
public class ExpressionNormalizer extends Object
This is used during the normalization process to allow for a single main expression traversal.
  • Field Details

    • additionalExpression

      protected Expression additionalExpression
      A new root expression can be made from joins being added to the original expression.
    • statement

      protected SQLSelectStatement statement
      The statement being normalized.
    • subSelectExpressions

      protected List<SubSelectExpression> subSelectExpressions
      Subselect expressions found in the course of normalization.
    • session

      protected AbstractSession session
      The session being normalized in.
    • clonedExpressions

      protected Map<Expression,Expression> clonedExpressions
      Used to maintain identity of cloned expressions.
    • addAdditionalExpressionsWithinCurrrentExpressionContext

      protected boolean addAdditionalExpressionsWithinCurrrentExpressionContext
      Used to trigger adding additional join operations etc to the expression being processed instead of at the end of the where clause. Useful for dealing with Treat within an Or clause, as the type expression needs to be appended within the OR condition rather AND'd to the entire thing.
    • additionalLocalExpression

      protected Expression additionalLocalExpression
      Local expression from joins being added to the original expression.
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getClonedExpressions

      public Map<Expression,Expression> getClonedExpressions()
    • setClonedExpressions

      public void setClonedExpressions(Map<Expression,Expression> clonedExpressions)
    • addAdditionalExpression

      public void addAdditionalExpression(Expression theExpression)
    • addSubSelectExpression

      public void addSubSelectExpression(SubSelectExpression subSelectExpression)
      INTERNAL: Remember this subselect so that it can be normalized after the enclosing select statement is.
    • getAdditionalExpression

      public Expression getAdditionalExpression()
    • getSession

      public AbstractSession getSession()
    • getStatement

      public SQLSelectStatement getStatement()
    • encounteredSubSelectExpressions

      public boolean encounteredSubSelectExpressions()
      INTERNAL: Were subselect expressions found while normalizing the selection criteria? Assumes underlying collection is initialized on first add.
    • normalizeSubSelects

      public void normalizeSubSelects(Map clonedExpressions)
      INTERNAL: Normalize all subselect expressions found in the course of normalizing the enclosing query. This method allows one to completely normalize the parent statement first (which should treat its sub selects as black boxes), and then normalize the subselects (which require full knowledge of the enclosing statement). This should make things clearer too, Assumes encounteredSubSelectExpressions() true. For CR#4223.
    • setAdditionalExpression

      public void setAdditionalExpression(Expression additionalExpression)
    • setSession

      public void setSession(AbstractSession session)
    • setStatement

      public void setStatement(SQLSelectStatement statement)
    • addAdditionalLocalExpression

      public void addAdditionalLocalExpression(Expression theExpression)
      Similar to addAdditionalExpression, this keeps a running expression used for joins so that they can be added locally within 'OR' predicates rather than to the entire where clause. If addAdditionalExpressionsWithinCurrrentExpressionContext is false, it will work the same as addAdditionalExpression
    • processAdditionalLocalExpressions

      public Expression processAdditionalLocalExpressions(Expression localExpression, boolean isLogicalExpression)
      INTERNAL This will return the localExpression if isLogicalExpression is false, otherwise it will check the addAdditionalExpressionsWithinCurrrentExpressionContext flag and clear additionalLocalExpression once adding it to the localExpression.
    • isAddAdditionalExpressionsWithinCurrrentExpressionContext

      public boolean isAddAdditionalExpressionsWithinCurrrentExpressionContext()
    • setAddAdditionalExpressionsWithinCurrrentExpressionContext

      public void setAddAdditionalExpressionsWithinCurrrentExpressionContext(boolean addAdditionalExpressionsWithinCurrrentExpressionContext)
      INTERNAL: Allows keeping track when the normalizer is within a logical OR statement, where additionalExpressions might need to be added to the local expression instead of at the end of the where clause.