Module org.eclipse.persistence.core
Package org.eclipse.persistence.internal.descriptors
package org.eclipse.persistence.internal.descriptors
ClassDescriptionThe base class for SerializedObjectPolicy.INTERNAL:Tagging interface used to mark class as requiring class name conversion during deployment.Purpose: Define any useful static methods to manipulate with descriptors content.This class provides a generic way of using the descriptor information to traverse an object graph.INTERNAL: This class is used to store the field transformations on the TransformationMapping.Purpose: Used to define aggregate mapping field translations deployment XML mappings.Purpose: A wrapper class for handling cases when the domain object has instance variable to map to the database field.Purpose: Allows customization of how an object is created/instantiated.Purpose: Used to define the interaction argument mapping.Purpose: A wrapper class for handling cases when the domain object attributes are to be accessed thru the accessor methods.INTERNAL: This is an implementation of FieldTransformation which stores a method name and uses that name to instantiate a MethodBasedFieldTransformer.Purpose: A wrapper class for handling cases when the domain object has a property to map to the database field.Purpose: Object builder is one of the behavior class attached to descriptor.Advanced:Define an interface for utility methods weaved into the persistence classes.Define an interface for utility methods weaved into the persistence classes.Used with weaving to access attributes without using reflection.Used with weaving to create "empty" instances without using reflection.Purpose: Used to define the query argument mapping.Purpose: Used to define variable 1-1 mapping query key field references.It's a transition class that holds SerializedObjectPolicy class name and field obtained from matadata before it can be instantiated.INTERNAL: An implementation of FieldTransformation which holds onto a transformer class-name which will be instantiated to do transformationsPurpose: Used to define object-type converter object->data values mapping.Data-holding object that holds information about object used by mappings with a VIRTUAL access type.