All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface TypeHelper

Purpose: Specify type helper methods.

  • Method Details

    • getTypeName

      String getTypeName(Object type)
      Returns the name of the specified type.
    • getJavaClass

      Class<?> getJavaClass(Object type)
      Returns the class object of the specified type.
    • resolveTypeName

      Object resolveTypeName(String typeName)
      Returns a type representation for the specified type name or null if there is no such type.
    • resolveAttribute

      Object resolveAttribute(Object ownerClass, String attribute)
      Returns the type of the attribute with the specified name in the specified owner class.
    • resolveQueryKey

      QueryKey resolveQueryKey(Object ownerClass, String attribute)
      Returns a query key associated with the name of the attribute
    • resolveMapKey

      Object resolveMapKey(Object ownerClass, String attribute)
      Returns the type of the map key for the mapping on ownerClass named attribute Returns null if that mapping does not exist or does not contain a map key
    • resolveSchema

      Object resolveSchema(String schemaName)
      Returns the type of the class corresponding to the specified abstract schema type.
    • resolveEnumConstant

      Object resolveEnumConstant(Object enumType, String constant)
      Returns the enum constant if the specified type denotes an enum type and the specified constant denotes a constant of the enum type.
    • getObjectType

      Object getObjectType()
      Returns the type representation of class Object.
    • getBooleanType

      Object getBooleanType()
      Returns the boolean type representation.
    • getCharType

      Object getCharType()
      Returns the char type representation.
    • getSQLDateType

      Object getSQLDateType()
      Returns the char type representation.
    • getTimeType

      Object getTimeType()
      Returns the char type representation.
    • getTimestampType

      Object getTimestampType()
      Returns the char type representation.
    • getIntType

      Object getIntType()
      Returns the int type representation.
    • getLongType

      Object getLongType()
      Returns the long type representation.
    • getLongClassType

      Object getLongClassType()
      Returns the type representation of class Long.
    • getMapEntryType

      Object getMapEntryType()
      Returns the type representation of class Map.Entry.
    • getFloatType

      Object getFloatType()
      Returns the float type representation.
    • getDoubleType

      Object getDoubleType()
      Returns the double type representation.
    • getDoubleClassType

      Object getDoubleClassType()
      Returns the type representation of class Double.
    • getStringType

      Object getStringType()
      Returns the type representation oc class String.
    • getBigIntegerType

      Object getBigIntegerType()
      Returns the type representation of class BigInteger.
    • getBigDecimalType

      Object getBigDecimalType()
      Returns the type representation of class BigDecimal.
    • isEnumType

      boolean isEnumType(Object type)
      Returns true if the specified type denotes an enum type.
    • isNumericType

      boolean isNumericType(Object type)
      Returns true if the specified type represents an integral type (or wrapper), a floating point type (or wrapper), BigInteger or BigDecimal.
    • isIntegralType

      boolean isIntegralType(Object type)
      Returns true if the specified type represents an integral type or a wrapper class of an integral type.
    • isFloatingPointType

      boolean isFloatingPointType(Object type)
      Returns true if the specified type represents an floating point type or a wrapper class of an floating point type.
    • isStringType

      boolean isStringType(Object type)
      Returns true if the specified type represents java.lang.String.
    • isBigIntegerType

      boolean isBigIntegerType(Object type)
      Returns true if the specified type represents java.math.BigInteger.
    • isBigDecimalType

      boolean isBigDecimalType(Object type)
      Returns true if the specified type represents java.math.BigDecimal.
    • isOrderableType

      boolean isOrderableType(Object type)
      Returns true if the specified type denotes an orderable type.
    • isEntityClass

      boolean isEntityClass(Object type)
      Returns true if the specified type denotes an entity class.
    • isEmbeddable

      boolean isEmbeddable(Object type)
      Returns true if the specified type denotes an embedded class.
    • isEmbeddedAttribute

      boolean isEmbeddedAttribute(Object ownerClass, String attribute)
      Returns true if the specified type denotes an embedded attribute.
    • isSimpleStateAttribute

      boolean isSimpleStateAttribute(Object ownerClass, String attribute)
      Returns true if the specified type denotes a simple state attribute.
    • isRelationship

      boolean isRelationship(Object ownerClass, String attribute)
      Returns true if the specified attribute denotes a single valued or collection valued relationship attribute.
    • isSingleValuedRelationship

      boolean isSingleValuedRelationship(Object ownerClass, String attribute)
      Returns true if the specified attribute denotes a single valued relationship attribute.
    • isCollectionValuedRelationship

      boolean isCollectionValuedRelationship(Object ownerClass, String attribute)
      Returns true if the specified attribute denotes a collection valued relationship attribute.
    • isAssignableFrom

      boolean isAssignableFrom(Object left, Object right)
      Returns true if left is assignable from right.
    • extendedBinaryNumericPromotion

      Object extendedBinaryNumericPromotion(Object left, Object right)
      Binary numeric promotion as specified in the JLS, extended by wrapper classes, BigDecimal and BigInteger.