParameter annotation.An enum that is used within the ExistenceChecking annotation.IdValidation configures which id values are considered valid when loading from the database.An enum type that is used within the JoinFetch annotation.An enum that is used within the Multitenant annotation.An enum that is used within the OptimisticLocking annotation.The OrderCorrectionType enum is used with OrderCorrection annotation that could be applied together with OrderColumn annotation.An enum that is used within the TenantTableDiscriminator annotation.
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.annotations used by org.eclipse.persistence.descriptorsClassDescriptionAn enum that is used within the Cache annotation.Configures what type of Id value is used to store the object in the cache.Configures what type of database change notification an entity/descriptor should use.IdValidation configures which id values are considered valid when loading from the database.An enum that is used within the TenantTableDiscriminator annotation.
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.annotations used by org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.metadata.multitenantClassDescriptionAn enum that is used within the TenantTableDiscriminator annotation.
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.annotations used by org.eclipse.persistence.internal.queriesClassDescriptionThe OrderCorrectionType enum is used with OrderCorrection annotation that could be applied together with OrderColumn annotation.
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.annotations used by org.eclipse.persistence.mappingsClassDescriptionEnum used with the BatchFetch annotation, or "eclipselink.batch.type" query hint.The OrderCorrectionType enum is used with OrderCorrection annotation that could be applied together with OrderColumn annotation.
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.annotations used by org.eclipse.persistence.queriesClassDescriptionEnum used with the BatchFetch annotation, or "eclipselink.batch.type" query hint.
Classes in org.eclipse.persistence.annotations used by org.eclipse.persistence.sessionsClassDescriptionIdValidation configures which id values are considered valid when loading from the database.