public class GreaterThanNode extends BinaryOperatorNode

Purpose: Represent a '>' in EJBQL


  • Generate the correct expression for a '>'
TopLink 4.0
  • Constructor Details

    • GreaterThanNode

      public GreaterThanNode()
      GreaterThanNode constructor comment.
  • Method Details

    • validate

      public void validate(ParseTreeContext context)
      INTERNAL Validate the current node and calculates its type.
      validate in class BinaryOperatorNode
    • generateExpression

      public Expression generateExpression(GenerationContext context)
      INTERNAL Resolve the expression. The steps are: 1. Set the expressionBuilder for the left and right nodes 2. Generate the expression for the left node 3. Add the .greaterThan to the where clause returned from step 2 4. Generate the expression for the right side and use it as the parameter for the .greaterThan() 5. Return the completed where clause to the caller
      generateExpression in class Node
    • getAsString

      public String getAsString()
      INTERNAL Get the string representation of this node.
      getAsString in class Node