Module org.eclipse.persistence.core
Package org.eclipse.persistence.eis.mappings
package org.eclipse.persistence.eis.mappings
ClassDescriptionEIS Composite Collection Mappings map a java.util.Map or java.util.Collection of Java objects to an EIS record in a privately owned, one-to-many relationship according to its descriptor's record type.EIS Composite Direct Collection Mappings map a collection of simple Java attributes to and from an EIS Record according to its descriptor's record type.EIS Composite Object Mappings map a Java object to a privately owned, one-to-one relationship to an EIS Record according to its descriptor's record type.EIS Direct Mappings map a simple Java attribute to and from an EIS Record according to its descriptor's record type.INTERNAL All mappings which can be added to org.eclipse.persistence.eis.EISDescriptor must implement this interface.An EIS one-to-many mapping is a reference mapping that represents the relationship between a single source object and a collection of mapped persistent Java objects.INTERNAL: Helper class to consolidate all the heinous comparing and merging code for the EIS one to many mappings.An EIS one-to-one mapping is a reference mapping that represents the relationship between a single source object and a single mapped persistent Java object.EIS Transformation Mappings allow the creation of custom mappings where one or more fields in an EIS Record can be used to create the object to be stored in a Java class's attribute.