Class IntegrityChecker

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class IntegrityChecker extends Object implements Serializable

Purpose: IntegrityChecker is used for catching all the descriptor exceptions, and checking database tables. It gives the user options if he/she wants to catch descriptor exceptions, check database, and check InstantiationPolicy or not.

See Also:
  • Field Details

    • caughtExceptions

      protected Vector<Exception> caughtExceptions
      To add all the Descriptor exceptions
    • tables

      protected Vector tables
      To load the tables from database
    • shouldCatchExceptions

      protected boolean shouldCatchExceptions
      To know that should we catch all the descriptors exceptions or not
    • shouldCheckDatabase

      protected boolean shouldCheckDatabase
      To know that should we check database tables or not
    • shouldCheckInstantiationPolicy

      protected boolean shouldCheckInstantiationPolicy
      To know that should we check InstantiationPolicy or not
  • Constructor Details

    • IntegrityChecker

      public IntegrityChecker()
      PUBLIC: IntegrityChecker is used for catching all the Descriptor Exceptions, and check database tables. IntegrityChecker gives the option to the user that does he wants to catch all the descriptor exceptions,check database, and check InstantiationPolicy or not.
  • Method Details

    • catchExceptions

      public void catchExceptions()
      PUBLIC: This method is used for catching all the Descriptor Exceptions
    • checkDatabase

      public void checkDatabase()
      PUBLIC: This method is used to check the database tables.
    • checkInstantiationPolicy

      public void checkInstantiationPolicy()
      PUBLIC: This method is used to check the InstantiationPolicy.
    • checkTable

      public boolean checkTable(DatabaseTable table, AbstractSession session)
      INTERNAL: This method checks that tables are present in the database.
    • dontCatchExceptions

      public void dontCatchExceptions()
      PUBLIC: This method is used for don't catching all the Descriptor Exceptions
    • dontCheckDatabase

      public void dontCheckDatabase()
      PUBLIC: This method is used for don't checking the database tables and fields.
    • dontCheckInstantiationPolicy

      public void dontCheckInstantiationPolicy()
      PUBLIC: This method is used for don't checking the InstantiationPolicy.
    • getCaughtExceptions

      public Vector<Exception> getCaughtExceptions()
      PUBLIC: This method returns the vector which adds all the Descriptors Exceptions.
    • getTables

      public Vector getTables()
      INTERNAL: This method returns a vector which holds all the tables of database
    • handleError

      public void handleError(RuntimeException runtimeException)
      INTERNAL: This method handles all the Descriptor Exceptions. This method will throw the exception or add the exceptions into a vector depending on the value of shouldCatchExceptions.
    • hasErrors

      public boolean hasErrors()
      INTERNAL: Return if any errors occurred.
    • hasRuntimeExceptions

      public boolean hasRuntimeExceptions()
      INTERNAL: Return if any runtime errors occurred.
    • initializeTables

      public void initializeTables(AbstractSession session)
      INTERNAL: This method is used to get all the database tables and add them into a vector.
    • setCaughtExceptions

      public void setCaughtExceptions(Vector<Exception> exceptions)
    • setShouldCatchExceptions

      public void setShouldCatchExceptions(boolean answer)
      PUBLIC: This method assigns the value to the variable (shouldCatchExceptions) that defines whether we should catch all Descriptor Exceptions or not.
    • setShouldCheckDatabase

      public void setShouldCheckDatabase(boolean answer)
      PUBLIC: This method assigns the value to the variable (shouldCheckDatabase) that defines whether we should check the database or not.
    • setShouldCheckInstantiationPolicy

      public void setShouldCheckInstantiationPolicy(boolean answer)
      PUBLIC: This method assigns the value to the variable (shouldCheckInstantiationPolicy) that defines whether we should check InstantiationPolicy or not.
    • shouldCatchExceptions

      public boolean shouldCatchExceptions()
      PUBLIC: This method signifies whether all Descriptor Exceptions should be thrown individually or queued.
    • shouldCheckDatabase

      public boolean shouldCheckDatabase()
      PUBLIC: This method signifies whether database tables and fields should be checked or not.
    • shouldCheckInstantiationPolicy

      public boolean shouldCheckInstantiationPolicy()
      PUBLIC: This method tells us whether we should check InstantiationPolicy or not.