All Known Implementing Classes:
AbsNode, AggregateNode, ArithmeticFunctionNode, AvgNode, BooleanLiteralNode, CaseNode, ClassForInheritanceNode, CoalesceNode, ConcatNode, ConstructorNode, CountNode, DateFunctionNode, DivideNode, DotNode, DoubleLiteralNode, FloatLiteralNode, FuncNode, FunctionalExpressionNode, IndexNode, IntegerLiteralNode, LengthNode, LiteralNode, LocateNode, LongLiteralNode, LowerNode, MapEntryNode, MapKeyNode, MaxNode, MinNode, MinusNode, ModNode, MultiplyNode, NullIfNode, PlusNode, SizeNode, SqrtNode, StringFunctionNode, StringLiteralNode, SubstringNode, SumNode, TemporalLiteralNode, TrimNode, UpperNode, VariableNode

public interface AliasableNode
This interface should be implemented by any node that can be aliased in the select clause. It will be used to help the select node build a list of aliased expressions
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
  • Method Details

    • getAlias

      String getAlias()
    • setAlias

      void setAlias(String alias)