Class EclipseLinkException

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
BeanValidationException, ByteArrayException, CommunicationException, ConcurrencyException, ConversionException, CopyBookParseException, DatabaseException, DBWSException, DynamicException, EntityManagerSetupException, JAXBException, JPARSException, JPQLException, JSONException, OptimisticLockException, PersistenceUnitLoadingException, RemoteCommandManagerException, SDOException, ServerPlatformException, SessionLoaderException, StaticWeaveException, TransactionException, ValidationException, XMLConversionException, XMLParseException, XMLPlatformException

public abstract class EclipseLinkException extends RuntimeException

Purpose: Any exception raised by EclipseLink should be a subclass of this exception class.

See Also:
  • Field Details

    • session

      protected transient AbstractSession session
    • internalException

      protected Throwable internalException
    • shouldPrintInternalException

      protected static Boolean shouldPrintInternalException
    • indentationString

      protected String indentationString
    • errorCode

      protected int errorCode
    • CR

      protected static final String CR
    • hasBeenLogged

      protected boolean hasBeenLogged
  • Constructor Details

    • EclipseLinkException

      protected EclipseLinkException()
      INTERNAL: Return a new exception.
    • EclipseLinkException

      protected EclipseLinkException(String theMessage)
      INTERNAL: EclipseLink exception should only be thrown by EclipseLink.
    • EclipseLinkException

      protected EclipseLinkException(String message, Throwable internalException)
      INTERNAL: EclipseLink exception should only be thrown by EclipseLink.
  • Method Details

    • cr

      protected static String cr()
      INTERNAL: Convenience method - return a platform-specific line-feed.
    • getErrorCode

      public int getErrorCode()
      PUBLIC: Return the exception error code.
    • getIndentationString

      public String getIndentationString()
      INTERNAL: Used to print things nicely in the testing tool.
    • getInternalException

      public Throwable getInternalException()
      PUBLIC: Return the internal native exception. EclipseLink frequently catches Java exceptions and wraps them in its own exception classes to provide more information. The internal exception can still be accessed if required.
    • getMessage

      public String getMessage()
      PUBLIC: Return the exception error message. EclipseLink error messages are multi-line so that detail descriptions of the exception are given.
      getMessage in class Throwable
    • getSession

      public AbstractSession getSession()
      PUBLIC: Return the session.
    • hasBeenLogged

      public boolean hasBeenLogged()
      INTERNAL: Return if this exception has been logged to avoid being logged more than once.
    • printStackTrace

      public void printStackTrace()
      PUBLIC: Print both the normal and internal stack traces.
      printStackTrace in class Throwable
    • printStackTrace

      public void printStackTrace(PrintStream outStream)
      PUBLIC: Print both the normal and internal stack traces.
      printStackTrace in class Throwable
    • printStackTrace

      public void printStackTrace(PrintWriter writer)
      PUBLIC: Print both the normal and internal stack traces.
      printStackTrace in class Throwable
    • setErrorCode

      public void setErrorCode(int errorCode)
    • setHasBeenLogged

      public void setHasBeenLogged(boolean logged)
      INTERNAL: Set this flag to avoid logging an exception more than once.
    • setIndentationString

      public void setIndentationString(String indentationString)
      INTERNAL: Used to print things nicely in the testing tool.
    • setInternalException

      public void setInternalException(Throwable exception)
      INTERNAL: Used to specify the internal exception.
    • setSession

      public void setSession(AbstractSession session)
    • setShouldPrintInternalException

      public static void setShouldPrintInternalException(boolean printException)
      PUBLIC: Allows overriding of EclipseLink's exception chaining detection.
      printException - - If printException is true, the EclipseLink-stored Internal exception will be included in a stack trace or in the exception message of a EclipseLinkException. If printException is false, the EclipseLink-stored Internal Exception will not be included in the stack trace or the exception message of EclipseLinkExceptions
    • shouldPrintInternalException

      public static boolean shouldPrintInternalException()
      INTERNAL Check to see if the EclipseLink-stored internal exception should be printed in this a EclipseLinkException's stack trace. This method will check the static ShouldPrintInternalException variable and if it is not set, estimate based on the JDK version used.
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Throwable
    • getUnformattedMessage

      public String getUnformattedMessage()