Interface ContainerValue

All Known Implementing Classes:
XMLAnyAttributeMappingNodeValue, XMLAnyCollectionMappingNodeValue, XMLBinaryDataCollectionMappingNodeValue, XMLChoiceCollectionMappingMarshalNodeValue, XMLChoiceCollectionMappingUnmarshalNodeValue, XMLCollectionReferenceMappingMarshalNodeValue, XMLCollectionReferenceMappingNodeValue, XMLCompositeCollectionMappingNodeValue, XMLCompositeDirectCollectionMappingNodeValue, XMLFragmentCollectionMappingNodeValue, XMLVariableXPathCollectionMappingNodeValue

public interface ContainerValue

Purpose: If an implementation of NodeValue is capable of returning a collection value then it must implement this interface to be handled correctly by the TreeObjectBuilder.

  • Method Details

    • getContainerInstance

      Object getContainerInstance()
    • setContainerInstance

      void setContainerInstance(Object object, Object containerInstance)
    • getContainerPolicy

      CoreContainerPolicy getContainerPolicy()
    • marshalSingleValue

      boolean marshalSingleValue(XPathFragment xPathFragment, MarshalRecord marshalRecord, Object object, Object value, CoreAbstractSession session, NamespaceResolver namespaceResolver, MarshalContext marshalContext)
      Marshal only one of the values from the collection.
    • getMapping

      Mapping getMapping()
    • getReuseContainer

      boolean getReuseContainer()
      Return true if the original container on the object should be used if present. If it is not present then the container policy will be used to create the container.
    • getIndex

      int getIndex()
      INTERNAL: Used to track the index of the corresponding containerInstance in the containerInstances Object[] on UnmarshalRecord
    • isDefaultEmptyContainer

      boolean isDefaultEmptyContainer()
      INTERNAL Return true if an empty container should be set on the object if there is no presence of the collection in the XML document.
      EclipseLink 2.3.3
    • isWrapperAllowedAsCollectionName

      boolean isWrapperAllowedAsCollectionName()
      For media types that provide a native representation of collections (such as JSON arrays), can the representation be simplified so that the grouping element can be used as the collection name.
    • setIndex

      void setIndex(int index)
      INTERNAL: Set to track the index of the corresponding containerInstance in the containerInstances Object[] on UnmarshalRecord Set during TreeObjectBuilder initialization