
public class XPathQName extends Object

This class represents the pairing of a local name and a namespace uri. Additionally it can be marked as namespace aware or not. When an XPathQName is not namespace aware then the namespace uri will be ignored during equality checks even if an namespaceUri is set.

Eclipselink 2.4
  • Constructor Details

    • XPathQName

      public XPathQName()
      Create a new XPathQName. namespaceUri will be "" and isNamespaceAware will be true.
    • XPathQName

      public XPathQName(String localName, boolean namespaceAware)
      Create a new XPathQName with the specified local name. namespaceUri will be null and isNamespaceAware will be set based on the MediaType.
      localName - The local name to associate with this XPathQName
    • XPathQName

      public XPathQName(String namespaceUri, String localName, boolean namespaceAware)
      Create a new XPathQName with the specified local name and namespace
      namespaceUri - The namespace to associate with this XPathQName
      localName - The local name to associate with this XPathQName
      namespaceAware - set if namespaces should be processed or ignored
    • XPathQName

      public XPathQName(QName qname, boolean namespaceAware)
      Create a new XPathQName with the specified QName
      qname - The QName to build this XPathQName from
      namespaceAware - set if namespaces should be processed or ignored
  • Method Details