Class HardCacheWeakIdentityMap.ReferenceCacheKey

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Cloneable
Enclosing class:

public class HardCacheWeakIdentityMap.ReferenceCacheKey extends WeakCacheKey
Inner class to define the specialized weak cache key. Keeps track of the linked list node to allow quick repositioning.
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • referenceNode

      protected LinkedNode referenceNode
  • Constructor Details

    • ReferenceCacheKey

      public ReferenceCacheKey(Object primaryKey, Object object, Object writeLockValue, long readTime, boolean isIsolated)
  • Method Details

    • getReferenceCacheNode

      public LinkedNode getReferenceCacheNode()
    • setReferenceCacheNode

      public void setReferenceCacheNode(LinkedNode referenceNode)
    • getReferenceCache

      public ExposedNodeLinkedList getReferenceCache()
    • updateAccess

      public void updateAccess()
      Notifies that cache key that it has been accessed. Allows the LRU sub-cache to be maintained, the cache node must be moved to the front of the list.
      updateAccess in class CacheKey