Class JPAConversionManager

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Cloneable

public class JPAConversionManager extends ConversionManager

Purpose: Extension to the existing conversion manager to support the EJB 3.0 spec.


  • Allow a null value default to be read into primitives. With the current conversion manager, setting a null into a primitive causes and exception. This conversion manager was added to avoid that exception and therefore, add support for schemas that were built before the object model was mapped (using a primitive). Therefore, EclipseLink will not change the null column value in the database through this conversion. The value on the database will only be changed if the user actually sets a new primitive value.
  • Allows users to define their own set of default null values to be used in the conversion.
TopLink 10.1.4 RI
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • JPAConversionManager

      public JPAConversionManager()
  • Method Details