All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Cloneable

public class LogicalExpression extends CompoundExpression
Used for logical AND and OR. This is not used by NOT.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • LogicalExpression

      public LogicalExpression()
  • Method Details

    • descriptionOfNodeType

      public String descriptionOfNodeType()
      INTERNAL: Used for debug printing.
      descriptionOfNodeType in class CompoundExpression
    • doesConform

      public boolean doesConform(Object object, AbstractSession session, AbstractRecord translationRow, int valueHolderPolicy, boolean objectIsUnregistered)
      INTERNAL: Check if the object conforms to the expression in memory. This is used for in-memory querying. If the expression in not able to determine if the object conform throw a not supported exception.
      doesConform in class Expression
      objectIsUnregistered - true if object possibly not a clone, but is being conformed against the unit of work cache; if object is not in the UOW cache but some of its attributes are, use the registered versions of object's attributes for the purposes of this method.
    • extractValues

      public boolean extractValues(boolean primaryKeyOnly, boolean requireExactMatch, ClassDescriptor descriptor, AbstractRecord primaryKeyRow, AbstractRecord translationRow)
      INTERNAL: Extract the values from the expression into the row. Ensure that the query is querying the exact primary key. Return false if not on the primary key.
      extractValues in class Expression
    • extractFields

      public boolean extractFields(boolean requireExactMatch, boolean primaryKey, ClassDescriptor descriptor, List<DatabaseField> searchFields, Set<DatabaseField> foundFields)
      INTERNAL: Return if the expression is not a valid primary key expression and add all primary key fields to the set.
      extractFields in class Expression
    • isLogicalExpression

      public boolean isLogicalExpression()
      isLogicalExpression in class Expression