All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
DatabaseAccessor, DatasourceAccessor, EISAccessor, XMLAccessor

public interface Accessor extends Cloneable
INTERNAL: Accessor defines the interface used primarily by the assorted TopLink Sessions to interact with a data store. In "normal" TopLink this data store is a relational database. But this interface also allows developers using the TopLink SDK to develop Accessors to other, non-relational, data stores.

Accessors must implement the following behavior:

  • connect to and disconnect from the data store
  • handle transaction contexts
  • execute calls that read, insert, update, and delete data
  • keep track of concurrently executing calls
  • supply metadata about the data store
TOPLink/Java 3.0
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • closeJTSConnection

      void closeJTSConnection()
      Called from beforeCompletion external transaction synchronization listener callback to close the external connection corresponding to the completing external transaction. Final sql calls could be sent through the connection by this method before it closes the connection.
    • beginTransaction

      void beginTransaction(AbstractSession session) throws DatabaseException
      Begin a transaction on the data store.
    • clone

      Object clone()
      Return a clone of the accessor.
    • closeConnection

      void closeConnection()
      Close the accessor's connection. This is used only for external connection pooling when it is intended for the connection to be reconnected in the future.
    • commitTransaction

      void commitTransaction(AbstractSession session) throws DatabaseException
      Commit a transaction on the data store.
    • connect

      void connect(Login login, AbstractSession session) throws DatabaseException
      Connect to the data store using the configuration information in the login.
    • decrementCallCount

      void decrementCallCount()
      Decrement the number of calls in progress. Used for external pooling.
    • disconnect

      void disconnect(AbstractSession session) throws DatabaseException
      Disconnect from the data store.
    • executeCall

      Object executeCall(Call call, AbstractRecord translationRow, AbstractSession session) throws DatabaseException
      Execute the call. The actual behavior of the execution depends on the type of call. The call may be parameterized where the arguments are in the translation row. The row will be empty if there are no parameters.
      a row, a collection of rows, a row count, or a cursor
    • flushSelectCalls

      void flushSelectCalls(AbstractSession session)
      Execute any deferred select calls. This method will generally be called after one or more select calls have been collected in a LOBValueWriter (to be executed after all insert calls are executed). Bug 2804663.
      See Also:
    • getCallCount

      int getCallCount()
      Return the number of calls currently in progress. Used for load balancing and external pooling.
    • getColumnInfo

      Vector<AbstractRecord> getColumnInfo(String catalog, String schema, String tableName, String columnName, AbstractSession session) throws DatabaseException
      Return the column metadata for the specified selection criteria.
    • getColumnInfo

      Vector<AbstractRecord> getColumnInfo(String tableName, String columnName, AbstractSession session) throws DatabaseException
      Return the column metadata for the specified selection criteria limited to the context of the current Accessor.
    • getConnection

      Connection getConnection()
      Return the JDBC connection for relational accessors. This will fail for non-relational accessors.
    • getDatasourceConnection

      Object getDatasourceConnection()
      Return the driver level connection, this will need to be cast to the implementation class for the data access type being used.
    • getSequencingCallback

      SequencingCallback getSequencingCallback(SequencingCallbackFactory sequencingCallbackFactory)
      Return sequencing callback.
    • getTableInfo

      Vector<AbstractRecord> getTableInfo(String catalog, String schema, String tableName, String[] types, AbstractSession session) throws DatabaseException
      Return the table metadata for the specified selection criteria.
    • getTableInfo

      Vector<AbstractRecord> getTableInfo(String tableName, String[] types, AbstractSession session) throws DatabaseException
      Return the table metadata for the specified selection criteria limited to the context of the current Accessor.
    • incrementCallCount

      void incrementCallCount(AbstractSession session)
      Increment the number of calls in progress. Used for external pooling.
    • isConnected

      boolean isConnected()
      Return whether the accessor is connected to the data store.
    • isInTransaction

      boolean isInTransaction()
      Return whether the accessor is in transaction.
    • isValid

      boolean isValid()
      Returns true if this Accessor can continue to be used. This will be false if a communication failure occurred during a call execution. In the case of an invalid accessor the Accessor will not be returned to the pool.
    • reestablishConnection

      void reestablishConnection(AbstractSession session) throws DatabaseException
      Reconnect to the database. This can be used if the connection was temporarily disconnected or if it timed out.
    • rollbackTransaction

      void rollbackTransaction(AbstractSession session) throws DatabaseException
      Roll back a transaction on the data store.
    • setIsValid

      void setIsValid(boolean isValid)
      This should be set to false if a communication failure occurred durring a call execution. In the case of an invalid accessor the Accessor will not be returned to the pool.
    • usesExternalTransactionController

      boolean usesExternalTransactionController()
      Return whether the accessor uses an external transaction controller (e.g. JTS).
    • usesExternalConnectionPooling

      boolean usesExternalConnectionPooling()
      Return whether the accessor uses external connection pooling.
    • writesCompleted

      void writesCompleted(AbstractSession session)
      This method will be called after a series of writes have been issued to mark where a particular set of writes has completed. It will be called from commitTransaction and may be called from writeChanges. Its main purpose is to ensure that the batched statements have been executed
    • createCustomizer

      void createCustomizer(AbstractSession session)
      Attempts to create ConnectionCustomizer. If created the customizer is cached by the accessor. Called by the owner of accessor (DatabaseSession, ServerSession through ConnectionPool) just once, typically right after the accessor is created. Also called by ClientSession when it acquires write accessor. If accessor already has a customizer set by ConnectionPool then ClientSession's customizer compared with the existing one and if they are not equal (don't produce identical customization) then the new customizer set onto accessor, caching the old customizer so that it could be restored later.
    • releaseCustomizer

      void releaseCustomizer()
      Clear customizer if it's active and set it to null. Called by the same object that has created customizer (DatabaseSession, ConnectionPool) when the latter is no longer required, typically before releasing the accessor. Ignored if there's no customizer.
    • releaseCustomizer

      void releaseCustomizer(AbstractSession session)
      Clear and remove customizer if its session is the same as the passed one; in case prevCustomizer exists set it as a new customizer. Called when ClientSession releases write accessor: if the customizer was created by the ClientSession it's removed, and the previous customizer (that ConnectionPool had set) is brought back; otherwise the customizer (created by ConnectionPool) is kept. Ignored if there's no customizer.
    • reset

      void reset()
      Reset the accessor before being released.
    • getPool

      ConnectionPool getPool()
      Return the associated connection pool this connection was obtained from.
    • setPool

      void setPool(ConnectionPool pool)
      Set the associated connection pool this connection was obtained from.